Apollinarium: Name Name


The value of the Apollinarian name can tell about its owner a lot. For example, that this is a completely unique person. She is able to warm up with its warmth so many, people stretch to her, feeling this light energy. Read the article to learn about the character of such a girl more.

Origin and meaning

The name of Apollinaria came to us from the ancient Romans. Literally, it means "belonging to Apollon", "liberated". She patronizes the sun and the zodiacal constellation of twins.

Apollinarian meaning name

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What traits characteristic of girls with this name:

  1. They are usually very responsive. Always ready to come to help someone who needs it, even if you have to sacrifice your own interests. Girl of good and caring, it can get a wonderful wife and mother.
  2. She likes to do household, decorate the house and harmonize the surrounding space, filling everything around with warmth and light. Therefore, people close to her are very comfortable, they stretch to her.
  3. At the same time, Apollinaria is rather rasament, careless statement can hurt her for living. Acid responds to criticism, even adequate perceives often as an insult. This is the only thing that prevents her sometimes build harmonious and happy relationships.
  4. Diligent, hardworking, diligent. All his duties perform perfectly, for which it is appreciated at work. But sometimes there may be more affairs on it, because she is reliable and will obey unquestionably.
  5. It can impress Rokhley, which can be caught, but it is deceptive. She knows her borders and is able to defend them if necessary. It will take to the last to protect close people and all those she loves.
  6. When you have to defend your opinion, it can become pretty tough. At the same time, it is malicious and does not forgive mistakes. Years later, he can remember a person to some kind of mistakes and revenge.
  7. Lives at the behest of the heart, often not considered public opinion. Honorava, opposed by external pressure on it. It is useless to indicate her, but you can achieve a lot.
  8. Impulsive, often performs rash deeds, which then regrets. But if any purpose is given, it turns into a very disciplined and organized personality.

Hobbies and profession

Apollinarium is the perfect performer, because it is a perfectionist and seeks everything started to bring to the ideal. But at the same time, high positions in the career reaches rarely, because the initiative does not like to show, and it does not break into the first rows. It is appreciated as a responsible and reliable employee, but no more.

Apollinaria name

Often chooses professions in which people need to train, help them solve life problems. It may turn out a wonderful psychologist or teacher, a sexologist or social worker.

Some apollinariums with an exacerbate feeling of "rescue" choose noble professions, although somewhat extreme for the girl. These are police officers, military positions, EMERCOM employees and other rescue services.

Family and love

Apollinarium often seems to be an surrounding girl who gives all strength and time only work. But this is far from that. Family for her in the first place, because for her it is vital to share warmth with a loved one. She wants to warm them all, support, she loves to create a comfort.


Most often, she managed to go away everywhere - and at work, and in personal life. It becomes an excellent wife and mother, a valuable employee. But because of this, it can copy and dissatisfaction with the years: "I'm all for them, and they me - nothing." It may be very tired, because it seeks to be perfect in the family and in the service.

Mother becomes very careful. It is difficult for her to let adult children, it often interferes with their lives and becomes unbearable mother-in-law or mother-in-law, practically as a character from jokes. Maybe right up to old age, keep your offspring so that they do not need anything.

Her houses are always cozy, purely, full of delicious food. She is hospitable and gladly meets guests, both their friends and relatives and relatives.

Spelling value

We turn to numerology and analyze the character of Apollinaria by the letters of her name.

Here are the main points:

  1. A - active, active, strong personality capable of withstanding complex trials of fate.
  2. P is a rich intellect and dedication, the desire for impeccability and the correspondence of the ideal image.
  3. L - bright creative abilities that help to quickly find non-standard solutions to all sorts of problems.
  4. And - live mind and practicality, perfectionism and care for details. And it helps to live in harmony.
  5. N is disadvantage, the desire by all means to defend its point of view. But at the same time a high degree of concern for loved ones, sometimes even excessive.
  6. P - responsibility and ability to understand all the essence of things, items and phenomena, despite the outer shell. No illusions and honest look at reality.
  7. I am leadership qualities, the ability to achieve your goals in all possible ways. Especially when it comes to the well-being of a family and a loved one, as well as children.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Apollinarium - the person is very bright. Her heat and love is enough for everyone. It can be said that she often lives for the sake of others - her husband, parents, children, giving them a huge portion of caress and care.
  • But this is her great drawback. Because in the care of others, she often forgets itself and their interests. And in adulthood can actively intervene in the life of his adults, "including" hyperex and annoying with their attention.
  • At work, it is appreciated as a responsible employee, but rarely nominate for high positions, preferring to give them more initiative and punching colleagues. It does not confuse it, because the main value for the girl is a family.

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