How to understand what you like the boy and he loves you


In childhood, I barely noticed the signs of attention from the boys. Only over time, my emotional intelligence has grown, and all thanks to psychological education. Now I easily notice when people like each other. But you do not need to devote years to study the peculiarities of child psychology, because I will tell you about 20 the main signs of the boy's sympathy for you, taking into account his age.

Signs of sympathy in boys up to 14 years

How to understand what you like the boy and he loves you 4142_1

Boys up to 14 years old often behind in adulthood from their peers. That is why signals about their love are strangest, it is harder to realize and notice. The boys at this age are non-permanent and often themselves do not understand their desires. Therefore, it is unlikely that you can enter with him in long-term or at least some serious relationship, for guys up to 14, love is only a new fun or strange experience. Nevertheless, how do you find out if you like a boy?


  • If the boy first experiences feelings, he may be strange to express them. Shone, jerking for pigtails, throwing the girl with snowballs and other attempts to draw attention to themselves. It is not worth responding to such feelings.
  • For up to 14 years old, more conscious guys try to spend time with their heart lady and have a lot to joke. Most likely, they will be watching the reaction of the Passia after each fun phrase.
  • How to understand that the boy loves you? This can suggest the lining of notes or strange jokes from friends of the guy. Most likely, he was open about his feelings, it is not stated: for this you need incredible consciousness.
  • The boy may try to give you help, for example, give it off her homework on a complex subject or convey the portfolio to the house. Such conscious attention signs begin with 13 years, when the person is almost formed.

Mimic and gestures

  • Boys can take a look when talking with a girl. This is an objective sign of embarrassment, which is peculiar both to small children and teenagers or adults, regardless of gender.
  • If you are especially attentive, it turns out to notice the light shine in the eyes, wrinkles under the eyes when smile. Especially clearly he will manifest, if you are in close friendships with a lovely guy.
  • The language of the body, consisting in copying gestures and facial expressions of the girl, can talk about the desire to be with her on one wave and understand its feelings.
  • The excitement during a meeting with the girl is demonstrated through the desire to telee the edge of the clothes in their hands, attempts to fix the buttons, lay the thumbs in the hand for the trouser belt.

How to determine what is in love with a boy over 14 years old?

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How to understand what you like the boy and he loves you 4142_2

Boys in 15 or more years change dramatically: they are becoming more serious, responsible and are able to take on the social role of adult men. Yes, and they themselves begin to feel adults. Interest in the opposite sex in boys at this age is markedly sharpened. And the attention signs that they provide girls become more obvious. Boys learn to openly talk about their feelings, but if they are shy, pay attention to the following parameters.


  • In adolescence, high role in the formation of the guy's opinion is played by the assessments of his environment. Most likely, he will try to introduce you to his circle of communication and gradually introduce with friends.
  • Boys begin to understand that to create a solid connection you need to look for points of contact. They begin to be interested in things that the girl is interested in, trying to get a conversation with her at any convenient case.
  • Perhaps the opposite behavior, if the guy still has not coped with the crisis of adolescence. Sometimes the lovers of the boys from 14 try to abstract and unsuccessfully joking if they hear questions about their behavior.
  • A good sign is a disinterested desire to help in everyday life and support the girl in a difficult situation. This signals that the boy has serious intentions to your account.

Mimic and gestures

  • The gestures of a love guy older than 14 change markedly. He will try to unobtrusively touch you or, on the contrary, it will avoid tactile contact. The latter speaks about the presence of complexes and insecurity.
  • It is worth paying attention to the posture of a potential Uhager. A man at any age will try to keep the back smoothly, if an important girl looks at him.
  • Guys older than 16 years will fully deliberately demonstrate the advantages of their body and hide disadvantages. For example, teens try to strain the muscles of the hands or pull the belly.
  • During a joint walk, somewhere a young man can try to touch the palm or take a girl by the hand. In psychology, it is considered an indirect sign of desire to patronize. Other information you will find in the video.

Ten questions about sympathy

This testing is quite simple in its structure, but it will probably understand that the boy feels for you. If seven or eight of the questions you could answer positively, the guy is probably in love. You can check the objectivity of the result with the help of a close friend, which also has the ability to analyze the behavior of the guy. Ask her to answer these questions and compare your conclusions about the senses of youth.
  • Does the boy often smiles when you install visual contact with you?
  • Do you notice the imitation of your actions and gestures during communication with you?
  • Does the teenager try to touch you?
  • Does he start a conversation on the topics of interest to you?
  • Is the guy irritates if he notices you in the society of boys? Does he try to switch attention to himself?
  • Is a young man raise your mood if you are not in the spirit?
  • His style changed and appearance since you started suspecting him in love?
  • Does he show care? For example, does it treat whether sweets or is interested in the state of your health and successes?
  • Do you hear from the boy sudden compliments?


How to understand what you like the boy and he loves you 4142_3

  • The model of behavior of the in love, the boy affects its biological age and consciousness.
  • Galanament wakes up in guys from 12-15, before that they can simply try to attract attention to themselves.
  • Girls like boys, regardless of the age of the latter, but not all of them can speak correctly.
  • Relationships under the age of 14 for boys are a simple game, the older they are, the more seriously configured.

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