How to cause bloody mary and what it threatens


The ceremonies of the emergency forces are becoming popular not only among adolescents and children, adults are also often resorted to such practice. Before starting the call to anyone, it is important to understand what it can follow. Before you decide on the challenge of Bloody Mary, you need to get acquainted with the one who is and what is this spirit.

How to cause bloody mary and what it threatens 4183_1

Who is the bloody Mary

There are several stories that tell where Mary came from, which of them is reliable, it remains only to guess. The first story talks about distant times and family from mother and daughter. Once a small daughter painted an ordinary staircase on a sheet of paper and I was looking forward to watching the drawing of a mummy. The girl went with a drawing in the kitchen and saw there a dead mother, in the back of which a few knives of Chinese origin sticking out.

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The girl decided that the mother killed their neighbors who often offended their family. Anger and hatred swept the girl, she went to take revenge offens all with the same knives. The child killed a few people, after which she was shot down the crew. The body of the child found rustic residents, they cut off the girl's hands and threw the body into an abandoned well.

After death, the girl continues his revenge and kills everyone who could have the sacrament to the death of her mother. Also, the Spirit punishes those who knock down people or sends a children's breathless body into a well. In addition, Bloody Mary may come to those who depict the staircase not only on paper, but also on the mirror. The last Mary does not kill, it scares these people greatly, and some leave serious cuts on some.

Despite the prevalence of such history, esoterics and psychics relate to her with great distrust. Most of the extended world connoisseurs adhere to another version. Psychics suggest that Bloody Mary was none other than Maria I Tudor. This woman had more nicknames like Maria Catholic or Maria Bloody.

How to cause bloody mary at home

How to cause bloody mary and what it threatens 4183_2

Currently, many children cause such an essence as an elementary entertainment or joke, absolutely unaware that it can follow. It is worth saying that any essences of the subtle world do not want to appear in front of people in their natural guise, and not everyone will be before all sorts of joker.

Not only Mary can come to the child, but any other entity that will appear in the spirit of the Spirit of Bloody Mary. There is no need to kill your opponents, because it feeds on the spirit of such a strong emotion as the fear that is experiencing everyone to whom it will appear.

So how can you cause this essence?

  1. With the help of a candle. Thanks to this ritual, you can call a bloody Mary using only a candle and a dark place. Just burn the candle and approach the mirror. Say the spell so that the bloody Mary appears. Try to peer in your reflection, but not directly into it, but as if through. When your features begin to be distorted, transfer the wovers through the left shoulder and continue to wait. After a while you will see the face of your future chosen one. If the edge of the eye you will notice the movement of your reflection, you need to urgently stop this ritual. Just say "Bloody Mary, Rise." Do not turn off the light, do not extinguish the candle, otherwise Mary is unrown in your body. If you turn the light sharply, then the Spirit will live in your home and will spoil you life.
  2. With the help of a mirror and lipstick. Another ritual provides for the use of a mirror, candles and lipstick. Do not use blood instead of lipstick. Magic using mirrors in itself is extremely strong, and blood will only strengthen such rites. Take lipstick, draw a staircase on the mirror, burn the candle and put the light everywhere. Tell me "Bloody Mary, come." Soon you can hear the noise of remote steps and see the silhouette that runs the stairs and wants to get out of the mirror. At this moment, tell me "Bloody Mary, Rise." If you do not have time to drive the spirit on time, then he will set up in your body, and you will send you in the castorgal. After such a rite, you can see bruises, hematomas, or even cuts.

Call Mary outside the house

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This ritual can be carried out not only in homes, but also in non-residential premises, as well as in an open territory. For the ritual, take:

  • 5 candles;
  • chalk red;
  • white chalk;
  • salt.

Midnight come to the selected place, out of themselves with a circle with salt or white chalk. Around yourself in a circle, spread lit candles. Draw a red staircase and loudly tell me "Bloody Mary, come to me, I give me a response." Say this phrase exactly three times, after which you will definitely see the female figure on the stairs. Women's clothing can be fan of blood, let it not scare you.

Do not look into the face of this woman, if you look into her eyes, then alone will never leave you anymore. Send the Spirit back after that it will not be possible. You can ask a ghost one question for which it will surely answer.

After the response received, you need to drive Mary. After that, you need to poison the candles alternately. When the spirit disappears, leave the protective circle and quickly erase the depicted steps, otherwise Mary can easily come back from your world.


  • Under all the rules of security, the Spirit cannot harm you and get into our world;
  • You will not threaten anything if the fear does not win you during the rite.

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