Value of Fate Cards (Love)


Below is a detailed value of cards in divination cards of love and a map of fate.

♥ Chervi.

♥ Ace Chervie

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_1

The worm ace is very energetic and dynamic in life. It is a symbol of courage and courage, often his representatives achieve success and glory, dealing with various types of creative activities. Such people are brave, but impulsive, they lack wisdom that could accelerate success. They also need to develop patience, attentiveness, the ability to risk carefully.

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The worm ace is easy to knock off the way, playing on low-lying passions. Representatives of this card need to be more grateful fate for what they have, then it will achieve great heights. Inherent, anxiety periodically throws the ace of worms in extremes, they are trying to find or invent something new. If the failure falls into a state of stress. Turning to the search for internal meaning, the worm ace will be able to become a completely happy person to maturity.

♥ Two Chervi.

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_2

Two dries inherent in powerful willpower, confidence in actions, reluctance to obey. She is smart and inquisitive, needs communications with people, tend to idealize the idea of ​​the family, so his chosen can wait too long. And when it is waiting for, ideals can crash about gross reality. As a result, the twos of the worms sometimes flee themselves from what so passionately wanted.

The task of these people is to establish a balance between the fictional ideals and real situations.

Twos worms are able to achieve success in doing business and monetary stability. But they need to pay more attention to small things, documentation. It is also necessary to carefully distinguish between business relationships and intimate business.

♥ Troika Chervi.

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_3

Troika worms are the expression of different types of temptation. In the life of these people, love and feelings will have great importance. Cherry trins features unlimited curiosity, excellent intelligence and ability to analyze and evaluate.

They are well managed to interact with others, they are quite progressive personality, love to work. However, for the feeling of absolute happiness, they need constant changes in life.

For the worm triple, it is important to overcome your fear of poverty, they must believe that they can always provide. Prevent this can be their variety of plans, not allowing to bring anything to the end.

People with this birth card must be understood by the value of their lives and look for stability in it. It can achieve success in life. It is also important for them to assimilate that to give - no worse than getting it.

♥ Four Chervi.

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_4

Four of the worms prefers a solid stable base, which she is looking for in relationships with close people. It is characterized by the idealization of the ideas about family life, and in reality it is disappointing. Four of the worms often suffer, closed in themselves. But if they reach the ideal, they acquire true happiness.

Such people intuitively feel those who need their sympathy and help, and generously give them, sacrificing their interests. It makes them happier.

From the worm fours, beautiful healers are obtained. They are sincerely kind and generous, well interact with groups of people, become good teachers and mentors, which also contributes to the developed intelligence.

What should always remember the Chervoy Four - that not every person needs their care. If she forgets about it, then the risks look in the eyes of the surroundings of Tiran.

♥ Five Chervi.

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_5

The worm five characterizes the intuition developed to the limit and a bright kaleidoscope of emotionality. Often such people do not feel safe, even if they do not understand what it is threatened.

The main fears of worm fives are acquired around the financial field. It is difficult for them to tie themselves to some one thing to achieve success in it. If it succeeds, then only due to incredible volitional efforts. However, a good exit for them is a frequent journey-related work.

Five worms are in endless search for relationships, perceiving them as life experience. In marriage it can hold only some important experiences that she expects to get from the partner. As soon as she gets everything you can, without hesitation, break the relationship.

Representatives of this card have a tendency to actor, often have unusual abilities: an instant account or photographic memory. To achieve the goal, they often have to sacrifice their desires.

♥ Six worms

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_6

The worm six is ​​the embodiment of a harmonious family. The man of this card seeks to achieve this state.

Six worms comes to success, whatever it works, but it often seems to her that society underestimated her. The success of such people is based on the combination of intelligence, erudition and sociability. They are also often gifted by nature in creative understanding. Whether they will be artists, writers, inventors - the flaws in fresh ideas they do not experience.

The worm six is ​​always attentive and thought to others, sharing his love, trying to no one. Some of them gradually realize that it is in this and their earthly mission is expressed. Such people will come to true happiness, achieved the highest level of self-realization.

In any conflict business, the six worms manage to keep calm, at least externally. The aggressive side of this card is actualized extremely rarely.

♥ Seed worm

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_7

The worm seven is designed hard search for love relationships. They are destined to finish in the development of the soul of an important stage, freeing from judgments that prevent the next level. They must learn to be freed from attachment to people, be disinterestedly generous. At the lowest stage of development, the man of this card is envious and jealous. High step he is an assistant who is able to sacrifice his interests for someone else's happiness. Such a person will have a very high level of empathy.

The karma of previously performed errors will be expressed as serious diseases, so it will take a global change in life.

