Exile of the Demon - practices of exorcistists from the Middle Ages


Exorcism for many people is some kind of word of horror or from history. I first encountered him when my mother suddenly got sick - I began to sleep badly, shouting at night, I could sharply get angry, throw objects. There, even we, unbelievers, wondered: and not to call if the priest. And called. Holy Father spoke a lot with her mother alone, then spoke to us. As a result, he conducted a rite of exorcism - in his opinion, an evil spirit was united in Mom. I do not know if it is true, but the fact remains a fact - it has become easier.

I began to study this phenomenon: his story and modernity, and indeed - what is exorcism and whether he has some right to life in our modern world. I will share knowledge and with you.

What is exorcism?

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So, exorcism is the process of expulsion from the human demons who captured power over his body, soul or body, and soul. When this concept, this concept appeared, is unknown - it is customary to think that in the Middle Ages, but in fact, this practice has just become widely known.

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Almost all global religions have processes with a similar description - exile from the body of an evil spirit, demon or demon. Therefore, we will not stop in detail on the history - mention of the expulsion of demons of obsesses come across world history quite often.

Not every priest could become an exorcist. This work was considered and considered very difficult - it requires a huge forces of church man, both moral and physical, as well as unshakable faith in the Lord. Therefore, exorcists have always been little relative to other priests.

Surprisingly, exorcism is quite popular and now. In each country there are several hundred priests who specialize in this.

How to understand that the demon instilled in a person?

Over time, the exorcists produced a whole list of signs, for which they assumed that a person was obsessed.

  • The man himself claims or assumes that he is obsessed with demons.
  • The person does not live according to the laws of the church and does not honor them.
  • He goes against society, behaves aggressively or defiantly, does not observe etiquette.
  • Signs of obsession can be permanent diseases, drowsiness, nightmares.
  • Obsessable often begin to swear, blasphemy, can publicly insult holy and honest people.
  • A person suffers and suffers, but cannot find reasons.
  • His face is distorted by terrible grimaces, he is constantly crying, depicts fear, anger, anger.
  • It feels constant fatigue, satiety of life.
  • He sharply becomes nervous, irritable, may unexpectedly scream, attack people. Cruelty and anger appears.
  • A man begins to move strangely and even terribly moving, eating unbelievable sounds, becomes like a beast.
  • He loses his memory and himself can not remember what was during the seizures, he was not in himself.
  • Man begins to suddenly feel just an animal horror in front of the church. He can't walk near, he is horrified by relics or rites, even simple crosses.
  • Obsessed cannot read prayer out loud, often instead of the words of God's mouth, curses and curses will simply roll.
  • He begins to constantly make indecent movements, imitate or even participate in sexual acts, often in humans.
  • He has inhuman power, which can manifest itself in supernatural skills.

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How the demons were expelled

Over the centuries, the rites of the expulsion of demons from humans were formed. Today they are more than loyal - mostly prayer. But in the Middle Ages, with those who were considered obsessive, they were sometimes surprisingly brutally. Rites, which expelled spirits, there are thousands. We will talk about the main ones:

  • Prayer. Let's start with it, because no others do not cost it. Today, demons are expelled mostly with exceptionally special prayers, before the church chants were accompanied by rituals.
  • Body suffering. Where without them in the dark medieval? At some point, the theory appeared that a demon from a person can be expelled to pain - if it is forced to suffer the flesh, then the demon will also feel pain and run away. Such obsessed literally tortured - burned fire, stretched on the punch, drove the needles under the nails.
  • Serving church. Refers to more loyal ways for peaceful obsessed. Modesty, lack of ambitions, constant prayers and physical work - in fact, a person is sent to the monastery until the evil spirit leaves his body.
  • Sealing the holy water of all holes. Funny ritual also comes from the Middle Ages. It was believed that in the body of a man there are 9 holes, through which the demon can enter. Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, anus and urethra - all these parts of the body were sealed with holy water and thus protected from demons.

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Briefly about the main thing

  • Exorcism is the process of expulsing the demon, demon or evil spirit from a person. It is usually held a priest who has a special qualifications higher than the average church man.
  • The concept of exorcism exists in many religions, even opposite. And the rites are many where very similar to each other.
  • Exorcists since the Middle Ages have a list of signs that may talk about obsession. Today, many of its items without effort, most of the residents of the Earth fall without effort.
  • Excursion rites at the time of the Middle Ages were often just wild. People were literally tortured, they hurt them.
  • Exile of spirits has always been accompanied by special prayers.
  • Excursion exists today, rites are mainly consisting of prayers.

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