Ascendant in Scorpio - what it is


Ascendant in Scorpio in a natal map can tell a lot about the character and peculiarities of human behavior. Consider this issue for men and women. Read the article to figure out and understand how to find an approach to such a person.

general information

Ascendant is a concept characterizing the perception of man by other people. This is how they see others. Of course, a similar image may not coincide with the real character. This is a kind of mask that performs protection function.

Ascendant in Scorpio in a woman

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Ascendant in Scorpio gives its owner of difficult. With such a person, you should not argue, and also do not need to try to call it, because the consequences may be just terrible.

He is impulsive, capable of cruel actions, being in power of emotions. He has a wonderful sense of humor, but not without sarcasm, who can hurt and touch the interlocutor. Meal and vengeful, he even after many years can recall the offender some kind of slip.

Always directly talks about his desires and complaints, does not hide their emotions. This is the dignity and disadvantage at the same time, because others can take straightness for rudeness.

Ascendant in Scorpio in a woman

Such a girl is a complex and controversial nature, which is quite difficult to understand. Her behavior changes in the blink of an eye, and never know what you can expect from it. It seems that two completely different people live in it. They can not get along with each other, and the victory won the one, then the other.

Ascendant in the Scorpio in a man

What is still characteristic of behavior of such a person:

  1. Her life is a series of extremes. It is actively, without rest works and reaches its goals. That in the moment it deprives forces and stacked on the sofa, without making anything and indulging melancholy.
  2. It can be called gray cardinal. She herself does not seem an outstanding personality, but this impression is deceptive. She is skillfully and cunning manipulates by other people, while not showing his participation. And gets from them what he wants. At the same time, they are in complete confidence that they themselves showed the initiative.
  3. Very observer, not a single little thing will slip away from her attention. And it helps to fulfill even the most bold dreams. She sensibly understands, for which threads need to be twisted, so that people around turn into obedient puppets, ready for everything to satisfy her desires.
  4. At the same time, herself does not seek to be in sight and even avoids it. Her place is behind the scenes, and not on stage. But the visual hall will not agree to come down.
  5. It acts so thin and exactly that it may seem, as if she helps any higher, magical powers.
  6. She sees people through, very insightful and able to understand how a specific person in one situation or another will act.
  7. From the part, it seems the impression of a friendly, friendly and sociable girl. But only if you enter the number of people who may be useful to her. Then it will be easy to communicate, you will find a lot of general topics for conversations.
  8. It is not superficial, her thinking gives a person an intellectual person who understands the very essence of things, items and phenomena. If it is necessary, will figure out in the information thoroughly and will be an expert in a particular topic.
  9. Never does nothing just like that. Any of her word and action is a step towards the target target. Therefore, it is not worth sharing it with a good attitude, help and compliments.
  10. In rare cases, it can show emotionality and release steam, yielding to gust feelings. At these moments, it shows its essence, behaves hard, thoughtlessly, sophisticated by the abuser. When the emotions are released, she bitterly regards what she did.

Ascendant in the Scorpio in a man

Such a man is cruel and straightline. But, despite these qualities, he has a lot of friends. But he clings to him units, truly devoted to him who can trust one hundred percent.

Ascendant in Scorpio

Features of his character and behavior:

  1. In childhood, he has a rather complicated nature that surrounding does not endure. Therefore, since then, he has almost no friends. Due to sharpness in judgments and straightness, even close people can turn away from him and stop all communication.
  2. It applies to women calmly, does not let me close to themselves, preferring random ties without mental attachment. This is especially brightly manifested at a young age. He is easy to like almost any woman, he always has a huge selection of beauties.
  3. But even if some girl does not answer reciprocity, he will do everything to achieve his own. And having achieved, can dramatically lose interest by putting another tick in the victory list.
  4. In adulthood becomes more serious and begins to choose his wife. This question is demanding, he has a high plank. What kind of girl is not suitable for him. Selects the most decent, beautiful and smart.
  5. At the same time, it manifests itself not the most gallant cavalier. Sarcasm, even mockery and riding to a couple with an open presentation of the requirements - this is its strategy. It is not surprising that his chosen eventually becomes a beautiful girl, but with very low self-esteem.
  6. He needs money for comfort and satisfying high needs. Therefore, to earn a lot. It makes the achievement of material success in priority to all other purposes.
  7. Support for loved ones is very valued and sentimental in this regard, although it will never demonstrate emotions openly. It seems a storm sukhara, although in fact it is just a mask hiding the wounded soul.

Check the video on the topic:


  • People with an ascende in Scorpio are straight-line, unemployed in emotions and malicious, but at the same time strong and targeted. In the soul sensitive, although they will never show it.
  • Woman with such a characteristic is a talented manipulator. It always acts with some kind of purpose and the desire to benefit. Its compliments should not be seduced.
  • The man is hard, ambitious and purposeful. It is difficult to build relationships with him, because it presents extremely high demands on the elect and never will make concessions.

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