In the professional activity of worm seven ambitious, their career is successful. However, ambition often enters the confrontation with the desire to gain harmony in love.

♥ eight worms

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_8

One of the main tasks of the Chervoy G8 is to learn how to use the power of love, taking responsibility for the consequences. They are characteristic of an incredible charm, but if they begin to use it thoughtlessly, the payback will not make himself wait. However, people of this card are endowed with wisdom, which most often helps them make a right choice. Choosing the right path, such people will generously give their love and healing energy to others.

Eight worms can become great writers, teachers or just be a recognized mentor in a circle of relatives. It is important for them to learn how to see their fears, do not be afraid to depend on other people, not to encourage the surroundings of their opinion.

If they are negligent to their physical body, then health can suffer. Usually true success and recognition is achieved by them after reaching 37 years.

♥ Nine worms

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_9

The worm nine is a symbol of great achievements or loss, and sometimes their combination. The slightest deviation from the path of justice threatens her with a lightning and harsh punishment. People of this card should not be poured on fate, blaming her in injustice, because randomness does not happen. The embodiment of the worm nine was created in order to pay past debts and be able to start a new stage of movement. In this life, they need to undergo a certain stage of spiritual development. If the nine worms will not accept their karmic task, it will perceive the completion of certain cycles and relationships like heavy losses, then the severity of the test will only increase. Those who have this birth card must clearly understand that their losses are actually acquisitions.

All their lives will consist of a series of lessons, and if they listen to them, then the award will find happiness, if not, then life will be an endless suffering.

♥ Ten worms

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_10

People dozens of worms are ambitious and ambitious artists, besides very inventive. The role of the leader is attracted by more roles of subordinate. They love children, love the environment, which will be admired with the children's delight.

Usually such people go to public professions or find themselves in the center of a huge family. In any case, they will surround many loving hearts.

One of the most powerful needs of the worm dozen is self-knowledge, it is important for it to get to the depths of their essence, to understand that it is important for it. Sometimes she is so deepening in these searches, which is perceived by the surroundings as an egocentric person, focused exclusively. However, the egoists can only be called tens of worms that seek to accumulate material values. But such people among them are quite rare.

♥ currency worm

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_11

The currencies of the worms all his life adheres to their own ideas about love. Like all the currencies, it is subject to frivolity and immaturity of thinking, but his whole life is still determined by high motifs and aspirations. At the same time, the people of the currency of the worms need to control themselves, so that the victims that brought them are reasonable, not useless.

The calling of the currency worms - to give people love, the stronger their love, the stronger they themselves. When a person who received this card is aware that there is his mission, he adopts liability without hesitation and perfectly copes with his task. Such people will not be difficult to bring their own interests sacrificing the achievement of a high spiritual goal.

At the same time, they are excellent leaders, so the peaks in the selected activity are conquered. They drive a sense of duty, they are reliable people. However, sometimes the opposite side of their nature obsesses the top, then the life of the currency worms turns on the trail of fraud.

♥ Lady Chervi.

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_12

The worm lady from nature has charm, magnetism, she is a mother for all mankind, gives love to everyone who passes through her life road. Usually such people choose one of the two roads: marriage and complete dissolution in the family or absolute self-dedication career.

People ladies worms are usually very beautiful outwardly, sociable and pleasant in communication. They often become artists, but even if they work in another sphere, they continue to be vividly interested in beauty and art.

Ladies of worms of both sexes are serious about the role of parents, they usually have warm trust relationships with children.

The highest task of the lady of worms - to implement its purpose of a loving mother. If she forgets about it, it can become frivolous, satisfying only its sensual needs. But even such a person, if they turn to the highest ideals again, will be able to rise quite high in life.

♥ King Cherry

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_13

The worm king is a symbol of strength that manages the world - love. Representatives of this card are excellent parents, but for spouses they become not the best choice. To express love for the partner, they are prevented by a devotional attitude towards children and work. The wrong choice of the spouse will bring them great chagrins, especially if the marriage will be concluded from mercenary motives.

Having survived once the betrayal of a loved one, the worm king can contact the real tyrant.

In the professional sphere, the ward king worms succeed in business, financial spheres. More success brings them in cooperation, and not loneliness. Sugar controversy and quarrels with them - a glible case, they know how to disarm the enemy, so success in the legal spheres is also guaranteed.

Throughout the life, the worm king will definitely lose their favorite people, and more than once. His goal is to cope with pain, deserve to survive loss.

