Stone Sague by date of birth and horoscope


Gemstones closely interact with the environment, providing vibration influence and per person. If vibrations coincide, the stones become helpers and overalls. How to determine the Streltsian stone, what is needed for this? Astrologers believe that gems should be chosen in accordance with the zodiacal character of a person.

When my sister was presented for the birthday of earrings with pearls, there were great troubles in her life. It turns out that pearls are alight with the temperament of Sagittarius, no matter how beautiful and attractive this stone is neither. In the article, I want to briefly tell you about every stone that fits the fits or brings them problems.

Stone Strelts

The patronage of Jupiter

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The Heavenly Patron of Streltsov is the planet Jupiter. To attract the energy of his patron, the archers must be worn with lapis and sapphire. These two gems correspond to the vibrations of this planet.

Lapis lazuli

Lazurites removes the nervous tension and protects against overexcitation, gives clarity of thinking and an optimistic look at things. The gem is perfectly restored by energy spent and teaches to find joy in ordinary household trifles. Also, lazuli helps its wards at the successful completion of the cases started.

Disease protection:

  • radiculitis;
  • Nervous diseases.

Clarity and wisdom in making important decisions is another merit of Lazurita, since the Sagittarius in their natural temperament is not inclined to patientity and prudence. Lazrite since sincervilla is considered a patron siene of philosophers and pharaohs, so the temperamental archers will not prevent a little equilibrium and sanity.


This gem symbolizes chastity and loyalty. In antiquity, they noticed that sapphire patronate only with decent and honest people, slanders and scoundrels he does not like. If the owner of the stone is chopped with heart and soul, sapphire will do everything possible to protect it from slanders and passing.

If the owner of the sapphire is pure a soul, gem will perform his dreams. Gems and minerals are able to guess the intimate desires of their wards, and Sapphire can fulfill them.

Disease protection:

  • asthma;
  • Cardiac illness.

Note! To protect against disease, the ring with sapphire is recommended to wear on the left hand.

There is another amazing property of Sapphire - he helps his ward to sort out itself, his aspirations and desires. As well as Sapphire knows how to set up his protege on a positive way.

Stones Sagittarius Women

Stones for birth

If the Sagittarius is born in November, you need to pay attention to the following gems:
  • Tiger's Eye;
  • topaz.

For those born in December fit:

  • turquoise;
  • zircon.

Tiger's Eye Balances the bright temperament of the shooters with its combination of the calm of the Earth (dark strips) and the solar temperament (light stripes). Internal equilibrium allows the arrangers to make weighted solutions and direct energy into the right direction.

Note! Stone tiger eye protects well from evil eyes and damage.

Ambitious archers Tiger eye helps to achieve career heights if you purchase a figure in the shape of a horse. Only the ways of achieving success should be honest, as the gem does not accept ptumps and fraud. The merit of the gem and in the stabilization of blood pressure, which is very important with the active rhythm of life.

Topaz It is considered the patron saint of lovers. The force of itself increases, if a loving person gives it. Topaz not only protects a loving couple, but also enhances feelings.

Note! Topaz helps to establish mutual understanding, gives diplomacy skills, configures good attitude towards people.

Also, the help of Topaz is attracted to the harmonization of relations between business partners: he eliminates misunderstandings, relieves tensions in relationships, restores friendly relationships. Stone put on during negotiations, signing contracts and to expand business relationships.

Also, topaz is used to protect against negative energy and evil eyes. Gem helps preserve the clarity of the mind and defend its principles. Topaz attracts cash flows if its owner needs to finance a project or any event.

Zircon It fills the spent energy, especially emotional. Gem helps to distinguish the truth from lies, the truth from delusion. Therefore, Zircon is considered a patron of lawyers - lawyers, judges, investigators. For the talisman it is better to choose a zircon in the form of a pyramid. Esoterics explain that the negative is accumulated on the edge of the pyramids, which is immediately dispelled in space.

The stone is a powerful faith against dangerous situations on the roadway, from injury and attacking robbers. Not once, Zircon saved the life of his owner from dangers, and his health retained from diseases. However, that gem must protect, he must be near a person, and not at a distance from him. Wear a stone with you either make it cut and wear in the form of an accessory.

Turquoise - Not just a beautiful bright gem that attracts attention. This is a strong charm, enclosing its owner from troubles and misfortunes. Also, turquoise balances the emotional sphere, granting the inner peace and pacification. It is extremely necessary temperamental archery that loves to fall into extremes and worry about empty things.

Note! To remove the tension from the stressful situation, put turquoise under the pillow at night: the stone will clean the subconsciousness from negative memories and configure the positive way.

The amazing property of turquoise to take stress and calm the alarmed psyche became known in distant antiquity. She was often taken with him on travel, full of alarms and unknown. However, gem helps not everyone, but only disinterested and simple people. If he does not like the new owner, the stone will be lost or cracks.

