Armenian names for boys and their meaning


The name given at the birth of a child in many ways affects his personal qualities and fate. It helps in development, forms character, has an effect on health. My husband is Armenian. They have their own traditions of kid. Well, of course, at the birth of the Son, we decided to call it in accordance with Armenian traditions. I want to talk about Armenian names for boys and about the customs of the name of the name of the Armenians.

Rules for the formation of Armenian names

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The main role in the formation of names among Armenians is played by the rich history of the country, as well as relationships with neighboring countries and states, which in its time it was included. In the formation of the name of Armenians, several aspects took into account:

  • Kind of activity;
  • historical events;
  • religion;
  • Geographical region.

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From geographical names such as Ararat, Van, Nairi, Masis occurred. If we talk about religion, many Christian names have been changed in Armenia. So, John became ovhannes. At the same time, the sound sound remained close to the original. In addition, some names remained from the Bible, which remained unchanged (David). There are national, which means biblical events or having Christian importances. These names are considered newly formed:

  • Ascension - Ambartsum;
  • phenomenon - galoast;
  • Apostle - Arakel;
  • Sentained by the Holy Cross - Khachatatur.

Linguists define three groups of formation of names among Armenians, each of which has its own characteristics.

First group

This includes national, those who were formed in ancient times. They were in honor of the pagan deities (Ike, Waagn, Anait), Kings (Ashot, Tigran, Artashes) or other famous people.

Second group

These are the names that were formed from the names of the heavenly shining, expensive fabrics or jewels. Also, these names include the names of the holidays. These names include: arrow (sun), methaxia (silk), manushak (violet) and others.

The names of their own who occurred from the nominal, were invented in antiquity. Many of them, by the way, belong to the animal and plant worlds. In antiquity, the name was chosen in accordance with the qualities of the character of a person who wanted her parents to see in her child. However, some called their child in accordance with their feelings that they brought the birth of a long-awaited baby.

If we talk about personal qualities, then you can include Azat (free), Patanakan (venerable), Zhiraire (Boyky). It is necessary to say that in infancy it is not yet clear what exactly there will be a person, and therefore the name, rather, reflected the desires of the parents to see these qualities in her child.

Many names for boys ends to "-yr." Translated from Armenian this means "man." Before this syllable is an adjective, which means quality of character. So, according to the rules of the name formation in Armenia, Arasev will mean - "Sunny man".

BY THE WAY! Women's names have the end of "-Ucht", which means "daughter". At the same time, the name of the father, for example, Azatducht puts. So there were completely new names.

Third Group

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These are borrowed names that came to the country from other states. For example, the name Suren is borrowed from the Persian language.

In addition, many of the names came to Armenia in Soviet times. So, the boys began to call Volodya, Alyales, and energies. Also popular steel and European names that came from literature or history are also popular: Hamlet, Edward, Heinrich.

There were unnoticed names of famous personalities - Engels, Roosevelt. True, later they began to change them to the Armenian manner, making the sound more familiar.

Some names, as in other countries, can wear both men and women -Ayan, Arshalue. There are those who have both men's and female form, although they are single. So, the male name Armen in the female version will sound like Armenui.

In the country to this day, generic names are popular. In the documents, it is not indicated, but is formed on the principle of the surname. As a rule, the basis of the generic name is taken by the production of classes or the nickname of the founder of the genus. Especially such names are distributed in remote areas where the traditions follow the traditions.

Many Armenians live outside the country. Due to the fact that this nation is very friendly, Armenians form diasporas, where national laws apply. Under the influence of the diaspora, the nation in Armenia itself also has a variety of names.

At the moment, there is a clear Europeanization of names in the country. Popular names are especially common in Russia, as well as exotic, who came from Italy or France. Some of them are double (Anna-Maria, David Amory). Experts do not catch any threat to the self-awareness of the nation, explaining all fashion trends.

BY THE WAY! There is such a situation mainly with women's names. The fact is that girls are numbered mothers who prefer the heroines of their favorite books or TV shows. But the boys give the names of fathers, therefore, in relation to male names, traditions are still preserved.

Many parents try to choose the name of the child before birth. It prevents the identity of the little man to form. Such sciences such as astrology and numerology, despite the rather extensive surviving information, they rained their part of them. Therefore, to completely say about how the name can affect the formation of a baby before birth, no one can say.

what does the name mean

Each name has its own value. The data is listed in the figure below.

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By the way, the meaning of the name, as a rule, does not have literal impact. For example, Vigen, meaning "strong", does not mean at all that the boy will have the power of the hero. Perhaps the boy will be strong soul. And also the fact that he will not be able to give and take love himself, but the other will help solve heart problems.

Some name will not bring any effect at all. At the same time, all three children can be born in one day and are named with one name.

Common Errors when making a child

Choosing a name, parents are targeted, as a rule, on the traditions of kind or fashion trends. Call the boy in accordance with the meaning of his name follows only after the Council of the Specialist. Few people are familiar with numerology and astrology to sufficiently choose the name. Some, based on their superficial knowledge, do the baby, that the name does not help, but harms in his future life.

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The mystery of the name is revealed, first of all, in the man itself, and not in meaning. Some names, data not in accordance with the date of birth, can destroy the personality and nature. That is why it is not worth imposing a child who has not yet been born, since the exact date and time of birth is not known.


Making conclusions on the basis of the above written, you can say:

  • Choosing the name of the boy in Armenia stands in accordance with traditions;
  • If you believe in the mystery of the name and its influence on the fate of the child, refer to the solution of this task to a specialist;
  • The formation of names among Armenians has a difficult story.

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