♣ Kristen

♣ Ace Kristen

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_14

The essence of the Tuza Tref is imprisoned in knowledge and love. As a result, it turns out a researcher who is looking for a suitable satellite all life. Someone perceives it as an insecurity, but for Tuza TRF it is important to find a person with whom he will be able to spend his whole life. It is easier for him to be in someone's company than to be alone, but he will completely give himself only to the person who has always been looking for.

Card Truz Tref gives people impatient, nonsense, curiosity to force their various collections of things around the world. Curiosity, the interest in the novelty will prolong their mental youth.

Congenital resourcefulness makes it possible to earn big money using both the initial capital of the mind and creative beginning. In relation to other people, they show sensitivity and attentiveness, easily raging friends. Next to the trephy aces, a person feel comfortable, feels special.

♣ Two kristen

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_15

People are twin in people are very diverse characters. There are disturbing personalities who are much afraid, and especially loneliness. They seek to surround themselves with loving people, love to communicate, enjoy conversations.

The second type of Trefova Two - people living in solitude, not showing the need for communication, which is also explained by numerous phobias.

This birth map gives the ward a lot of talents. The life path of such people is calm and smooth, fate provides them with powerful protection from the troubles. If they gratefully take their lives, her beauty, they will be able to overcome their fears.

Trephic twos have a brilliant mind, charm and charisma, but spiritual anxiety and fears can make them irritable, faded personalities.

Almost all events in the life of this card are predetermined, the task of its representatives is to learn to accept what happens to them, as it is.

♣ Troika Crest

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_16

People who control the top three are endowed with many abilities. A high level of development makes famous creative personalities. Fucking at the lower level tormented from their own inability to make a decision.

The success of any person depends on how he applies talents-given to him. Troika Tref is very gifted people, but the fear of the poor life often inclines them on the side of dubious occupations. The same fears forcing him to rushing between important cases, not paying due attention to any of them. This behavior forms a closed cycle, which is very difficult to break.

Success will come to the top three, which will keep clear goals and solid beliefs.

The karmic path of the Tref Trok implies the frequent change of love partners, originally implied a gap. Disappointments they will be able to avoid if there are failures as a transition to higher levels of relationships.

♣ Four Crest

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_17

Tref Four is the personification of stability, but in some situations it has anxiety, usually well hidden.

People who manage this cards are firmly adhere to their life principles, they can only change them only under the influence of good reasons. They are characterized by progressive views on the world, the creative veil is strong in them, they do not allow themselves to be distracted on the way to the target target. The stubbornness is very bright in them, but fate for them is favorable: the fours Tref usually benefit any deficient dispute, from a simple discussion to the trial.

Such people do not neglect physical work, but they are well managed and the communicative sphere. They have a reputation of excellent workers if they manage to control their craving for disputes. The highest task for them is also successfully implemented in love.

♣ Five Kristen

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_18

The main feature of the Trefova Five is curiosity that pushes them to change. Such people are quite bold, they can devote themselves to various studies, but it is extremely difficult for them to fulfill their obligations and their own promises. In the launched cases, this gives them a reputation of an unreliable and non-permanent person.

The sphere of love and relations of the Trefova Five also constantly undergoing changes, so family life is given to her with difficulty.

Five Treft easily earns money, but also easily she spends them. It is difficult for her financial management, therefore it is worth being careful with gambling and risky financial projects.

Tref five are well disclosed as mediators or other employees of the communicative sphere. With participation in the discussion, they can easily imagine themselves in the place of another person and agree with his opinion.

♣ Six Crest

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_19

Personal six people rarely manage to realize and develop their extrasensory abilities. Most of them believe that they already know everything and know how. Often the situation occurs when the representative of the Tref Six is ​​satisfied with the existing and does not want to move on to great opportunities.

While the six Tref does not find his way in life, it will experience anxiety and uncertainty. Often the people with whom it manages, detect the problems on the execution of these promises. It happens, externally they look mandatory, but internally they are liars for a long time. But the moment will come when the accumulated lies will turn against them. From the infused impact it will be difficult to recover, but it will be an important lesson.

Also, Karma Trephal Six is ​​associated with the abuse of force and power. The highest meaning of their life is to comprehend the true nature of the authorities, learn how to deal with her temptations.

♣ Seven Crest

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_20

The nature of the trephic seven is spiritual, but the man should develop her own effort.

The main problem of seven treph is a pessimistic perception of life. If the people of this card ignore the intuition and internal signals given by nature, then the card will repay them with many problems, up to serious depressions and personality disorders. The fight against pessimism is the first highest task of the trephing seven.

The second life goal is to respect the purity of morality. If the desire for success prevails over the moral principles, then the person is waiting for suffering, especially in family life.

