Moon Calendar Strezhek for December 2020: Favorable hair hairstyles


Hair is an important constituent appearance of representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Even if the girl wears a short haircut, shine and hair lush invariably attract attention. So that the hair is healthy, it is necessary not only to care for them with the help of suitable funds, but also to make a haircut in accordance with the hints of the lunar calendar.

I love my hair, they are my long and healthy due to the fact that I always cut them in accordance with the recommendations of astrologers. In the article I want to talk about the most favorable hair cuts in September.

Influence of the Moon on Health Shevory

The position of heavenly shine affects the human body. This is especially true of the moon, since this is the closest heavenly body to the ground. Astrologers make up various lunar calendars, following which, you can improve your well-being.

Moon Calendar Strezhek for December 2020: Favorable hair hairstyles 4179_1

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The lunar calendar favorable for the visit to the date wigmalara for the last month of the current year is based on such aspects as:

  • The passage of the moon through a certain zodiac constellation. Being in them, the night shine positively or negatively acts on the state of the hair and hair growth;
  • Another aspect is a lunar day. Do not confuse with calendar. Lunar days only 29, so they do not coincide with the usual calendar;
  • The third factor on which attention should be paid is the lunar phase. In total, their 4 - new moon, growing, complete and aging moon. By the way, even folk signs say that it is necessary to trigger to accelerate hair growth in the stage of the nearby Queen of the Night Sky.

Lunar calendar

Moon Calendar Strezhek for December 2020: Favorable hair hairstyles 4179_2

Aspects that take into account astrologers in the preparation of the lunar calendar often contradict each other. The most successful dates for the haircut are those where all three or at least two factors will be positive. All data are shown in the table below.

Moon Calendar Strezhek for December 2020: Favorable hair hairstyles 4179_3

Number Constellation Moon day Phase
1 Aquarius. It is better not to go to the beauty salon, if you are not third-party extreme haircuts with baldness, since the change of appearance at this time contributes to hair loss. 5

A great time for a visit to the stylist, contributes to the involvement of financial well-being.

Arriving moon. As mentioned above, this time is the most successful to shift hairstyles. The arriving moon has a positive effect on the condition and appearance hairstyles. The hair will become shiny and obedient. And the arriving moon contributes to the acceleration of hair growth and increase their volume.
2. 6.

It is worth useing the services of a hairdresser if you want to achieve your career success and establish a personal life.

3. Fishes. Any hair manipulations at this time are fraught with "fish" gifts - dandruff and dry skin. 7.

Do not cut your hair. Procurement of length will provoke colds.

4 eight

It is better to postpone a visit to the stylist. Hair treatments will weaken immunity.

5 nine

Beautiful day for a visit to the hairdresser. Promotes longevity and health improvement.

6. Aries. Do not cut your hair when the night shine passes through this constellation. The structure of the hair will not deteriorate, but the immune system will fall into decline. ten

It is better not to cut the hair - this negative will affect the body.

7. eleven

A visit to the beauty salon is fraught with the recurrence of past diseases or the emergence of new ones.

eight Taurus. One of the most favorable periods for hair procedures. The structure will improve them, the hair onions will be fixed, and hair growth will accelerate. 12

Good time to change the hairstyle, as it will clarify the thoughts and sober mind.

nine 13

Do not go to the beauty salon, if you do not want to attract a failure.

ten fourteen

Good time to visit the hairdresser. You will not only refresh the appearance, but also attract good luck.

eleven Twins. Neutral time to visit the hairdresser. The hair will grow faster after the haircut during this period, and will also become obedient. 15

Perfect time for a haircut, as the change of image contributes to career growth and welfare increase.

12 16

Unsuccessful period for changing the image. Manipulations with the hair can cause migraine and uncertainty in their abilities.

Full moon. This time is the most successful for a complete change of appearance. Haircut will improve overall health and get rid of sadness and anger. The hair trimmed in the full moon will become obedient, smooth and thick.
13 Cancer. Do not stand in this period. The hair will be disobedient, brittle. Washing them will not bring the desired freshness, perch may appear. 17.

