2000 what kind of animal on the Chinese horoscope


2000 - what animal in Eastern astrology? Someone from your close environment appeared on the world this year, and you want to better understand his personality? Then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the detailed description of the animal patron of 2000, its merits and disadvantages, as well as talk about love compatibility.

2000 what animal

2000 - year in the Chinese horoscope?

First of all, I want to remember the ancient eastern legend, which tells about how the zodiacal circle originated. According to her, Buddha was going to leave our planet forever and encouraged all the animals to say goodbye to him. Beasts arrived, but everything in different sequences: the first rat, then the bull, after - tiger and so on.

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Then God allowed everyone from the applicants of animals for one year to finish human destinies, that is, to become the patron saint of this year. And after 12 months, the beast should transfer the brazers of the board to the following, and further in a circle.

Returning to the question: "2000 - a year of which animal on a horoscope?", We note that it was a year of the dragon. And not simple, and white metal. This is a special year falling out once for 60 years. Before talk about its characteristics in more detail.

Dragon man, what is he in character?

The Dragon Sign Representative has excellent health, huge energy potential. Such a person is active, energetic, emotional, decisive, but at the same time very advantageous and wayward.

It has a strong will, nobility and generosity. It is constantly striving to self-improvement, at the expense of which it always critically takes itself and others and others. From its main disadvantages can be called: rapid excitability, aggressiveness, terrible stubbornness and incontinence in their own words.

Speaking with a great enthusiast, the dragon achieves success in any case, for which he would take. In this, he helps the gift of suggestion, beliefs and persecuting. He always deserves authority at his surroundings, his opinion and advice takes into account due to their meaning and common sense.

After putting a global goal, it will move to it directly, without shifting anywhere. True, the dragons go on bad things in which they become winners. Their goal is grand classes, small work is not suitable for them. Therefore, they shift it on other people, although the fruits made according to the result are assigned to themselves.

If you accuse such an individual in something, he is so skillfully parried that you don't even find what to say in response.

From children's years, representatives of this sign desperately defend their own freedom, seek independence. Parents and other relatives are often not authority for them, especially if they behave with a dragon too strictly.

Set a lot of a wide variety of goals. In life, they act powerfully, but very tactfully, cunning, delicately, following the call of their sixth sense.

A dragon man can stand not only for himself, but also for his loved ones, like-minded people. Ready for this give a lot of energy. At such a time, he becomes sharp, rude, cruel and mercilessly straightening with enemies. The problem is that it risks touched and inevitable, because, yielding to emotions, listening only to himself.

The representative of the sign under consideration is always and any efforts seeking victory. And if he does not go out to win it, will feel flawed. This concerns both business and love spheres of life. If such a person liked the representative of the opposite sex, he will confidently seek his location. True, weave enough for a while, and if the object does not give up immediately, the dragon will look for the goal easier.

In the love of dragon, the difficulty is that they quickly light up, but also quickly and fade. In the bulk of its mass is long in the search for the second half. But the experiencing genuine feelings themselves are not inclined. For them, this is good in the sense that they do not suffer greatly because of personal turmoil. It is often created in the life of a former partner a real drama.

For the dragons, it is atypically to fade themselves as marriage at a young age, they are cutting no earlier than 30 years.

Personality, born under such a hot sign, manifests high society skills. She will not be much difficulty to conquer those surrounding the manifestations of his sharp mind, brilliant wit, as well as subtle psychoanalysis, aphorisms, personal charm.

Although sometimes there are exceptions to the rules - Dragons-introverts. They are distinguished by the closure, they act as the most real thinkers who prefer the written presentation of their thoughts and ideas. Also polite, friendly, friendly, but possess a minor number of friends who are selected very and very selectively.

Eastern astrologers find the Year of the Dragon very successful, they associate it with heavenly power. The fifth sign of the Chinese horoscope symbolizes life, increasing well-being, harmony and long life.

Dragon Coin Coin

Distinctive features of a metal dragon

We have already figured out the year 2000 - the year of the animal, its main characteristics. Now let's talk more about metal drakes.

The representative of the element of the metal allocates arrogance, self. He values ​​himself very highly, his advantages, in connection with which there is often an increased demandingness, pickiness. Holy is convinced that only he is unconditionally rights than he is constantly achieving universal discontent and condemnation.