In some moments of life, the seven treph will be gifted by generous money gifts, but finance management is not its strength. Therefore, she spends money incredibly quickly, more often on useless things. It also affects the influence of thinking, such people can not even let the hint of ugliness in their heads.

♣ eight kristen

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_21

The prefable eight combines the huge power of the mind with extraordinary stubbornness. It is absolutely impossible to convince agree with a different point of view. It is available to any area of ​​activity, but the most successful and is known for it will be like a lawyer, designer, physicist or chemist.

People with this card are given a lot from what they dream about, but for this they need to be able to set goals. The comfort of the life path will depend on the internal emotional-mental harmony.

Eight Treft is extremely difficult to accept any changes in life. They are absolutely not flexible, can not deviate any step from the system of life beliefs. However, in the life of any of them the moment will come when it will have to globally review the views on life, otherwise the movement forward will stop. Such tests are caused by karmic cargo. The amount of shake, the time that will be needed for changes depends on a particular person.

♣ Nine Kristen

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_22

People whose map of birth is a nine treph, secrets and riddles of life can be available, possessing the true idea of ​​everything that happens on Earth. It becomes possible when a person fully revises himself, his ideas when he is freed from experiences about losses. Those who are carrying a pretty nine should overcome pessimism to gain access to the inner strength and energy of their card.

Also, the Trephic Nine embodies sensual pleasures, she is characteristic of love and amazing attractiveness. But if a person succumb to this side of the individual, he will spend too much strength and time allocated to solve more important tasks.

Tref nine are destined to survive a lot of losses, it is important to learn how to take them. The completion of the next stage of life is the beginning of a new one. If the nine Trefe will take himself as a victim, then endless suffering will be the lot.

♣ Ten Kristen

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_23

People card dozens of treph are very independent. Their manner is reminiscent of the royal. Regardless of sex, such people are inherent in male logic and the desire for absolute freedom. They seek to do what they want. Their powerful intelligence and desire to recognize the new allow you to achieve large heights, but it is important for them to learn to control your mind. The trephing dozen will feel happy, only constantly applying their knowledge in practice.

When choosing a profession, dozens of tear are indecisive, it can prevent the implementation of ambitions. Typically, the wards of the three dozen are trying to a lot before they find the case, fully satisfying them. People of this card, achieved success, have a common: they clearly realize their true task and give themselves to her decision. They have all the leader's depositors, they often trust the leadership posts on creative work related to the transfer of experience and knowledge.

♣ Curleb's currency

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_24

Trefnywood has an outstanding mind of a financial warehouse, it is energetic and active in any activity. His mind is a source of good earnings.

At the same time, the currency treph is extremely outstagious. His life is endless disputes and debates, because it brings this pleasure and satisfaction. The stubbornness of the Vnet Tref sometimes prevents him from getting to truth, but it helps to always finish the work started and defend their ideals.

People driven by treedy currencies do not tolerate the manifestations of low-lying instincts, intolerant to other shortcomings. They need recognition, respect by other people. The treph currency is able to evaluate events multifaceted, it is difficult for him to give anything unambiguous assessment. Usually it acts honestly, but if believes in his own fantasies, they can begin trouble. With all the love of disputes, such people are samples of unconsciousness, openness and friendliness.

♣ Lady Crest

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_25

People who led by this birth card are endowed with unique organizational abilities, but, squandering a huge amount of forces in this area, can bring themselves to overwork. Fate will be favorable to them if they choose a spiritual life path. Very often, such people sacrifice something for their sake of their or adoptive children.

Trephic ladies are most fully expressed in free creative activities. They are enough ambitious, hardworking, their work is performed qualitatively. They have an inner desire to help others, and it can also be implemented in professional activities.

Ladies Tref - emotional nature, stupidity and laziness is extremely annoyed in others. She herself acts quickly, works without rest. If it is able to curb his temperament, he can enjoy life.

♣ King Crest

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_26

The trephic king has everything you need to obtain authoritative in society. He has a huge luggage of knowledge from his own past. He is able to take high posts in any field of life, including in public administration, it is everywhere with respect due to insight and personal charm.

Such people have fine sensitivity, they are able to pay attention to such little things that others would not be able to notice. Trephic kings will not be able to be calm until they dismiss everything thoroughly, they will not establish causal relationships. Their external eccentricity is associated with progressiveness, such people change the world around us, bringing fresh ideas.

The Trephic King has a tendency to alcohol and drugs, but after 35, he usually realizes his strength, responsibility and does not waste himself for detrimental addiction. Such people contribute to changes in the world, and if they are not self-realized, then the payback will be bitter.

