The value of hexagrams in the fortune of "Book of Change"


Below is the detailed and complete values ​​of hexagrams in the fortune of the "Book of Changes". A detailed description and online divination is available on our website by reference.

How to quickly find the value of the hexagram? Find the first three symbols in the table in the horizontal string, then the last three characters in the vertical.

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The value of hexagrams in the fortune of


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We want to know the meaning of this hexagram:

The value of hexagrams in the fortune of

We find at the intersection of values ​​number:

The value of hexagrams in the fortune of

We are looking for a number 8 in the table of contents - this is a hexagram "bi":

The value of hexagrams in the fortune of


Qian (creativity)

The value of hexagrams in the fortune of

Hexagram number one often falls out creative people who have been trying to achieve success in their activities for a long time. However, nothing turned out, all efforts did not lead to the desired result. The Zyan sign prevents changes in life capable of presenting a huge number of positive emotions. After about five months you will come across a new stage in your fate. You have long tried to achieve confession and finally get it. Try not to give up and do everything possible for the fulfillment of the dream.

Kun (execution)

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The modern pace of life is not always correct. It does not allow to see something important and big in the trifles. Try to stop running for your desires, perhaps the solution of your problems is somewhere nearby. To find it enough to stay for a minute. You worked a lot, and soon fate will reward you for the efforts. However, you need to make the last jerk to your goal. To make this step, you need to be patient and the power of will. Follow the proverb: patient people at the end get everything. Remember this truth when you encounter various situations in your life.

Zhun (difficulty)

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Life difficulties People are often referred to as a black stripe. Unfortunately, in the near future will not be able to cope with the failures that have already pursued for a long time. You dream every day, but you will not be able to get the desired, because your opportunities will not be enough. You will be expected in the near future the decline of strength and energy so as not to aggravate the situation, try to calm down, take failures and take care of your health. Only it can brighten this unpleasant life time.

Main (underdevelopment)

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Uncertainty is the most unpleasant feeling that a person can pursue. It is important to be able to find a solution to any established situation to rejoice at every moment. In the near future, you can start the next step, which will give a lot of new and enjoyable. Do not hurry, take only a deliberate decision after weighted analysis of the situation. Only thoughts can change your life. Fate will give you a white strip that you have long been waiting. After that, you are waiting for career achievements, joyful emotions, endless fun, reliable friends and sincere feelings for a loved one. It remains only to wait a bit and take a few steps in a given direction.

Xu (need to wait)

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Patience is a characteristic of a person's character that helps control their thoughts and emotions in the most difficult situation. You are waiting for a difficult stage, which will be accompanied by the lack of any emotions. It is important to find a source of patience to wait for this unpleasant life. It is worth showing your own character and wisdom. Only these qualities will help you cope with sometimes waiting. It is hard to understand that it is impossible to change anything, but it is inevitable in the near future. Sometimes it is necessary to show a vital position: "I swim for the flow." It will be your life slogan for the coming months.

Sun (court)

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This hexagram is not the most affecting the personal relationship between you and the surrounding people (colleagues, relatives, friends). It is a relationship between people will help to find strength and motivation to achieve their goals. Try not to enter into conflicts not to exacerbate the situation. Only patience will help you not to climb with expensive and close people. Special attention should be paid to work colleagues. There is a chance that someone wants to betray you. You need to beware of even those people you have previously trusted. As statistics show, often the worst enemies are our approximated.

Shi (army)

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You have been trying to fight for a long time to achieve success in some kind of area. After a few months, this struggle will end, but there is no high probability that you win. To preserve the possibility of victory, you need to show considerable caution in all life aspects. You will not hurt for a while to become a wise person to be able to take the right decision in the most unpleasant situation. Responsibility will be an indispensable assistant in the "War", which you are leading.

Bi (approximation)

There is a new period in your destiny, the outcome of which depends solely on how you manifest yourself in the near future. The moment comes when you need to decide on the most courageous and inconceivable actions that will help you to make your life better. Of particular importance for you are friends and loved ones. You have always tried to make decisions yourself, but you need to address the opinions of friends who will definitely tell you the right decision. Listen to their advice that will have a lot of weight.

Xiao-Chu (Education Small)

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Time comes when your thoughts will be in a distant future. You are trying to make changes in life, but recently surrendered. Waiting for change leads you to stressful situations when you cannot focus on what is now most important. Hexagram marks that after 5 months you are waiting for money success. Money play an important role in the modern world, so they will become an indispensable support for you and shoulder to achieve new ideas. With the help of cash, you can find a source of joy, power and independence.

