Signs during pregnancy: believe or ignore


Pregnancy for women is not only the happiest, but also alarming time. The future mother is constantly experiencing for the health of the baby and the upcoming birth. She tries to do everything right and even begins to follow different rules and signs, many of whom do not have justifications at all.

Soon I first become a mom and, of course, from others, I also hear about superstitions and signs. I decided to figure out which of them are truly true, and on what signs for pregnant women can not pay attention at all.

Signals for pregnancy

Truthful signs

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The health of the child largely depends on the psychological state of the future mother. She needs to lead a calm, measured lifestyle and try to make the most damage to negative. But others, wanting to help, then they give advice and tell folk signs, which cannot be done pregnant. As a result, the woman is constantly in anxious state, because she has to follow her actions and limit himself in something in order not to harm the baby.

Fortunately, most of the well-known superstitions are not true, but some signs during pregnancy are still better observed, because They have a completely logical explanation. For example, pregnant women are urgent not recommended to do the following:

  1. Talk about pregnancy to the second trimester. The first trimester is considered the most complex and dangerous period, because at this time any emotional shocking or the health problems of the future mother may have depository consequences. In the old days it was believed that it was in the first 3 months of pregnancy that a woman is especially sensitive to negative impact, so the enemies can easily smooth or damage the child and the child.
  2. Use red food. Still great-grandmothers said that if the future mother in the last months of pregnancy would eat red vegetables, fruits or berries, the child will be born red. It should be noted that most children are born with a red skin tinge, and the power does not affect this fact. Nevertheless, doctors really do not advise there are many red berries, fruits and vegetables, because They can cause allergies.
  3. Wanted wrapped linen on ropes. In the old days, such a sign was explained by the fact that at the time when a woman actively moves and raises his hands, the umbilical cord could be wound around the baby and even strangle him during childbirth. Experts refute this opinion, but still do not advise pregnant women to raise hands up and sneeze. Because of such actions, the uterine tone increases, and the fetus may have a shortage of oxygen or cord shutter.
  4. To knit. This sign in the people is interpreted in the same way as lingerie hanging, but it is not worth considering it. The only harm from knitting is a violation of blood circulation in the pelvis organs due to a sedental position. Pregnant women are not desirable to engage in sedentary work or need to periodically make a warm-up.
  5. Consider frightening or mutilated animals and people. In the old days it was believed that a ugly child could be born because of this. But in reality, negative consequences can be provoked by an emotional shock from what they saw, because the girls "in the position" are very impressionable.
  6. Contact cats. According to popular beliefs, a woman who during pregnancy rose with cats will be born a sick child. In part, science confirms this fact, because cats can be toxoplasmosis carriers, which can provoke a miscarriage.
  7. Purify foot leg. The great-grandmothers argued that the seat in such a pose could cause the kid's closure or he will have the curves of the legs. From a medical point of view, the posture of the "foot foot" disrupts blood circulation in the pelvic organs and provokes the development of varicose veins.
  8. Take a hot bath. In this case, doctors fully confirm this adoption, because, according to it, the adoption of a hot bath on an early term can provoke miscarriage, and in Late it will cause childbirth.
  9. Become on the back. According to this superstition, the woman could give birth to a deadly child, but, according to modern medicine, it is not quite so. Indeed, to sleep on the back of a woman "in the position" is not recommended, because In such a posture, the blood supply to the fetus is disturbed, and subsequently it can be born with pathologies that are sometimes not compatible with life.

Signs during pregnancy

Unnecessary superstition

There are a number of absurd takes for pregnant women, which can not be made to women during this period:
  1. Report the date of upcoming birth. The ancestors believed that in the last month of pregnancy, the envious could jumped the future mother and the birth would have passed very difficult.
  2. Sit on the threshold. Since a long time, it was believed that the threshold is a dividing boundary between the two worlds. Therefore, sitting on the threshold, the woman could "pick up" the evil.
  3. To cut hair. This adoption even now comply with many women, being "in position." According to the great-grandmothers, the vitality forces are concentrated in the hair, which is so necessary to a girl who is driving a child. After the haircut, its energy weakened, and it became a light target for ill-wishers.
  4. Pre-acquire things for children in advance. According to Slavic legends, such actions could bring trouble, and the child could not be born at all. While the inhabitants of Western countries, on the contrary, it is customary to buy and give children's things 1-2 months before delivery.
  5. Thai has food from the refrigerator. This admission was associated with the fact that the future child could grow thief.
  6. Over the threads, weaving, network, hose and ropes. Our ancestors said that because of such actions, the child could get confused in the umbilical cord.
  7. Picture. Since a long time, it is believed that photographs take part of the energy in humans, so the sorcerers use them for various magical rituals. And the ancestors argued that if a woman who was carrying a child, to capture a photo film, she would have complex childbirth.
  8. To dye hair. Today, this admission can be explained by the fact that the chemical composition of paint can harm the future mother, but before people believed that because of the coloring of the curls, the child could be born with a stain on the body. Similarly, the sign is interpreted in which it says that pregnant can not be dramatically gradually for any part of the body, for example, face, because At that place, the kid will have a birthmark.

Boy or girl?

Some signs during pregnancy allow you to determine the floor of the future child.

  • If the belly is wide, rounded and high, then you should wait for the girl, and if the lowest and pointed, then the boy.
  • The appearance of the hair cover on the stomach, which was not before pregnancy, indicates that the girl shelters the heir.
  • The complex first months of pregnancy, with strong toxicosis, pain and poor well-being indicated that the girl will be born.
  • When having tooling a son, a woman usually wants to eat meat dishes, and she will tell the sweetheart to his daughter.
  • When pregnant in the last months is becoming particularly attractive in the last months, they say that she "bloomed" means, she will have a boy, and girls, on the contrary, take the beauty of the mother.
  • During the hatching of the daughter of the future mother, legs swell very much.

Who will be born?

Signals about the approach of childbirth

Folk signs of pregnancy allow you to determine not only the gender of the baby, but also the date of the approaching childbirth. With some of them, this process can be accelerated if the pregnant has already "switched".
  • An animal dropped into the house or flies into the bird window;
  • prepared things in the maternity hospital;
  • Conducting general cleaning.

In order for the birth easily, from the moment of the start of the fight, a woman needs to dissolve her hair and unleash the bathrobe belt if it is. In addition, many advise before sending to the hospital to cross through their wedding veils and leave home all the decorations. 3 days before delivery, any things cannot be taken out of the apartment. Also in the house where the future mother lives, during a generic activity you need to open all windows and doors.

Believe the signs during pregnancy or not - the case of everyone. But since some of them have a completely reasonable explanation, they should be adhered to not harm the baby's health.


  • Some signs are recommended to be observed, because From the point of view of medicine, they are fully justified.
  • No need to believe in all superstitions and restrict itself in something, because it is negatively affecting the psychological state of the future mother.
  • Most of the people will accept help to determine the gender of the baby, but not to be mistaken, it is better to go to the ultrasound.

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