Yuriev Day: What is it, dates, signs and superstition


In the church calendar there are many holidays that many do not know about. And in each of them for people, certain activities are favorable or opposite. Yuriev Day is a holiday dedicated to the memory of the Great Martyr George Victorious. Why is the day called yuriev, if the saint called Georgy, that you can and what can not be done on this day and what is the holiday, learn from this article.

Why day yuryev and who is such George Victorious

Among the church names, there is no name of George, so the holiday is called the Russian manner: Hyrian Western, Yuri Spring, Hiring is lazy soha. The most common is the name of Yuriev Day.

Georgy was born in Lebanon in the family of rich people and brought up in a Christian religion. Entering military service, the young man stand out for an outstanding mind, courage and courage. The young man was extremely beautiful, had a proud posture and a state view. He immediately became the favorite warrior of Emperor Diocletian.

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The emperor was a talented leader and skillfully managed the people. However, the ruler was a fierce adherent of paganism and had a goal to revive this religion in the Roman Empire. In view of his beliefs, he hated Christians, forced them to engage in black work, and in the case of the provinces, he was painted the most cruel way.

How George died and why he is a victorious

Georgy once found out what Diocletian makes Christians, and immens them a huge pity. He understood that he was waiting for the same flour if the emperor learns about his belief. Therefore, the young warrior let go slaves, distributed to those who need all his property and appeared to the ruler, stating that he was a Christian. He accused the king in cruelty and injustice. He spoke convincingly, and his speech was full of righteous anger.

Yuriev Day: What is it, dates, signs and superstition 4143_1

The emperor tried to convince the warrior to renounce Christ, but the young man was adamant. And then the ruler ordered to conclude George in the dungeon, subjected to various torments. He was chained with the shackles to the ground and put a huge stone on the chest. The young man persistently endured, continued to praise the Lord and did not renounce him. Then over him began to mock more severely: beaten by whips, poured with acid, forced to run in the shoes, inside which were nails.

The young man masked all the suffering and did not give up. And then the emperor ordered the warrior to execute, banging his head. This happened on April 23, 303. According to the usual calendar, the date of the celebration of Yuriev Day falls on May 6th. George did not rely on the religion of Christianity even in terrible torture. He defeated Tsar Diocletian, so he was called the victorious. Since then, every 6 may church devotes the memory of this great martyr.

Why the snake kills on the icons of George

On icons, the martyr is depicted as a rider sitting on a white horse. In his hands, he holds a sword, which is waiting for a snake. Such an image is associated with a legend that appeared after the death of George.

Saint was born in Beirut, surrounded by mountainous terrain with many snakes. According to legend, once in the lake settled a terrible mound, similar to a huge snake. Every day the beast went on the hunt and killed local residents. People were very afraid of him, but there was no braveman who could enter into battle and protect the population.

To back up the monster, the inhabitants began to give him daily to relegate a person. To do this, used lot. It was not important who fell out. Sacrifice was given to both young men and girls. But once a roulette showed on the daughter of a local ruler. The girl was taken to the lake, tied and left to eat a snake.

With horror, she waited for the appearance of a terrible monster. But suddenly saw a glowing image of a young man on horseback. He waved his sword and cut off the snake his head. It was Georgy Victorious. He saved his wonderful appearance by a girl from an imminent death and stopped the death of people in Beirut. Residents of this city were previously pagans, but after such a miracle changed religion for Christianity, believing in Jesus.

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What can and what can not be done in yuriev day

It is 6 May that work with the Earth begins. This day is best to devote to the purification of garden sites, burning garbage and fertilizer of the Earth. It is believed that on this day the land is most susceptible, because on May 6, the relics of a holy man were betrayed. Fruits, berries and vegetables planted on this day will give a rich harvest to deep autumn, and the collected fruits will be tasty and juicy.

On the day of the Iron of Combine, the attention should be paid to the cattle. Wash the animals, clean the wool and feed the fur and satisfy. Such a simple action on May 6 will help animals to be healthy, continue offspring, and in the future give delicious meat.

Yuriev Day is also considered to be the holiday of shepherds. They congratulate and give symbolic gifts. And the shepherds on May 6 feed the scrambled eggs. Such a simple ritual helps them successfully manage the herd for a whole year and not to lose it.

On the day of the Republic of End, it should not be worked out. Women whose activities are connected with spinning or knitting, try not even look towards yarn. It is believed that wolves can steal sheep from home herd.

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Signs of Yuryeva Day

Our ancestors noticed that if certain things are taking place on May 6, this is carrying concrete consequences. Here are some of the following:
  • Frost on this day promises rich harvest millet and oats.
  • Warm day prophesies early summer.
  • If this day is shower, many grass will grow.
  • North wind foreshadows cold autumn and early frost.
  • If the day on the birch leaves are large, wait for a rich harvest.
  • On May 6, it is impossible to quarrel with anyone - you can die from thunderstorms.


Orthodox holidays have a serious soil. Yuriev day appeared as a result of the death of a wonderful warrior, and in the future the Great Martyr George Victorious. On this day, favorably engage in animals and earth. As in any church holiday, it is impossible to have conflicts and swear with loved ones.

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