Lunar calendar of hairstyles for 2020: the most auspicious days of the year


I have long been engaged in the study of the lunar calendar. Today I would like to tell you about the most auspicious days of the year for haircuts on the lunar calendar.

Mowing and lunar calendar

When entering a new year, many are thinking about how to change the image a little bit. And this is best promotes new clothes, shoes ... and, of course, a haircut! But how to choose the most hair cut, which will give you originality, highlight your personality and at the same time will you go?

Lunar calendar of hairstyles for 2020: the most auspicious days of the year 4178_1

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Believe it or not believe - we leave up to you. However, we suggest to familiarize with the fact that it can inspire you to change the image, as well as support in the event of your lack of confidence, which hairstyle is best to choose.

It predicts that in January 2020

If we talk about the beginning of the month, he will develop the most beneficial for you because you can experiment and find the strength to reveal themselves in a new way. From January 1 to 3 of the coming year your goal should be bold solutions. Do not be afraid to try new and quite extravagant.

However, make sure before you go to the hairdresser that you selected hairstyle is great for features of your face. This aspect is very important and requires an individual approach.

Toward the middle of January, you can continue your experiments and try to dye my hair a new color. However, try to choose is not too bright. Perfectly suited rich and deep shades of the noble colors. For example, one will be excellent:

  • aubergine;
  • color rosewood;
  • mahogany color;
  • terracotta.

Nevertheless, should a little closer to temper his zeal and stop there by the end of January. Because the Moon is in the last week will be in Scorpio, the radical hair cut or hair will not repaint the best of your idea. You can just a little touch up the roots, if suddenly the hair grow back or lay down paint is not quite straight.

Predicts that in February 2020

February is the month of fairly unstable, but this does not mean that you can not treat yourself going to the beauty salon. However, beware of the first of the month, as cutting hair can bring into your life easy confusion and vague anxiety. Do not try to change too abruptly. From 1 to 5 February, you can dye your hair in natural colors by the following method:

  • Blondes can try to draw their hair with light redhead;
  • Moon browns gives green light to try black color with indigo or violet;
  • Brunettes can make felting, but it is not necessary to completely translate the hair color on the bright side.

The most favorable numbers for the haircut will be February 19-21, but in the last numbers of the month from this venture it is better to refuse.

Lunar calendar of hairstyles for 2020: the most auspicious days of the year 4178_2

What to prophesate March 2020

The haircut in March can significantly affect your mood. The first month of spring finally entered its legal rights and can dictate its conditions. In early numbers, boldly try to experiment, but avoid implementing your arrows of the 13th, since the moon will not be favored. From March 23 to March 26, it is also not necessary to enter the taste, but thirty numbers are able to support you in all, even the most bold experiments.

What to prophete April 2020

On April 1, there will be a ninth lunar day, which urges you to not affect your appearance, as this decision can lead to confusing and ambiguous situations.

However, from 2 to 4 April, the moon will give you a green light. Restrast from experiments in the tenths, since dandruff may appear on your head. Nevertheless, the last numbers of April you can use at your discretion. You can not only paint your hair into a crazy color on the eve of warm days, but also to take the same way as always dreamed.

What to prophesate May 2020

Mainly, the whole of May will be fully and completely hinting that it is time to change something in yourself. It may be not only haircut, but also weaving African braids or dreadlocks.

However, such decisions are too ambiguous, moreover, you do not know how your hair will behave after you remove the first and second. Therefore, you can make yourself a short haircut and repaint hair in a bright color, for example, in red or plum. Nevertheless, there are days when the campaign in the beauty salon should be postponed. These include 11, 16 and 17 May.

What to prophete June 2020

The first day of summer will be just the ideal opportunity to change his hairstyle. In addition, the haircut will be able to influence your emotional state, since your senses will perceive the world around it very thin, and the mind will become more insightful.

After that, until June 10, nothing should be done at all, but on June 15 and 16 it is not recommended to touch the appearance completely.

What to prophete July 2020

If you make a haircut for 13 lunar day (July 3), you can become visually more attractive, besides, you can subsequently attract happiness and well-being in almost all areas. On July 8 and 10, you should not arrange hikes in beauty salons, as these days will not be favorable for change. But from July 17 to July 19, you can try again something new.

Lunar calendar of hairstyles for 2020: the most auspicious days of the year 4178_3

What august August 2020

In the first numbers, the haircut is capable of attracting good luck for you, so do not be afraid to try something, at the expense of which constantly doubt. From 5 to 6 August, give up any experiments, since the moon will be in the sign of the zodiac fish. You can try something new you can only from August 16 to August 18. The remaining numbers of the month will prevail will not be a positive effect when deciding to change the hairstyle.

What to prophete September 2020

In the first days of the first month of autumn, it is better to sit at home for the favorite TV series, calmly sipping tea, as the moon will not conducive your desires to change something in yourself. However, from 8 to 10, as soon as you get used to cooling, you can go outside and understand what you want a new haircut. Then it is better to indulge in your desire and immediately go to the beauty salon. The tenths in general will have a good impact on trying to change ourselves, but the twenties should be feared - you can plunge into depression or feel not very good.

What to prophete October 2020

In October, a similar situation in September, however, from 7 to 9, the number it makes sense to try to repaint hair into a new color. Nevertheless, it is recommended to choose more calmer shades. However, the moon will not be against if the blonde suddenly wants to become a brownie or brunette. After all, the choice of natural tones as it is impossible to suit at this time of year. But from bright colors still stands

What to prophete November 2020

From 5 to 7 November, boldly solve the experiments. At the same time, these days you can kill two hares at once - successfully change the image, as well as attract a pretty good amount of money to yourself. So find yourself in a plus and there, and there. From 14 to 15 November, it is better not to risk and not do anything with your own hair. Otherwise, you may fail in your experiments. At the same time, 19, as well as 27 and 28, the numbers are perfectly suitable in order to make a new haircut. These days you will feel perfectly, and will also become more attractive.

What to prophete December 2020

If you want to suddenly make a haircut or repaint hair to another color in early December, then it is better to immediately give up this venture, since the moon is capable of sending you illness or other attack at this time. Nevertheless, a great day in order to experiment a little with appearance, will be December 3.

Lunar calendar of hairstyles for 2020: the most auspicious days of the year 4178_4

In addition to the haircut itself, you can make stacking or even lining, but do not go too far, what you warn you about the fact that the moon will be in the sign of the zodiac cancer. From December 5 to December 7, you can safely rush into all the grave - the closer the new year, the brighter you have to shine! Nevertheless, you should not try to repeat it on December 20 and December 22, as depression may comprehend you.

December 26 and 27 - your last chance to prevent the most bold desires for reality. Remember that the main holiday is not far from around the corner, and it is necessary to meet it in the appropriate image!


  • The lunar calendar not only tells when it is better to cut, but also tells that it can happen to you in this or that day.
  • The haircut should approach the oval of your face, so the lunar calendar gives the most generalized tips, but it is not able to fully appreciate your individuality.
  • In favorable days, you can safely be solved on the most insane experiments, without fear of mistaken, but unfavorable days will remind you that it is impossible to do in a particular time interval.
  • If the moon is in the sign of the zodiac negative impact, even if there is a better-friendly day, it is better to refrain from experiments.

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