It is better to postpone a hairdresser's visit, as the risk of errors that will lead to a worsening career.

fourteen eighteen

Change of appearance will lead to problems at work. Also increases the likelihood of injuries.

Old moon. At this time, you can visit beauty salons. The haircut will not have a negative action on the state of the shevory, on the contrary, it will only strengthen and improves hair. However, their growth will slow down.

At this time, you can experiment without fears with the color of the will, as anyone will quickly come down.

15 A lion. If there is a desire to change the appearance, it is better to do this when the moon is located in the constellation of the lion. The hair will become soft, silky and obedient. 19

Do not change the appearance, so as not to provoke problems with well-being in loved ones and pets.

16 twenty

It is worth hurrying to the beauty salon to increase the life expectancy.

17. Virgo. The best period is not only for haircuts, but also various manipulations using chemicals. This not only won't hurt hair, but also make them stronger and healthier. 21.

The change of image on this day contributes to the worsening of mood and decline forces.

eighteen 22.

Haircut will bring a good completion of all undertakings.

19 23.

A great time to go to the beauty salon, if you are going to start a new business. But manipulation with hair on this day contribute to weight gain.

twenty Scales. Not very good time to go to the beauty salon. During manipulations with the champper, the grid of karma is broken, which can lead to a deterioration of general well-being. 24.

The haircut on this day will refresh the complexion and will strengthen the natural charm.

21. 25.

An unfavorable time for a hike in a hairdresser, as it contributes to the emergence of various diseases.

22. Scorpion. This period cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The new appearance can be as positive and adversely affect the relationship with the beloved. 26.

It is better not to go to the hairdresser, if you do not want problems with vision. Also, manipulation with the hair will bring increased pressure and headache.

23. 27.

Wonderful time to go to the stylist, as it brings joyful events to your life.

24. Sagittarius. A great time to go to the hairstyle for shifts. You can do with hair everything that will do, as it will attract good luck in a career, relationships with loved ones and money issues. 28.

Great time to visit the beauty salon. Hair manipulations contribute to improved health and enhance immunity.

25. 29.

Any hair manipulations will bring charm and attractiveness to your appearance.

26. Capricorn. A great time to go to the stylist, especially if you have problem hair. The tips will stop sneeze, the hair will become healthy and shiny. 1

Extremely unfavorable time for hair cutting. You risk attaching the misfortune for yourself and your family.

New moon. This lunar phase is considered the most unfavorable for the whole organism, so no experiments with hair are not recommended.

If you want to change the shade of the chapels, then on this day it is better to use natural dyes that do not contain chemicals. Otherwise, it is irreversible to damage the hair structure.

27. 2.

It is not recommended to give yourself a hairdresser in order not to attract numerous conflicts to your head.

Arriving moon. As mentioned above, this time is the most successful to shift the hairstyle. The arriving moon has a positive effect on health and hair growth. Haircut at this time will make them shiny and give a healthy appearance. And the arriving moon contributes to the acceleration of hair growth and increase their volume.
28. Aquarius. It is better not to visit the hairdresser, if you are not third-party extreme hairstyles with the ballas, since the shift of the appearance at this time can provoke hair loss. 3.

An extremely bad period for a visit to the beauty salon. Chanitually worsen well-being.

29. 4

Also should not take scissors in hand. A shift hairstyles will lead to diseases of the ENT organs and deliver emotional discomfort.

thirty 5

A great time to go to a hairdresser, contributes to the involvement of financial well-being.

31. Fishes. Any hair manipulations at this time are fraught with "fish" gifts - dandruff and dry skin. 6.

It is worth useing the services of a hairdresser if you want to succeed in a career and personal life.


Moon Calendar Strezhek for December 2020: Favorable hair hairstyles 4179_4

  • The moon significantly affects hair health;
  • Events in the fate of man depend on the location of the moon;
  • It is best to make a haircut, following the hints of the lunar calendar.

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