Stone Straights on the horoscope

Stone Sagittarius Women on a horoscope is distinguished by a red or green tint. It may be ruby ​​or grenades, but also former diamonds.

Garnet Since ancient times, considered the patron of lovers. This is a stone of sincere hearts, real feelings and aspirations. The grenade loves noble people and comprehensively helps them: attracts money, opens career opportunities. Pomegranate is a semi-precious stone that gives his owner courage and determination, as well as a gift to convince people in their right.

Note! Gems and simply diverse stones have their own energy, which can benefit or harm their owners. With stones should be treated very carefully so that they help you.

Grenade can help his owner in the performance of desires, if these desires do not go beyond reasonable.

Ruby - Main Stone Talisman at Sagittarius. This is a powerful wubble of negative energy, protection of lovers from the evil eye and damage. Gem Ruby gives its owner charm, desire for sublime feelings and beauty. Rubin contributes to the strengthening of love, he can attract to his owner a straded passion for many years.

It's important to know! Rubin is noticeably darkened if its owner lies danger.

Energy of the gem has been beneficial to the personal qualities of its owner: gives decisiveness and courage in actions and decision making, helps to get rid of shyness and complexes. However, people with severe will and the desire to suppress other ruby ​​to wear contraindicated: it is able to make a cruel tyrant from his owner. People with moderate temperament Rubin gives the joy of being and enjoying pleasant things. Esoterics are not recommended to wear Rubin constantly, as it is able to completely change the human energy.

Diamond Symbolizes the hardness of the spirit and courage. He is able to give his owner a big luck, as well as power over people. Resistance and hardness of character allows a person with ease to endure any problems and life peripetics. The faceted diamond is called a diamond. In ancient times, they believed that the diamond was able to protect against the deadly effects of toxic substances, therefore, decorations with diamonds were worn on the peirs.

The diamond helps to recognize false and enemies, attracts real friends and satellite life. This is a powerful business talisman. However, the stone should be integer and intact, otherwise it will bring trouble and trouble to its owner. Diamond should not be scratches, chips and other defects.

Stones good luck

What kind of stone is suitable for fits for women to attract good luck? Amazonite and Amethyst copes with this task.

Amazonite Helps to preserve family bonds, ensures mutual understanding between spouses. Gem tames the hot-tempered nature of the Sagittarius, harmonizes the mental state. Amazonite affects women only on the positive side - reveals femininity, the inner beauty and charm. Under the influence of gem, women appear a desire to create a special atmosphere of the family coziness, to show maximum care and attention to the beloved people.

Amethyst It helps to get rid of the negative impact of bad habits, grants inner peace and peace. Also, the amethyst has the ability to accumulate negative energy, so it needs periodic purification with water, solar rays or salt.

Women amethyst preserve beauty and youth. To enhance the magical properties, the gem must be needed metal cut. It may be a rings or earrings, bracelet or pendant.

What stones fit the shooters

Harmful stones

What stones are not suitable former and capable of energy harvest? These include:
  • pearl;
  • agate;
  • Moonstone;
  • nephritis.

Pearl Energy is well suited to the sign of the fish, representatives of other signs of the zodiac must approach the choice of pearls with great care. When the power of the power of pearls and humans are possible great trouble. No wonder the pearls are compared with tears.

Agat - Gem with a strong and independent character. He loves balanced and wise people. If the owner of the stone is not able to cope with the stream of negative feelings and emotions, the agate dircts it without demand. The paths of grampics can be different, including those who are dangerous to the health and life of the owner.

Moonstone It has a capricious character and shows it regardless of the will of its owner. If the lunar stone broke out the owner or became indifferent, he can attract big trouble. Moonstone is used when doing business: it enhances intuition and reveals the inner potential of its owner.

Nephritis Unwanted for Sagittarov, as they are energetically incompatible. Nephritis is suitable for natur with a calm temperament, thoughtful and cautious in words and actions.

How to choose a stone

What stones are suitable for shooters? So that gem brought benefit, you need to establish energy contact with it. To do this, install sympathy: the stone should like. If the gem does not like, it should be soldered with him, even if it was presented. This stone can greatly harm the person with whom he has no positive energy relationship.

If you buy a gem in the store, ask him to consider. Take the stone in your hand and listen to your inner sensations. If inside it is warm and nice, the vibrations of the stone coincide with yours: it will be an excellent charm and assistant. If there is anxiety, cold or discomfort, it is not your gem.

Note! Stones are chambers need special care and attention. They should be protected from mechanical damage, scratches and chips.

After you have chosen a stone in the store, you need to install a closer relationship with it. This implies daily communication with gems by putting on as decoration or loving (with the words of admiration). After some time, you will feel among themselves and the gem of the binding energy thread, you will feel even at a distance.

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