Lee (offensive)

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You talk a lot about the future, about our own purposes, but do not make efforts to achieve these dreams. In the new life period, which comes, it is necessary to start acting. This will bring fruit. However, the actions should be deliberate and serious. It is the understanding of each action that will help you to take the right decision and make your life much better. Do not expect that the surrounding people will help you in the realization of ideas. Remote in the coming months only on yourself. Remember that you yourself are the best assistant and the advice.

Tai (flourishing)

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Very favorable life life, because you will be accompanied by luck. It is she who will help you to achieve success to which you go for a long period of time. Desire is the only hope that fills life with meaning. For several months, your dreams will start come true. Special attention should be paid to cash. You will get the opportunity to earn more, but you should not spend earned money on empty baubles that you absolutely do not need. Appreciate the money earned, which was not easy for you.

PI (decay)

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Pi hints awesome to look at his relationship with the surrounding people. There are not always people who are near you are kind and sincere. You are waiting for a quarrel with people who have long been pretending to be your friends and like-minded people. At this time, you should not make new acquaintances that will be unpleasant for you. Try to stay away from unfamiliar and not tested people. This will help keep nervous cells.

Tun Zhen (like-minded)

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It is impossible to characterize the step, which will soon come, with a positive or negative side. You are waiting for difficulties and obstacles to the desired result, but you can overcome even the most difficult situations. This will help you energy and surrounding people. Do not attempt to cope with the difficulties yourself, be sure to accept the help of every person. During this period, such assistance will be a rescue circle for you. It is worth trusting people, because they sincerely want to support you.

Da-Yu (possession of great)

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You can stay after the difficulties that arose on your way. You are waiting for a permanent luck. Good luck is a gift from above that is not always given to people. It is worth treating this gifting with respect and understanding. Easyness in all endeavors will help you achieve new heights. Career growth and exceptional success will surround you in the near future. However, you do not fit to become cold and calm. Calm is the key to a successful future and gaining severe nature.

Qian (humility)

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You are going to build ambitious plans for future life. However, in the coming time, you should not make any conclusions and make large-scale solutions. Plans that will be invented at such a time must be destroyed and will become a source of prolonged depression. Try to refer to failures and obstacles from the philosophical point of view. Only wisdom will help you go through a difficult life stage. Failures - not a reason to surrender and fall into a sad mood. Failures - impetus to new achievements.

Yu (liberty)

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You will pick up the implementation of the most cherished dream. It is enough to make the last step to become a happy man. You are waiting for new relationships with the opposite sex. You will become a very attractive object for others, they will see only the grace and beauty in you. Temptures should beware that will actively surround you from all sides. Do not play in gambling, do not participate in disputes and dubious work.

Sui (follow)

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Your life is confused even more than at the moment. The confusion should be perceived calmly and balanced. Learn to show the maximum of your patience, which will help to take hold of a large gift from fate. About each event of life, make certain conclusions that will help you in the future easier to cope with the difficulties. You are waiting for a small surprise in the form of moving through the career staircase, but do not wait for sharp changes. Everything will happen slowly and stages.

GU (porch correction)

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It's time to return to your past. Sometimes people try to think only about the future, but all our problems and secrets are always directly related to the past. To go to the achievement of the goals, it is necessary to complete all the old things that you once postponed. Try to find your free time to analyze the main events that happened earlier in your life. Perhaps you will find the item that has not yet been striking and seemed insignificant.

Lin (visit)

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Life is preparing you a chance that should be used if you want to make a serious step towards improving your life. You are waiting for the top of success, which you can achieve if you show yourself in the near future. Remember that such chances are rarely falling out, so you will postpone fully. You will not hurt to show all the resources of your courage. It is the bravery and a desperate approach to everyday things will help to use luck.

Guan (contemplation)

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There is a complex band in life, which will be accompanied by a huge number of diverse difficulties. You should definitely show passivity: any attempt to change something will be the starting point to even more grief. It is calm and the lack of action will help you overcome obstacles and difficulties. Give your life in the hands of fate that will make the right choice for you. Fate is a constant component of life that will most clearly be noticeable soon.

