Is it possible to celebrate your 40 years or it is unacceptable


Surely you have ever heard about the prohibition to celebrate the anniversary of 40 years. What is the reason for this sign and how reason is it argued? But you can still convene guests and celebrate your forty-eyed? I propose to find answers to the questions raised in the following material. Let's focus on women.

Is it possible to celebrate 40 years old woman

Why can not be celebrated for 40 years?

There are many reasons for those who are collected in the people. Let's later get acquainted with the seven of the most popular of them. So why not celebrate 40 years old woman?

Cause 1: Bible

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In domestic countries, trying to understand why it is impossible to handle 40 years old, often turn to the Bible. The eternal book has a very negative chronology regarding the number of forty, namely:

  • Jesus Christ for 40 days was in the desert, where he was trying to tempt Satan.
  • The duration of the Great Flood also equal to forty days.
  • It is believed that the human soul is preserved on earthly after death, too, 40 days.
  • For 40 years, the Jewish people had to be wagered in the desert.

It can also be noted that the young mother is not allowed forty days to enter the temple, as it is believed that it is "unclean."

Reason 2: Guardian Angel is retired

One fairly popular belief reads that the achievement of a forty-year-old age is deprived of his angelic protection. Literally - the guardian angel "comes to retire."

Reason 3: Tarot Card Warning

Many people who are seriously interested in esoteric, find out why not celebrate 40 years old woman and a man in numerology, as well as the Tarot card system. Eastern magic calls forty death (subject to more accurate, then not 40, and 4, but 0 no longer plays too much importance in this case).

In addition, in the Tarot maps, one of the Arcans "Death" according to the letters is denoted by the Literura "M". In the Jewish alphabet it is it that is associated with the number of forty.

Cause 4: Asian version

And in the inhabitants of Eastern and Central Asia, the four is an extremely negative number, symbolizing evil, misfortune, death. They even have no fourth floor, apartments, hospital chamber, television channel. Behind the troika immediately follows the fide.

Reason 5: Linguistic version

Philologists treated in the ban on the celebration of 40 years a special letter equivalent. Namely, the number of "forty" form two words "Sor" and "Rock". That is, the combination is designed to tell about the quarrel (conflict, indeciousness) and fatal inevitability.

Forty years - celebrate or not?

Reason 6: Planetary Scale

Some specialists of astrology call a 40-year-old crisis crisis. They are argued by this by the fact that at the age of 39 and to 43 years old man "oversees" the heavy planet Uranus, which also turns out to be in opposition to himself in the horoscope.

This position of uranium can provoke unexpected serious vital changes - starting by changing the place of residence, work and ending with a significant revaluation of all its life, bankruptcies, crisis, diseases.

In addition, in the specified period, the planet uranium additionally helps Pluto. The latter is associated with a crisis, throwing, panic, confusing life situations.

Cause 7: Memory about the Lethar

Why not celebrate 40 years old women and men? Such a ban may also be associated with a low lifespan of our great-grandparents. So, for example, in a very long-standing people, people who lived under 40 looked like deep old people: they were deprived of teeth, hair, the face was all dressed with wrinkles, and the body was overclocked by various pathologies.

In memory of this, allegedly, and it is impossible to make a celebration of the forty-year anniversary.

Is it possible to celebrate 40 years: the reasons for "for"

In fact, it should be noted that not all the nations found the number forty bad. For example, the Slavs used exactly a 40-year-old number system. And in addition, "forty" was a quantitative measure.

But let's shock even deeper, contacting more ancient civilizations, namely, ancient Greece and Rome. In those days, the forty-year anniversary was noted by collecting all their relatives and loved ones on the feast.

The Romans and Greeks believed that the life force and mind blooms by 40 years, however, the old age and the inevitable end begins. As you know, at that far standing the eternal wars did not give people to live to a happy old age. Few who managed to overpay even a fifty-year-old frontier.

But today, the life expectancy of man has increased significantly. And now 40 years not only is not associated with emergency old age, but, on the contrary, often means the beginning of a new period in life. Let it be not young, but a meaningful, wise experience and lived years, but open to the new one. Accordingly, it is not possible to relate to the version with respect to the ancestors.

Do you celebrate your 40 years?

How to celebrate your 40 years?

In any case, any rational explanations and superstitions cannot eliminate human optimism, as well as the desire to note the overcomed by another life line. And that the celebration has passed as favorably, having delivered exceptionally positive emotions, it is recommended to use the following recommendations:

  • focus on the past years, and not on the coming;
  • to negotiate with guests so that they do not congratulate you on the occurrence of the 40th anniversary, but with the completion of the 39-year limit;
  • Also ask all those who gathered, so that during the celebration they did not speak about your age;
  • Collect the triumph only the most close thing to my environment;
  • Do not celebrate forty years a day of your birth, better wait a few days. In this case, bad signs will stop working;
  • Select another solemn event in the calendar and organize a thematic party.

So we figured out, whether 40 years have noted. It is impossible to make an unequivocal output: there are animal fans and superstitions, which, under the fear of death, will not celebrate their forty-eyed. And there are those who neglect believe in and plans to have fun on this day.

What to do, solve only you, listen to your intuition and your heart, let them tell the most correct decision. And in conclusion, I recommend viewing the themed video. Footage:

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