Value name Prokhor.


What can I tell the meaning of the Prokhor? First of all, it is a purposeful and strong personality. He always achieves goals, comes to help friends and relatives, and also actively fights for justice. Read the article to find out all the details.

Meaning of the name

The literal translation of the name Prokhor means "Going ahead", "Manager". And this is not by chance, because from childhood in the boy you can see such traits such as purposefulness, faith in victory and the desire to go to the end by anything.

Value name Prokhor.

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What is characteristic of a person with this name:

  1. All his life he fights for the truth. Does not tolerate injustice. In childhood, it often protects the weak, against which the whole class has already rinsed. It may grow and become the leader of public movements that are advantageous for independence and struggling with discrimination.
  2. If Prokhor feels right, affect his opinion and persecute almost impossible. He will defend his point of view to the victorious. Therefore, he often has problems with teachers and parents.
  3. With age, the acute sense of justice is softened slightly, Prokhor learns to be flexible and bypassing sharp corners in relations with other people. Instead of conflict, he prefers to find a compromise so that both sides are satisfied.
  4. He can be a very faithful and devoted friend, because it never flies intrigue, does not deceive and does not use other people for the sake of personal gain. It can be rejected on it, he will never refuse assistance and assistance in important matters.
  5. It is often stubborn, it is truly inflexible. It may be bad to affect relations with close people, but thanks to these qualities, it reaches almost all the goals to which she strives.
  6. Hot-tempered Prokhor is capable of the power of its anger to force those surrounding trembling. But he leaving, so there is no evil for a long time. Over time, close people get used to the flashes of irritability and just wait peacefully until the storm subsides.

The leader in nature, Prokhor and in childhood, and in adulthood becomes the leader of various informal groups, the company in the company and man whose opinion becomes decisive when required.

Hobbies and hobby

From an early age, the boy prefers classes where you need to do something with your hands. Gives preference to crafts and applied creativity. About such men they say that they have "golden hands."


In the profession, the most important thing for him is to find a job that will become worthily paid. He will take on the role of the minister in the family and will do everything possible to do not need anything.

He always responds to the fulfillment of his duties, so the leadership appreciates him and encourages every way. Thanks to hard work and purposefulness, it is easily moving through a career ladder in any profession. His abilities are universal.


Health from Prokhor throughout the life is excellent. He actively engages in sports, follows its nutrition and to maintain good well-being treats very responsible. He understands that health is an integral component of the high quality of life, so seeks to follow him.

The only problem is psychosomatics. Frequent manifestations of wrath and hot-temperedness in old age can cause heart problems. And aggravates the situation of the inability of Prokhor to rest, give yourself a breather to restore forces and energy potential.

If he learns to alternate work with rest, will work over negative emotional parties and will learn to correctly live its strong feelings, then he will never have any health problems with health.

Sex and love

Prokhor is always completely given to its feelings and does not tolerate semi -mer in love. But often confusing the missing passion and fleeting love with real love, from which he can suffer.

Prokhor name for a boy

He is charming, can easily arrange any girl to himself. It is usually liked by many, because no one is able to resist such bright charisma and a cheerful temper. Baryshni flies on it, like flies on honey.

He himself sympathizes many. For a long time, I usually do not think, choosing a partner for the relationship. But it often becomes his problem, because he can stop his choice on a completely uncommon to him. Therefore, his personal life is often infinite disappointment.

He is very jealous that it often causes conflicts and quarrels with the second half. The owner will try with all their might limit the freedom of the girl. It believes that all free time lovers must spend together, engaged in common hobbies.

May be immature and behave like a child right up to old age. Therefore, he is more suitable for girls who will arrange the role of "mammies" and the absence of personal space.

Does not tolerate insincerity. If the choices will be selected even in the slightest deception, without a drop of regret, break the relationship. And he will not be stopped by children nor hurry together property.

But his beloved will always be under the wing of his care. She will not have to worry about money, take care of feeding the family and solving problems. All this will do Prokhor alone, because he will never be afraid to take responsibility, no matter how big it is.

The spouse of Prokhor is important to accept the quick-tempered husband, his jealousy and proprietary character. And also she should always tell him only the truth. Then their family will not be able to destroy any circumstances.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Prokhor from birth is endowed with the qualities of the leader. He aims at success and good quality of life, so it seeks a lot to work and earn money, reaches goals and follows his health.
  • His negative qualities - quick temper, stubbornness, excessive struggle for justice and sacrifice towards close people. But if he manifests these features of his character in moderation, there are no special problems in his life.

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