♦ Bubny

♦ TUZ Buben

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_27

A tambourous ace is difficult to hold the balance between the career aspirations and the desire to love. This is due to the fact that it is fully concentrated in one case, the second will be only an addition. Such behavior is characteristic of a tambourous ace of any gender, both men, and women. As a result, it will be either a person's disinterested dedicated to people or a selfish careerist. However, everything will depend on the level of spiritual development and the insight of each representative of this card.

Ace Tuben is inclined to creativity, has the ability of a medium, artistic talents. He loves frequent shifts of places, new acquaintances. The life of such people usually boils from activity. But the vital tasks of the bubnic aces are in the help of the people around people, the development of society. If the desire for money and power will not be priority for them, then their life will be happy and prosperous.

♦ Two buben

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_28

Bubnovy Two is the personification of ambitions, ambitions, desire for material enrichment. If it is listening to intuition, inner voice will achieve success. More often she focuses on some one thing, reaching perfection in it. Two tambourine is endowed, therefore, if it does not reach life heights, it is only her wines.

The acute and calculating mind of the tambourous two under the influence of emotional instability can turn into self-criticism and pessimism. Especially often it happens when it absorbs household routine.

Usually, the tambourous two are financially successful people, especially the fate of them after 35 years. However, periods such people are too fond of work and forget about their own health. If they will take care of themselves on time, they will be able to live to deep old age.

♦ Troika Tuben

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_29

One of the most difficult destinies has a man with a birthday map of Troika Tuben. In particular, it concerns the female, as the lady of this suit also has a difficult fate. At the Bubnova Troika, a fuzzy value system and a negative karma of relations, which leads to problems in personal life. For such people, fear of poverty is characteristic. Bubnova Troika It is important to find a way out for your intelligence, preferably in the creative area. Often it reaches harmony, developing their metaphysical abilities. Understanding the mysteries of the Universe, given by nature, can reveal its own essence and karma. Everything that is associated with religion, astrology, fortune-law, will lead it to harmony, internal balance sheet, and often to financial stability.

Often the representative of this card have to go to some sacrifices for the sake of children or other younger relatives. If, after 35 years, the Bubnovy Troika will not turn to spiritual development, it is expected to have problems and trouble.

♦ Four Tuben

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_30

Bubnovaya Four is a symbol of material stability achieved by heavy and hard labor. In general, to achieve any result, the foursome tambourine will need more labor than any other map. She has a well-developed business flair, it is easy to organize and manage business. From the people of this card seem stubborn and uncompromising. But they clearly know that, adhering to the plan, will come to goal and success. If life goes on the rolled one, it is excellent, so necessary, the attitude of others will not matter. What is important to them, they trust to solve an inner voice.

Such people often stop due to internal anxiety, discontent with themselves, it prevents them from moving on. At a certain stage of development, they lose the desire to continue the path. But as soon as they come for work, all doubts disappear.

♦ Five Tuben.

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_31

Bubnovaya five gets from fate and generous gifts, and major problems. For her, the routine is unbearable and any restriction of freedom, and these feelings come into conflict with the desire to gain vital stability and stability. This applies to both work and personal relationships. Therefore, in the soul of a tambourous top constantly there is an internal discontent.

For the tambourous five are characterized by material difficulties, as they are from nature generous and share everything that have, with loved ones.

The top of the tambourine is forced to purify spoiled karma, the first 40-45 years will be especially complex for them. Usually in the middle of life before the card representative, the choice arises: sharply get rid of his fears or to remain a sufferer forever. During this period, people begin to change, turn to the soul, realize their mission - selfless help to society. Their life is changing for the better, and they achieve a lot.

♦ Six Buben.

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_32

Maste Buben is closely related to finances, and the number 6 is a symbol of responsibility. The Bubnovaya Six is ​​extremely preferable to cash debts and their payment. This feeling can grow into paranoia in the question, for example, payment of utility debts.

All his way of six tambourine will take what she gave the other in their past incarnations. The karmic task of this card is the payment of past debts. If a person understands his mission, he will stop disturbing how much money he has.

Often under the friendly smile, the Bubnovy Six hides deep spiritual injuries that can give an excellent impetus to promotion and success. However, externally they look happy and calm. These people are a vivid example of restraint, they do not express their emotions and interests. Therefore, in society, they have a reputation of unperturbed people.

♦ Seven Buben.

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_33

Seven Tuben differs to many from fellow by the deck. Her habits, a look at the world, ideas are distinguished among the usual. Such people have an incrementable power of will, incredible stubbornness. They can be renounced in any situation, they will not roll out from the intended path. But to make them take another point of view on anything almost impossible.

A bubnic seven is inventive, often nominates extraordinary, ingenious ideas. It is inherent in the unique ability to: make a spiritual in the material spheres. Progressiveness and unusual ideas are harmoniously combined with their effectiveness.

