Veles sign: value and application of the symbol


Veles - a skillful magician and a magician who can work unprecedented things with its power! From mortals, no one can withstand this God, because by its power he is not inferior to Perun himself. Veles himself loves and helps people who honor him. He emphasizes wise and strong will. It is they will reveal the gift of Veles completely!

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Also Veles gives strength to those who wear his sign. It is depicted in the form of a horned head. Why? How to use such a sign? It is in this article that we will tell you it. Believe me, it will be very interesting!

Who is Veles?

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Veles is one of the Slavic gods, which was created as a traveler between the worlds. This ability can not boast any of his fellow. Veles can go to the wrong form in which he studies the world, people and morals. It is clear that such God has exceptional wisdom.

Also Veles has a very close connection with nature. According to legends, he understands the language of all animals, birds, fish and insects. It gives him the opportunity even closer to know our world that he does. The whole animal world is a real house for Veles.

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Veles can contact any beast, but most often appears in the form of a bear. This is due to a peculiarity of its character: strong and unrealistic will. It is clear that the bear is ideal for this role.

Veles appears to people in the form of an elder, the clothing of which consists entirely of the skins. Next to him constantly his faithful companion - a bear. Everyone speaks of his unity with nature!

What is the power of the idle symbol?

Veles has virtually all forces known to man. However, for you, we allocated the main, most fully showing the influence of the Veles on the human life. And this:

  • Creating lightness in the body. It shows the adoption by the body of this sign, which indicates the beginning of the beneficial effect on the body.
  • Thoughts are cleaned, and you are easier to think and implement dreams. Yes, Veles directly affects the human mind.
  • The symbol protects against excessive persistence in affairs, absolutely not requiring it. It saves from excessive waste and owner resources.
  • The sign of the Veles develops a magical component of a person. He literally makes it possible to become a real wizard of his life.
  • The velles symbol helps to reach a man of glory and fame. Of course, if you need it!

Well, you know the theory of the sign of the Veles, it is time to go to practice!

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How to use Veles sign?

Veles sign can be used in different ways. There is no only correct option, just forms of manifestation of respect for it differ. Accordingly, the result is also different. At this point we will list all possible options with their features.

Sign on the door jamb

  • One of the most common ways to use the Veles sign is an image on the door or a jamb. This approach ensures the protection of housing from the troubles and dangers. This sign forms a kind of shield through which the locod does not go into the house. It is worth noting that this method creates the perfect atmosphere of the house where the comfort and understanding reigns.
  • Of course, Veles will also give home spiritual purity. Vices will not enter this bright kingdom and will not be able to prevent the creation of an ideal family. However, it is not necessary to combine this sign with others, because different energy will compete with each other, flowing home detachment.

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Sign on the medallion

  • Medallion or necklace - the most popular objects of the image of the character of the velles symbol. They open the access of the power of Veles to the heart, which positively affects its owner. The first thing that manifests itself during the wearing of such a medallion is the feeling of ease and understanding the laws of this world.
  • Also, such a medallion creates an extraordinary aura around his master. She does not miss evil and negative to him into the body. This creates a magic shield from all threats, which saves the owner from huge waves of negative information, which the world is simply crowded. Be sure the effect of such protection is felt immediately and leaves no doubt about the work of the medallion.

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Sign on Bracelet.

  • The bracelet is also a popular place for applying the idle symbol. Finding on the hand makes it possible to help the veins in work and everyday life. It will help your hands and the soul to gain the strength of which you before and did not dare to dream. Of course, we are not talking about magic and control of the elements, but the power of the spirit, body and character is fully at your disposal.
  • There are many blood vessels on hand. It is they who deliver the positive energy of the veles throughout the body. So you become a more powerful and strong both body and soul.

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Symbol on tattoo

  • The tattoo was also popular with the ancient Slavs. Of course, the process was different than now, however, the power of the sign of Veles remained the same. It helps to achieve unprecedented heights in life, love and career.
  • The main thing is that the tattoo was made because of the faith and respect for Veles, and not because of the cold calculation to get everything immediately. You should strive to be successful!

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So you learned about the magical properties of the sign of the Great God of Veles. Let's remember them again:

  • The appearance of bright thoughts.
  • Development of the magical gift.
  • Achieving success in life.
  • Protection against unnecessary perseverance where it is not required.
  • Observing unity with the world.
  • Protection against external influences.

We hope you understand the importance of the sign of God Veles, because it gives an unprecedented result. Be faithful yourself! Good luck and happiness to you!

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