All those people who were born in 2000, in kind of faithful, permanent, but very aggressive. If they were shown at least a little perseverance, they could neutralize all their shortcomings.

The metallic beast performs the most volitional of all his relatives. The surrounding highly appreciates the manifestations of honesty, integrity. In communication behaves expressively, bright and boldly, inexperienced and straightforward. Interested in active actions, seeks to reach the location of equal to the mind or status in society. Annoyed from human laziness and nonsense.

The element of the metal makes it grow up in front of him weaker, submitting to its Iron War.

There will always be a troo to defend your own views, if necessary, even sacrifies your life for them. Such a dragon is a born warrior who does not know the words "impossible". The only thing he loses to others is in his absent diplomatic diplomaticity. In life, everything cope with all, not asking for help from other people.

It is distinguished by incredible courage, will go to his goals, even if others seem to be reckless. If it is taken for something, goes to a victorious end. The main thing is that such an individual put yourself really worthy goals.

2000 what animal is horoscope

Love compatibility

Recommending the one, 2000 is the year of which animal on the Eastern calendar, let's talk about compatibility in love.

  • With rat . The perfect couple in which both partners understand each other perfectly, which is in spiritual, which is in physical terms. Rat always throws up the dragon valuable solutions for which he expresses her appreciation and gratitude to her. They are absolutely not fought for the leader's leader in relationships, everything develops harmoniously, sincerely love and respect each other.
  • With bomb . Here we can already observe a very sharp compatibility in love. The reason for this is the eternal struggle for power and the excessive stubbornness of both participants in relations. Although the bull conquers the charm of his partner, and the dragon, in turn, appreciates the sound practicism of the will, but this is not enough for a successful marriage.
  • With tigrome . Option of promising and promising tandem. Both sign are very strong, they teach each other a lot in a pair. In general, perfectly complement each other, which gives them a sense of real happiness.
  • With a rabbit . Flying snakes is addicted to the compliant rabbit moral, as well as its optimistic perception of the world and goodwill. At the same time, the rabbit is a little afraid of a dragon thirst to be the first and in all command in relations. If both participants in this tandem have a desire to look for mutual compromises, close the eyes to the shortcomings of each other, everything may be very harmonious.
  • With dragon . There is a real color extravagania, in which both are worthy of personality. And they manage to find points of contact! So, often the brilliant mind of one lizard is harmoniously complemented by the high eccentricity of the second. They have spiritual proximity plus arrange friend in sex in sex. What is not an excellent love compatibility option?
  • With snake . In this case, you can talk about amazing compatibility. The dragon causes pride and admiration for beauty, charm and charm of a partner-snake. And the latter shows enough wisdom and tricks to behave in relationships correctly. Therefore, such a tandem is doomed to prosperity, happiness and durability.
  • With a horse . And here there is bad compatibility. Relationships are very unsuccessful if not to say unpromising in principle. Partners are too different from each other in nature, temperament, worldview. It is difficult for them to find mutual understanding, therefore it is not surprising that such unions are often disintegrating.
  • With goat . Another option is not a very reliable union. Although the goat, being under the protection of the dragon, feels happy, but herself can not give the same to his chosen one. And, on the contrary, in many respects knocks him off, angry and upset.
  • With a monkey . Partners are simply created for each other. They have a lot in common, harmoniously complement each other. The tricky and dexted monkey in this tandem gives wise advice and helps her too trusting dragon. Plus, she contributes to the strengthening of his power and a high public situation, for which he provides her defense. We can safely say that this is the union of two kindred shower.
  • With a rooster . If the signs are able to achieve mutual understanding, then everything may be quite good. In such a marriage there is no place for indifference or boredom. The rooster uses the dragon's successes to make himself a little in life. They have mutual sexual attraction and good spiritual compatibility.
  • With a dog . And here is already observed quite problematic tandem. By nature, the dog is an excessive pessimist and realist. She never sees other people through rose glasses, preferring the true state of affairs. This, in turn, provides a lot of quarrels, misunderstanding that risen to walk to parting.
  • With pig . The fifth and last, twelfth, signs of the Chinese horoscope are well combined with each other. The dragon is attracted by the natural power of the pig, and she, in turn, loses the mind from the spiritual power of the lizard. In addition, the pig sincerely admires his chosen one, which gives him a real pleasure.

Would you like to get even more information about this sign? Then I recommend to view the following video:

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