Bubnovaya family is closely related to material affections, but not only this card. People who are under her patronage should be freed from monetary dependence, otherwise they will constantly expect financial difficulties. It is in this area that the cleansing of accumulated karma is concentrated.

♦ Eight Buben

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_34

The bubnic eight is a sunny card, even if she does not seek fame and recognition, they will still respect it.

Usually, representatives of the eight tambourine love and know how to be leaders, admire others. But if a person does not control the force, he will seem despot.

The negative result of the past, they boil their current position in society, eternal struggle. In any way, a guidance and independence is important for them. The mood at the bubnic eights is a brisk, the situation of any complexity is able to. Such people are inquisitive and smart, the inner power allows them to be wise leaders, but only if the power is directed in a positive side. If the Bubnovy eight will be afraid to take responsibility, they will miss a huge share of their potential.

♦ Nine Buben

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_35

The main task of nine tambourines - learn to take losses properly. Otherwise, their life will be incessant grief. All nine personify losses and parting, therefore people who are leading a nine tambourine, will be truly happy when they stop tie themselves to places, ties, material values. The emotional state of each person will depend on his relationship to frequent losses.

People led by the nine tambourine, are lucky in sales and work. They have a convincing speech, they won as a mentor in a family circle. In addition, they are striking and can apply their abilities practically.

The nine tambourine can accumulate material wealth, only choosing the path dedicated to spiritual growth. Failure to comply with the highest law - give up to get - leads it to troubles and failures.

♦ Dozen Buben

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_36

A dozen tambourine is a map of material wealth, but not all people who patronize this card are capable of achieving it, although even they will have protection against serious money problems. Bubnovaya dozen is an excellent business manager on any scale, especially his own. For it, it is intended to receive a business and a state by inheritance.

At the same time, few of the representatives of the Bubnova dozen are able to exercise generosity. More often people become obsessed with the idea of ​​making money.

The mind and creative guide allows a bubnic dozen to achieve heights in many areas. They are most successful in business, financial sector, banking.

However, the highest goal of this card is not the accumulation of money, but the transfer to everyone who they will meet on the way, knowledge, experience and love. Those who are able to apply to creativity in their activities apply it to fulfill the vital task, achieve absolute heights in development.

♦ Valts Buben

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_37

Buben's currency is distinguished by intelligence and insight, which, in combination with a personal charm, give him the opportunity to make a good job in life. Such people have a rich creative veil, independent nature, can act as instinctively, and relying on logic. Relationships with finance add up successfully, these are their congenital talent. They also have extrasensory abilities that lead to full spiritual awareness, but it reaches his tambourine currencies not so often, because the mind prefers intuition. Any of his representative comes a moment in life when you need to practically apply the abilities, leaving fear and distrust.

Often they stretch to do something good for humanity, but the nature of the currency pulls to merry and games. Usually they are frivolous, unreliable, but they are absolutely not embarrassing the impossibility of performing the promised. They are fans of Azart and in youth, and in old age.

♦ Lady Buben.

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_38

Lady Tuben has a wonderful taste, she spends all means for high-quality things, about such people they say "lives not for money." At the same time, it is very generous, for it this is the need, the need is to share the existing one.

Bubnovaya lady Charismatic and attractive, knows how to enjoy life, loves novelty and is inconvenient in love. She has a well-developed business flair and there are abilities for promotional activities. Belonging to the royal family gives its leadership qualities, anywhere, it will remain true Queen.

She has a sharp critical mind. This makes it possible to conduct a thorough analysis, notice a lie and inconsistencies. But this ability can turn into and negative, to be expressed in self-digging and depressions. The task of the tambourine lady is to work on confidence in yourself, not be afraid of changes in the future. This will make it possible to more fully develop in the spiritual plan and reach the vertex of self-knowledge.

♦ King Buben

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_39

Bubnov kings are inherent ingenuity, their representatives easily give any activity through innate skills and leadership abilities. The greatest success is possible when opening your case.

It is important for the representative of this card to learn not to abuse the power existing in all kings. With his power, they can create problems themselves, to become soulless and not knowing pity for tyrants.

Another problem of the Bubnoy King is immunity to someone else's opinion, inability to empathy. With these manifestations of character, he must work to avoid conflicts. If he can properly manage the power given to him, conclude compromises with the environment, then in return will receive a happy life. Bubnic kings will become fair and peaceful, if you understand that you first need to change yourself, and then require it from the rest.

