What is Kabbalah and who are such Kabbalists


The word Kabbalah has long been on the hearing, but somehow there was no time to learn about this teaching More. I know that many Western stars are fond of Kabbalah, what kind of direction this direction has to science or religion, is unknown. The article can be found in more detail.

Kabbalah - what is it

Kabbalah is a hidden knowledge based on the commandments of the Torah. It was transferred to the Jewish sages of mouth in the mouth for centuries. The word translated from Hebrew means "getting", "adoption". The wisdom of the teaching is disclosed only if there is a need for the necessary knowledge, it is important to observe the commandments, follow the moral, ethical rules of behavior. The roots of tradition go to Sinai Revelation, Moses, according to some reports, the teaching could be formulated even earlier, in the era of the foreframes.

Today, Kabbalah is studying hundreds of thousands of people all over the world today, for this there are special lessons, in many cities there are special centers. Since ancient times, secret knowledge was transmitted far from all, but only the most worthy. The sages showed great caution in the dissemination of information. The recipients of secret knowledge were to have wisdom, to understand the sections of the Torah, be God-fearing.

Causes of hiding Kabbalah

The main reason for the mystery of knowledge is the concern that knowledge can get to smart but unclean in the intentions and preferences of people. The wise men feared unexpected, destructive consequences. Teaching can be compared with atomic energy. The benefit from the energy potential is much higher if it is controlled. With its absence, energy is transformed into devastating power with unexpected consequences.

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The disclosure of minor secret knowledge led to the creation of a new religious direction - Christianity. Faljorok Shabtai Zvi, various movements that destroyed the Jewish way in locations were destroyed by their contribution. For these reasons, the mass study of Kabbalah for many centuries was prohibited.

Do I need to study Toro before reading Kabbalah

Kabbalah is an important element of the oral part of the Torah, it is considered to be the fourth level of its understanding. Understanding it without prior reading the Torah, Talmud, the study of the laws of life of the Jews is impossible. Kabbalah is considered the key to secret knowledge concluded in the Torah. The study of them in such a sequence will help to understand the meanings, patterns and the depths of the Torah.

Difficulties in learning

The main difficulty of study is a large number of abstract concepts, terms that are difficult to decipher. It is important to understand that such knowledge is not transmitted by a cup of tea or a glass of champagne. The absence of a systematic approach will also not bring benefits, success is possible only subject to the application of efforts. The student must have a performance, differ in certain ways of thinking, which can only be gained due to the long-term study of the Torah.

Kabbalah includes a large amount of information, the amount of which exceeds that offer modern Kabbalists. An important role is played by the scope of the exercise, all the details. Failure to comply with this condition will not allow creating a bulk slim knowledge structure. To understand the terminology, Kabbalah should know the language of the Torah, since their translation is absent.

Does the study of Kabbalah require the commandments of the Torah

The aim of studying Kabbalah is to achieve perfection, a person during his life should try to get closer to the Creator as much as possible. This is what is read by the main thought that is hidden behind certain wording. In accordance with the teachings, the path to planting lies through the execution of the commandments of Kabbalah.

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Kabbalah and Science - Is there a connection

Numerous appeals to reading Kabbalah are often felt as an effort to present it as a science. There are many articles that will allow convincing newcomers in this. This is due to the need to introduce teaching into broad masses. It should be borne in mind that in the sources there are no mention of any respect to Kabbalah to science. The confirmation of this contradiction is also considered to be the study of the secret once for knowledge of rabbis, and not scientists.

Prohibition for study

Until the nineties of the last century, the study of Kabbalah was prohibited. Removing the ban is associated with the disorder of people from religiosity. They ceased to associate the forces of nature with humanoid creatures. Often this removal is associated with 1995, after which the teaching began to spread around the world.

The secret of the popularity of Kabbalah

Kabbalah is distinguished by versatility, admiration causes little familiarization with ideas about the structure of peace and man. Only these knowledge may awaken more thirst for reading Kabbalah. Teaching can capture any enlightened person immersed in the search for answers to the secrets of the Universe. To begin with a serious study, Kabbala has enough superficial familiarization.

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  1. Kabbalah is an ancient secret teaching based on the Tore, which was transferred from the mouth to the mercy of the Jewish wise men over the centuries.
  2. The secrets of the Torah are encrypted, the adherence to the laws of which make it possible to achieve self-improvement, as much as possible to the creator.
  3. Today, the doctrine is no longer considered secret, in many cities he is studied in special centers.

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