What dreams a big dog - interpretation of dreams


To understand what a big dog is dreaming, read this article in which the interpretations of the best dreams are set. I gathered the most reliable forecasts that I myself use when I want to know the future.

Family dream book

In the generally accepted understanding, the dog is a symbol of a faithful, devoted and reliable friend. Therefore, if you saw it in a dream, it can fill a meeting with such a person in the near future.

What dreams big dog

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Still interpretation:

  1. A big black dog is a sign that your most close friend is actually a detractor. He prepares some betrayal, after which you will not be able to come to yourself for a long time and lose faith in people.
  2. White big dog - a close friend is faithful to you, but his behavior will deliver a huge amount of trouble in the near future. He will make any misconduct, the consequences of which will negatively affect your life.
  3. Red dog symbolizes a loved one. If you have no such, then very soon you will get to know. Your relationship will be extremely happy and harmonious, you will gain real love and great happiness.
  4. To see a big dog that grieved - you do not need to trust people, one of them conceived a cunning plan to harm you. In the past, you somehow hurt this person, and for a long time he hasns revenge.
  5. The dog that is haunted - beware of the traps. Someone from colleagues will decide to substitute you to heal before the bosses. Also try to praise with your success, so as not to get enemies, desperately envy you.
  6. The watchdog dog will dream of what you will find yourself in a very difficult situation, but you will be able to find an output due to help and support of a loved one. He is ready to sacrifice many to save you, take care of him.
  7. Meet the dog on the road - get good news from a friend who lives away from you. Perhaps he will decide to invite you to visit, and you can see after a long separation.
  8. The dog plays and sports - to a romantic and very unusual date, which will bring you great joy. Together with the partner you will experience bright emotions. They bring you closer even more.

Esoteric dream book

If the dog is harvested, runs up to you in the hope of getting a treat, we can escape betrayal. In your environment, a dishonest person was joined, who in his eyes says compliments and flatters, and for your back there is dirty rumors.

Dreamed a big dog

Still interpretation:

  1. Stroking the dog in a dream - you are obsessed with the idea of ​​achieving the location of a person and because of this are not able to think intelligently. Think if your efforts are the result to which you strive? Perhaps it is worth sending energy to another channel.
  2. Aggressive dogs will dream of conflicts that will occur due to your hot-temperedness and incontinence. You should avoid sudden statements and not to make actions that can offend other people.
  3. Bite of furious PSA - you need more carefully to our expenses in the near future. It is not particularly worth a debt, because getting money back will be quite difficult.
  4. Patient and dirty dog ​​- to failures in affairs. Circumstances will be populated in such a way that you will not be able to get the desired long time. But you should not fight them. If you accept and get into the flow, the situation will change for the better.
  5. To care for a sick dog - to disappointments in a close person. He will not justify your expectations, grieves and upset his actions. Perhaps in the future because of this you will stop communicating at all.
  6. The dog that will keep awesome - to the rupture of relationships with a loved one. He has not enough of your attention for a long time. Claims and problems have accumulated in a huge amount, and nothing will be fixed.
  7. If animals fight each other - to a large quarrel with a close friend. He will be the initiator of the conflict by learning about some kind of non-resident act in the past. You must find the right words to calm him and return the world into your relationship.
  8. The dog on the chain is a sign that in real life you often limit yourself. Due to fears, you cannot open up opportunities and fulfill our desires. Also, sleep can say that you take over too many commitments, which are not able to.

Dream Miller

To shoot the collar dog - you won the victory over enemies or competitors. You have more advantages that will help achieve success. From this moment you become almost invincible.

Dream Big Dog

Still interpretation:

  1. Beautiful and well-groomed white dog - Get good news from a close friend, after which a series of problems and troubles in your life will come to an end. This information will be related to quarry or money.
  2. Wet and dirty dog ​​- a close friend will make misconduct, because of which you will find yourself in a very unpleasant and disadvantage. Try not to be angry, and as soon as possible to find a way out until the situation has taken an even more bad turn.
  3. To see the dog booth - find yourself in difficult circumstances that will not allow you to achieve the goal as fast as you wanted. You will have to gain patience and wait a little more.
  4. Walking with a dog - you will spend time with your loved one. Perhaps together you will go on a journey, which have long been dreamed of, but could not find a trip.
  5. Evil dogs - your enemies and ill-wishers will be exploring unprecedented activity, trying to prevent your plans. Try to act in advance to imagine.

Check the video on the topic:


  • The dog symbolizes your closest friend. Thanks to the dream, you can learn how he actually applies to you.
  • Interpretations tell about the plans of this person in relation to you. You will understand, he will help in a difficult moment or turn away at the very first problems.
  • Predictions can warn about betrayal or deception. And you can prevent it if you follow the recommendations of the dreams.

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