♠ Peaks

♦ Ace of peaks

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_40

The most inspired card of existing, but at the same time the most ambitious, focused on material benefits. Happiness such people will be able to know, only giving preference to spiritual development - they will open a lot of new opportunities invisible.

Peak Ace can be called an extreme symbol. Its representatives are usually divided into material practitioners and highly developed spiritually personalities. In any case, the help of other people and dedication will be natural for them manifestation. The peak ace must learn to respect someone else's opinion, to love their loved ones for being, and not for the adoption of the right solutions - this is his life test. Often such lessons are very painful for the peak ace. Another task is to achieve inner harmony. It can be achieved only through disinterested assistance to people and following the highest principles of good.

♠ Two peaks

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Peak twice is a symbol of friendly and partnerships. The main fear of people born under the sign of this card is loneliness. They are very painful perceive betrayal. Their fate is a few fatal, life enters a certain rut, and it is very difficult to get out of it. Physical diseases may even manifest themselves, although health and is not a weak side of peak twos.

Intuition is well developed by representatives of the two peak, but it is focused on the development of spirituality, and people are more looked at the material. They have a sharply sharpened mind and logical thinking, which is well affected by a career, but is a hindrance for family happiness. Focusing at work often causes a double peak to avoid durable relationships that violate a clear life rhythm. The highest purpose of peak twice is to reorient the spiritual development, which will help become more successful in other aspects of life.

♠ Troika Peaks

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Three peak has a heavy carmage cargo - financial debt. Very often she returns his gear tambourine. The main task of the peak troika is to learn to be honest in everything that concerns money. Often she is destined to suffer from scammers in cash fraud. This is also part of the tests for the redemption of past errors. Peak Troika needs philosophically to treat them, not complain about what happened, but draw conclusions.

Sometimes the people of this card are fond of work, which is distracted by their health and emotional instability. It is even good, the more they worry about their condition, the worse it can become. Justice of peak triples is usually associated with stress, nervous shocks caused by a wide creative start. Most of them are brightly expressed by the actor talent. It pushes them to the temptation to lie or neglect the truth for the sake of benefit. But true success will come only when complying with the maximum honesty.

♠ Four Peaks

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People born under the Four Rush card are very firmly and steadily on their feet. They are reliable as a stone wall, hardworking, while they like what they do, they can be rejected and not worry about the consequences. That is why the four peaks achieve success in financial matters. However, they are somewhat obsessed with material benefits and in trying to earn even more often create obstacles themselves. In public relations, they are adequate, have a certain gift of conviction. Often, peak four becomes successful in advertising, literary classes.

This map is too stubborn, but erudite, it seeks to exist according to their laws, no one depended.

Mature years such people spend on the exercise of youth dreams, travel a lot. They can also begin to engage in charity, which makes their lives more harmonious, brings a feeling of joy and accomplished debt.

♠ Five peaks

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Five Peak - Wandering map, symbolizing travel and change. Those whom she leads are restless, do not bring the routine, monotony and lack of dynamics. They have a trip to them, periodic change of place of residence. They often donate something, it is most brightly manifested in youth.

Peak five socially successful, but simultaneously carry heavy burden. Their merchantness, readiness to help is used by the environment. This is associated with many frustration five.

The peak five is growing in moral terms, but the highest level for her - learn to give love to love with a close person.

The greatest success in the work sphere of the five peak will achieve trade and economic fields. With a stable performance of life tasks with age, the conditions of existence is becoming more comfortable. Closer to 40 years will occur global changes. Gradually, the desire to travel will be replaced by a cozy family hearth.

♠ Six peaks

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Peak six - a map of fate. She is the personification of the law of causal relationships. Those who fell this birth map should be constantly ready for events caused by their words or cases of past embodiments. Compensation will occur when suitable life circumstances occur. It can be both award and cruel payroll. In the life of the peak six, these events occur constantly, as a result of which people begin to think like fatalists, thinking that they are not able to change something. This is true only in part. The occurrence of events cannot be canceled, but they provide the ability to take responsibility. It is a valuable life lessons for six peak. Initially, she is given a lot of power to learn how to make complex decisions. If she firmly goes to his goal, then it achieves success. If she gives his hands and trample on the spot, then its own power will certainly begin to destroy it from the inside.

♠ Seed peaks

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Seven peak has a high degree of spiritual development. When her wards do not ignore intuition, internal wisdom, then reach heights in life. They should be given close attention to the physical condition, since a finding person is difficult to maintain optimism, and this concluded the karmic redemption of many peak seven.

People who patronize the seven peak is not able to harm nothing but their own phobias. They are endowed with powerful protection. However, it will work only if a person is committed to spiritual growth, acts from high moral motivations. If the defense is updated, life will be a fairy tale. Often peak seven are a mission to assist the surrounding people. But it is worthwhile to change the direction, go with your head in your own egocentrism, how the tests and suffering will begin.

