2021 What animal is an overview of its main characteristics


2021 - What kind of animal on Eastern astrology? If you want to find out this question in advance, as well as learn the main characteristics of the animal patron of the year, then you need to read the next article.

Bull oriental horoscope

2021 - Some of the animals will be?

If you are interested in this topic, then you should already know that in the Chinese horoscope there are only 12 living beings, alternately replacing each other. Each of them has the power over the fate of people exactly one year, while he does not come to replace the following, and so further in a circle.

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In addition, an animal patron definitely has its own color and elements to which he belongs. They also largely affect the nature of the representatives of the sign. So, as for 2021, his animal is white and metallic bull. Bull will officially enter their rights on February 12, 2021.

Characteristics of people-bulls

Now we know, 2021 - the year of which animal in the Chinese calendar. I suggest familiarizing yourself with the peculiarities of nature of such personalities.

Bull in character is modest, patient, executive, while incredibly persistent and hardy. From time to time it can behave eccentric, too aggressive, as it quickly loses self-control. Then it is better to stay away from him, because his anger and rage do not know the boundaries. And when the bull is in a state of strong emotional lifting, he can easily manage to control a large group of people.

The bulk of the sign of the sign has wonderful intellectual and physical data.

Starting from children's age, skilled in safety, seeks to be in the environment of people. Molded, concludes an agreement of any plan with close spiritually by a person who is experiencing sympathy.

With the age of bull, it creates an impression of a false personality, a solid, causing universal respect, but too conservative. However, it is not possible to change his thinking to anyone: those principles and installations that were laid since childhood are stored for life and do not change.

When the representative of the second sign of the Eastern Horoscope establishes a target, moves to it purposefully, in stages, do not be afraid of any obstacles on its path. Prefers a straightforward movement, not seeking to go around. Bull necessarily thinks over all sorts of difficulties in advance, so it will be morally ready if they suddenly really arise on the horizon.

It is naive to believe that you can stop a bull person: Rather, he, having haughtily, will meet you from its path as another interference.

Often such an individual rises very cool in its social status. But, even by conquering one vertex, he will never stop at what has been achieved and starts to storm others. The bull is well known that nothing in life is impossible to get without difficulty, so he is not afraid to "make hands." It always shows the readiness to work, and the presence of a huge energy potential allows you to do this without remaining as a result of exhausted.

In the band, the bulls definitely get the role of chiefs and managers. Subordinates unconditionally listen to them, not even trying to resist. And if someone suddenly dares, then in its own skin, will make sure that it is a completely unpromising occupation with the representative of the sign.

Figurine in the form of a bull

It is not recommended to try to argue with the will, convincing the conservatism of his views. Perhaps you will be able to raise such a person, but then it will be worse only to you. Always and everywhere bull demands that he obeyed and obeyed, thus keeping their credibility, reputation. He himself - an individual is a very executive, however, with age increasingly to Routine, becomes somewhat one-sided.

Always fiercely protects everything: ranging from people and ending with status in society defined by material benefits. Generosity exhibits only in relation to his closest surroundings, dear to the heart of people. If you managed to conquer the confidence of a bull, you can be proud of yourself, because this is the wings of the selected.

Walking with the signs of the sign is quite real, most importantly, take their nature, not trying to change.

From nature, good health and hard character contribute to the fact that the will will grow early. In childhood, a peacefulness is distinguished by peace, calm, it can be very cute, however, only until he is taken out of himself. In school years, it is interested in practical disciplines, art, loves to visit theaters, movies, exhibitions and concert halls.

You can allocate two types of signs of signs:

  1. Communicable bulls - Generous, extravagant, representing universal started, which are welcome in any company. Such a man has a wide range of friends, there are always many buddies and fans.
  2. Closed - Sometimes create the illusion of the presence of fears and complexes, although in reality everything is completely different. Such an opinion is really a bit strange, as it often goes into herself, meditates, engaged in philosophy and is very interested in everyday issues.

The bull people constantly need affairs that would be fully carried away. They need such activities that requires manifestation of scrupulousness, stability, logical mind. It is worth refusing to work, where we constantly have a business trip, moving, traveling: extra televiations deprive the bulls of spiritual peace and energy.

They are simply ideal for agriculture, art sector, sport, finance and everything related to material benefits. Many people are implemented as musicians, artists and sculptors. Also have tendencies to stock exchange speculations. Regardless of the scope of activity, the bull adores in the garden or in the country.

