Solomon key - what is it? Small and big key


What do you know about the wise king Solomon? We are confident, you have heard about his greatness and immense knowledge in many sciences of the world. Of course, within its time. If you are aware of this, we clearly heard about "Small Solomon Key" and "Great Solomon Key" . These books had a huge impact on the formation of world religions, changing many aspects beyond recognition. Important work, right?

In this article we decided to tell about "Small" and "Big Solomon Key" . We are confident, you will learn a lot of useful from this material. You may decide to read them yourself that we are extremely recommended. Ready? Begin!

Solomon and his "Keys"

It is believed that Tsar Solomon wrote this collection . As we said, he was unusually smart, so it is more than real. In these books, Solomon literally reveals all extraterrestrial worlds before us. There, he described all the magic beings inhabiting paradise, blood pressure and purgatory. He also pointed out that with the help of some tips you can achieve control over them. Undoubtedly, it gave a certain advantage over "simple mortals."

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Where Solomon learned this is unknown. However, there are legends that he himself Solomon is a divine governor on earth. Given the special mind and the talent of the king, it may well be true. Even if it is a strong exaggeration, then disputes about the gifting of the ruler and can not be. We think you understand it clearly.

There is also a version that Solomon concluded a deal with the devil . In exchange, he received knowledge of the universe, but sold the soul. Such a version may also exist, since the extraterrestrial wisdom of the king is hard to describe without the participation of the other forces.

Of course, now we cannot say for sure that I gave Solomon such knowledge, but you need to take into account all possible options! They create the image of the Great Solomon, the wisest of the whole human race.

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What do the "keys" open data?

The name of the books is symbolic. They literally open the gaze of a simple person on things inaccessible to the ordinary resident of the Earth. Of course, we are talking about other worlds and their inhabitants. Angels, devils and much - much more inhabit our world so that we do not notice it. Such a "key" is literally salvation for us, because it is impossible to live in ignorance all the time. Surprisingly he beat it, right?

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What are these books about?

As we said, Books are a huge collection of descriptions of magical beings. . Before painting the meaning of each book separately, we would like to celebrate two entertaining facts that once again emphasize the importance of "Solomon's keys" for the world.
  • At first, All magicians, alchemists and scientists of antiquity referred to this collection . Absolutely any area of ​​life described this work, so she received its world popularity instantly. There was not a single scientist, never having disliked about the "Solomon keys". That is why they represent such importance.
  • Secondly, Man who knew all the secrets of "keys" practically became God . He realized all the laws of the Universe and skillfully applied them to achieve their goals. He could resort to the help of magical beings, to use them as he needed. Such power gave a person the opportunity to become a ruler of the whole world. That is why many scientists are pleased with the fact that complete "keys" did not reach us.

"Small Key of King Solomon"

  • Small Key Solomon - Grimoire, which describes all sorts of rites and appeals . Although the full text has not been preserved, but several manuscripts survived. It was on them that the "small key of Solomon" was restored.
  • The book contains all rituals, starting with the lower and ending with the highest . Calls and much more allowed a knowledgeable person to change reality around him.
  • It is surprising that the Tsar Solomon himself applied his research during the Board. There are cases when he engaged in magic, examined magic phenomena and creatures . He laid his curiosity such a knowledge base that allowed other sciences to acquire the appearance that we see now. Consider this when you get acquainted with the collection!

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"Big Kear Solomon"

  • In general, the existence of the "Big King of Solomon" is often questioned in a scientific community. The fact is that, compared to the "small", this book was found relatively recently well-known esoteric and collector. Books are really connected to the general thought, which is why it is customary to calculate it to the work of Solomon.
  • The content is so one What can be "jumping" from one book to another and not lose the meaning of the thought of thought.
  • The book describes the esoteric device of the globe . That is why the "big key" is an excellent benefit on magic. There are described popular magical techniques used by masters.
  • Often, the "big key" is accused of inconvenience of work and inaccurate statements. However, magic - a thin science! It is impossible to be accurate here that is why This book has the right to exist. . All opponents can express their opinions, but they cannot argue with the greatness of the creator.


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Here you learned about such an amazing phenomenon as "Solomon's keys." We are confident, you are amazed by the wisdom of this king. We hope you will familiarize yourself with the full available text, which is why we wish wisdom and good luck! We are sure you will make the book data for a long time.

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