Dollar tree: Signs and superstitions concerning it


Dollar tree (or Zamiculkas) is one of the favorite plants in the house. And it is absolutely not surprising: with its external beauty, the flower does not require much care, manifesting extremely unpretentiousness. Dollar tree - takes a lot of superstitions, I suggest to consider the most popular in the next article.

Dollar Tree photo

Where did the plant name go?

People's Solva gave the flower Zamiculkas Names of money or dollar tree. What caused such attitude to this plant? People have long been believed that it ensures the influx of funds to the monastery of its owner, can help him get rich.

True, folk signs say that, wanting to get help from a flower, it is necessary to treat him accordingly - as a living person.

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The birthday of Zamokulkas is the tropical jungle of Africa. It is not surprising that the plant simply adores water, and therefore it is necessary to water it often - as soon as the earthen coverage is dry. At the same time, it was recommended to "talk" with a flower, asking him to attract wealth and abundance into your life. It is advisable to seek help from a dollar tree on Tuesday on an increasing moon. An even special rite, which, allegedly, helps to attract finance in the dwelling with the help of Zamiculkas.

Dollar bills are taken for its performance (no matter what nominal) and collapses with a conical pyramid. The top of the pyramid is attached to the plant, and then you must carefully follow so that it does not fall. In the stand under the flower vase, you can additionally put a cent coin.

And for watering Zamokulkas, they advise to use special "monetary" water. Several coins are taken for its manufacture, poured with cool water and insist for two days. Further watering with such a water a monetary plant. But do not remove coins from the container, they must lie until all the water is spent.

Note! Interacting with a plant, be sure to wear gloves - the cellular juice poisonous!

According to another belief, if you presented a dollar flower, it is necessary to give a couple of coins by the donor. It is believed that in this case the village and really bring material benefits.

Zamokulkas attracts love?

You can also meet the names of the flower - "Women's Happiness". It is possible that it directly concerns the form of the plant: during his flowering, the male member reminds remotely.

People believe that, correctly caught by Zamokulkas, really meet their soul mate. But for this it is extremely important that the plant will be presented as a gift, and not bought. In the second case, it will, on the contrary, will contribute to love failures, can lead to loneliness.

It is also believed that solely blooming Zamokulkas attracts a man to a woman. And it blooms very and very rare.

Very bad sign - when the dollar tree started. It is unacceptable to throw away into the trash: it follows or to take it treatment, or to purchase exactly. It is believed that then a healthy flower will give part of its energy by fading, healing it.

According to believe, the flower attracts love

Is the Flower of Celebrate and Massone?

Often, the signs are very contradictory. Similarly, here: on the one hand, the properties are attributed to Zamioculkas to give women happiness in love, and on the other, they find the plant by Muganon. And on these, the second signs, it is capable of even to endow the representative of the beautiful floor by the crown of celibacy.

Where do your feet grow from such frightening signs? Apparently, it is related to the fact that in appearance, the money tree is strongly similar to another plant - spathifulum. And the latter is just a man. Which of the two believes to choose for myself? You must solve yourself.

We will add a couple to this list:

  • supposedly the presence of a flower in the dwelling of the unmarried person is able to make it "old Virgin";
  • Happiness brings only presented plants. They are able to attract happiness, love and money to their owner;
  • Fast expanding of Zamioculkas, when he looks healthy and even begins to bloom, foreshadows happiness and well-being.

Flower will indicate a ruin?

And although the dollar tree has many positive properties, as popular signs assure us, it can indicate a man to ruin, various vital difficulties.

In particular, it is necessary to get worry if you discovered the yellowed leaves of your plant. This symbolizes the offensive of the "black" strip, as well as monetary difficulties. The same means that fading the tree in your eyes.

Of course, here you should first take care of the proper flower care. If you dirty it, put it in an inappropriate place, do not apply to it affectionately, then the disease is called upon to attract the attention of its owner to the plant. But if all the conditions are observed, and Zamokulkas gets all the chant and cares, then there is a reason for concern. Probably, you are threatened by lack of money, financial collapse or a complete disappointment in amur life.

And it happens that the tree seems to be absolutely great, but it comes from it an unpleasant smell. This is another bad omen. It is believed that in this way the flower warns the owner about the serious disease of someone from close or even their death.

Proper transplant

Dreaming so that the dollar tree constantly pleased you, attracting finance, happiness and good luck in the dwelling, it is important to transplant it correctly. Such manipulation is performed exclusively on the growing phase of the moon. Otherwise, the flower in the process of transplanting may lose their magic properties.

Zamiculkas is directly related to the phases of the lunar disk. The peak of his activity falls on the growing moon.

If you venture to transplant the plant on a decreasing moon, then you can destroy it with a very high probability. And then the various problems of the material plan will come to life: ruin, failure, troubles. Why consciously submit yourself to an externality?

Zamiculkas flower photo

Other beliefs about money

  1. Constantly talk with a houseplant. He "will like" the identified gratitude for the fact that he helps you become richer.
  2. Also, according to beliefs, you should express your special reverence of the Bimokulkas on the eve of New Year holidays. To this end, it is decorated with coins (can be used real, and can be replaced with chocolate). Opening your choice on real coins, do in each hole, thread in it and hang on the wood. It is believed that the dragon figurine installed on the top of the flower will contribute to the strengthening of its mystical properties.
  3. Would you like to travel, see the world? Then decorate the plant with coins from other countries!
  4. It is worth sticking to another important advice so that the flower continues to help you in increasing money, success and happiness. If the plant breeds, do not give anyone new trees, as it is a bad omen and for you, and for the recipient.
  5. According to the art of Fenshui, wanting to get from the flower only positive emotions, joy and happiness, place it in the southeast sector of the home.

After reading the signs and superstitions about the dollar tree, you can safely buy it in your home. Now you know how to behave with him, so that the flower helps to ensure Mrs. Fortune!

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