♠ G8 peaks

Value of Fate Cards (Love) 4166_47

Of all the cards of the force in the gesture of the eight, peak has the most powerful resource. It is a heavy cargo, because it should be directed for the power, and the temptation to use it for their own mercenary purposes is great. If the temptation wins, then in a very soon, the representative of the card will face big problems.

Those who are managed by this card are difficult to abandon material addictions. Eight peak, wanted something, will certainly achieve it. But life will surely arrange her checking on how she applied her energy. If the eight fell to the lower level, yielding to fear, it will begin to avoid truth, directing all the forces on it. Ultimately, everything will end with self-destruction.

G8 peak requires respect and admiration for others, and it worked a lot for this. Such people have a healing resource, if this gift is sent in the right direction, then the life of the expensive people will begin to change for the better.

♠ Nine peaks

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In the nine peak simultaneously concluded all the features of nine. The stage will come in her life when it takes something to change something that will give an impetus to revive or updating the person. Under this may imply a lot: personal relationships, old habits, material issues and much more. Peak nine need to realize that her path is primarily spiritual. The philosophical look will help her overcome their own emotional experiences and fears.

People who are managed by peak nine are often implemented in the creative or educational sphere. They have a high ability to empathy, severe charm, innate wisdom, thanks to which they are successful and popular. Also they are inborn businessmen. And the more the area of ​​their activity is expanding, the more they give people, the stronger, they are more successful and happier.

♠ Dozen Peaks

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People Card Ten Peak - Nortified Materialists Capacked on a Career. It brings suffering to their family and they themselves. The essence of the conflict is that in their system of values, the house and work are equally important. They break up, trying in vain to find a reasonable compromise. We will have to concentrate on something one thing that it will be - depends on a particular person. If the peak ten is a woman, customize the balance will be even more difficult.

Tens of born under the sign are drawn to the material, which sometimes narrows their possibility of development. But the peak suit gives them the strength to overcome themselves and grow spiritually.

People born under this card have a tendency to get involved in any case, falling into extremes. But they know how to learn from their own mistakes, which makes it possible to avoid them as experience accumulates. In the life of a dozen peak, there will be losses that remind you that it is impossible to be attached to the places to life circumstances.

♠ Valts Peaks

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An outstanding spiritual and inventive potential of peak currencies will help him achieve success both in spiritual development and fraudulent affairs. What the road will be selected, will be determined only by the desires of a particular person. Light way - deception and profit - inevitably lead to the fall of the currency. Of all the cards, peak currencies has the smoother way of life. He gets much without much effort, just like that, but it is at the same time a problem. After all, people rarely appreciate what is easy to go. This is one of the reasons why the currency can go on a wicked path. He needs a dangerous game, thrill. And when you play with fire, there is a risk in it to burn. But for the currency such fire is cleansing.

Any rocket peak once aware of its resources, will change internally, rushing to spiritual growth. Age for such a turn is different. In general, the life of the peak currencies is happy and successful, filled with many events.

♠ Lady Peaks

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The lady of the peak is of inborn power and influence, but rarely gets to a high position in society, which brings her bitter disappointment. If the peak lady is aware of its capabilities in time, it will reach unprecedented heights in the spiritual or scientific sphere. Often it combines the qualities of the Mother of the World in which the age-old wisdom, compassion, love lives.

The lady peak is a sharp mind, striking intuition, this is an independent person. It will be able to achieve recognition in any activity, but most of all - in the educational field or literary direction. Its purpose can not be only its own material well-being, in this case the potential will be wary.

She should avoid confrontation with influential people. With all the love of victories, the trials of peak ladies usually ends with its defeat.

One of the main tasks for the lady of Peak is to realize my royal place, use all the wisdom in life given to her nature.

♠ King Peaks

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People whose map of birth is a peak king, always dispose of life. In any selected area, all the vertices are conquered if they do not prefer the fate of the currency. A woman will be harder to realize himself, combine male and feminine is quite difficult.

The king of peak is the most powerful from the Four and is able to become a great leader. It is resistant to external influences, silent internally. But these advantages can turn into disadvantages, it is not capable of compromising, considers them unworthy. Sometimes he needs to relieve his pride and stubbornness and establish interaction with others.

Peak kings in life are often lonely, since indecisive in the manifestation of love. Initially, the peak king is complex spiritual tasks to accept and understand them, more than a dozen years are required, so the true king can be in very mature age. But if the peak king makes the decision to put on the crown, then his power will be true and limitless.

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