The girl-ox is a real keeper of a homely hearth, acts as an excellent hostess. Often it becomes a leader in relations, family. The nature is very gentle, faithful, devoted, but also very practical and not at all sentimental.

Metal bull, what is it by nature?

Upon learning, 2021 - the year of whom the animal will be, I want to pay special attention to the metallic element of the sign. The individual, belonging to this animal patron, has simply unreleased will, no one is able to change his opinion or knock off the selected path.

It will never work in vain, always gets a good profit for what does. It seems that it is in principle not subject to the feeling of fear. And here it can make a panic himself - mostly in his own words, "rare, but laid".

The metallic ox is the most interchangeable of all of its fellow. He has enough friends, he adores fun, friendly relaxation. Also acts as an excellent family man, which gives its family everything you need.

If the representative of the element of the metal could at least control his tongue, then his career would have been much more successful.

It is such a person who seeks to open disputes and conflicts with all those who have an excellent opinion from him. And he is very intelligible argues his point of view. And if you try to start criticizing, wait for the same strike on his side.

With all this, it is surprising, but the bull has a sufficiently sophisticated nature. He loves music, art and science. Often finds his calling in one of the specified areas. Plus has an increased sense of responsibility: it is always possible to rely on such a person, because it performs everything promised. Does not throw words to the wind.

Of the disadvantages of nature, you should mention the periodic desire to hurry the events. Bull in a state of anger is very scary, so it is better not to bring it to that. And if he puts the target, it will go to her alkaline, showing hardness, arrogance, but not leading the words "defeat."

His endurance is simply impressive: it will be easy for a normal dream, and about food, bringing everything to the sacrifice of your goal. If you need, it will work at least 24 hours a day for 7 days a week.

Helpful advice. It is important for metal bull to expand your thinking, as well as get rid of the vitality, to which it is also inclined.

Bull is very stubborn in character

Love compatibility

Having understood with the fact that 2021 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope, and having familiarized himself with its main features, let's get to compatibility in love. What brethren on the zodiac is best getting bull?

  • With rat . In this case, the development of relations is more affected by a partner-rat. Ox often comes in shock from her dexterity, agility, and the mouse ability to lavish finds weakly accuracy.
  • With a bull. Representatives of one sign are distinguished by reliability, have many points of contact. Both first and the second are short-swelled materialists, conservatives. But they can and make fun of each other, in their union will never bored.
  • With a tiger. Unsuccessful version of love compatibility. It is very unlikely that partners will be able to create a happy family, because the partner-ox constantly seeks to defeat the tiger. This ends with eternal scandals and is fraught with a fast break.
  • With a rabbit. You can talk about pretty good compatibility in love, albeit not perfect. In this tandem, a greater influence on the relationship belongs to the rabbit. If he is enough diplomaticity, he will be able to adapt to the bull, then "everything will go."
  • With a dragon. We can see a very unreliable, unpromising union. The reason for this is the presence of a constant quarrel between its participants who provoke the disorder and break the relationship. In addition, they are very different: the dragon is to the external shine, and the bull relys more on the internal content.
  • With snake. It is realistic to conclusion of a successful marriage only, provided that the snake will hide its past relations and will not shock them by the bull. True, in practice, such a task is almost impracticable for it, and if the truth is floating out, the conservative will quickly spreads the snakes.
  • With a horse. And in this case, there is no harmonious understanding of each other between partners. Also, the temperamental and independent horse is slightly afraid of a stronger moral bull, which gives it a lot of spiritual torments.
  • With goat . A variant of low-job relationships, when both partners are poorly compatible. For example, the bull is strongly annoying a rich fantasy partner, her too developed imagination. The goat bull also takes out of spiritual equilibrium, so it is advisable to avoid such connections.
  • With a monkey . But here you can already talk about beautiful mutual understanding. Even if partners have some difficulties in relationships, they know how to find mutual compromises and negotiate.
  • With a rooster . Another pretty harmonious couple, in which mutual understanding also reigns. Rooster with a bull become not just lovers, but also act, first of all, real friends.
  • With a dog . In this case, there is a few opposite ideology. Still, the bull is a famous conservative, and the dog is prone to innovation. Therefore, to create harmonious and promising relationships, both have to be pretty to work well.
  • With pig . If both participants of such a union be observed the commonly established rules of society, then they can come out something. True, there are a lot of difficulties in this tandem. For example, the pig is greatly in the severity of his partner, and the bull is angry from what they will not obey. In general, both will have to work pretty to create a happy collaborative future.

Now you know, 2021 is the year of which animal, and its distinctive features.

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