Shih ho (arted teeth)

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A difficult period is a mandatory test that needs to be overcome to improve the quality of your life. Remember that thoughts are material, so configure only for joyful events and emotions to discharge the atmosphere. Concentrate on positive emotions that make life bright, filled with laugh and joy, positive, giving a charge of energy to overcome obstacles and difficulties.

Bi (decoration)

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A similar hexagram often falls out creative people who prefers creative ideas. You wear a definite mask in everyday life, which prevents you from feeling comfortable. In the near future, you should remove the existing mask, open your true face with sincere emotions. Real emotions are real achievements of a modern person, because life requires every image that allows people to look in the eyes of people anyway.

Bo (destruction)

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In your life there will be big problems that it will be impossible to solve in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to wait time. Only it can save you from the difficulty. Remember that difficulties are given to a person not in order to break it, but in order to make it morally stronger and more stable. For you, the main thing now is to show maximum caution that will have a positive effect on the life situation. If you try to change your life for the better, gain even more problems.

Fu (Return)

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There is time in order to stop and draw conclusions about the past. Try to remember all your mistakes, analyze them. In your life there will be a crossroads that will require a quick decision making. Make the right choice will help your past. Of particular importance will play the number 7 in the near future. Perhaps after 7 days, months, weeks, serious changes will come, which will seriously affect your life. Pay attention to the signs of fate that will definitely appear soon.

U-van (beability)

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You are now in complete harmony, which is manifested both in your moral condition and in a career and relationship with loved ones and native people. Try to save this feeling that is especially important for every person. Harmony creates favorable conditions for development and growth. Changes will happen without your effort, that is, by themselves. Vigilance is the only quality that you will need in the near future. Watch what happens around you

Yes, Chu (upbringing Great)

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It comes not the most pleasant life stage, which is found in the fate of every person. There comes a complete stop in the affairs, which you spent a huge amount of time. Passivity should be shown, which will manifest itself in a deaf defense. You need to try to preserve what was not affected by difficulties. It will be especially difficult with the financial component. It will be difficult for you to overcome monetary difficulties, but it will help you to look different things on everyday.

And (nutrition)

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Many people try to ignore obvious things and do not notice their mistakes. It does not allow their personality to grow and becomes an adult to change themselves and their lives for the better, you need to look at yourself from the outside. This will help notice all the oversight and start acting in the right direction. Active actions to apply currently you should not, they can only complicate the situation. Show restraint that will become an indispensable assistant for the coming months

Yes (recycling of the great)

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There is a favorable period for various changes in all spheres of life. You should forget about caution and start acting. The risk will help become much higher than the current situation. Do not be afraid to take desperate actions, now has time for them. Try to take advantage of the time that comes in your life. Each second can become decisive. Time and risk are allies that will lead you to universal recognition. Enough to make a few steps.

Si-kan (repeated danger)

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One of the most unpleasant hexagrams, which does not foreshadow anything positive. The black strip comes, which can delay the long period of time. You need to be prepared for any difficulties. Failures will be pursued everywhere, so do not care for new things. For them now is not the time. Problems will appear every day, and they will need to make a lot of strength and energy. There will be serious problems with money. Do not despair, you need to keep strength for each complexity that will appear on your way.

Lee (shine)

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There is a time of change that will mostly be directed in a positive side. Good luck will accompany you in all matters and endeavors. However, despite the positive meaning of such a hexagram, fate tries to tell you that you do not notice around yourself the main thing, spray forces on secondary things. You should rethink your life, perhaps you miss sights. It is worth understanding what has the greatest value for you to start moving in a significant direction for you.

Xian (interaction)

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The team always was something unfamiliar for you and insignificant, so you loved to act solely independently, relying only on our knowledge and yourself. However, now you should not try to continue your way, you need to seek help for people who sincerely want to give it to you. It is together together you can achieve the desired result. Tip and interaction will help you take a step towards a bright future. Collective work will give not only the result, but also positive emotions that you have not guess before.

HEN (constancy)

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Hexagram, which is addressed to the inner world of man. You have recently immersed in your reality, but are in suspended condition: do not know what will be good for you. You are surrounded by solid uncertainty, which negatively affects life. You need to find free time to stay alone with your thoughts and try to understand what you are dreaming and what you want to do next. Avoid communicating with people who collect information for woven.

Dun (flight)

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Recently, you show too much impatience, which does not allow you to get a maximum of life situation. Patience is given from nature a little, so you should produce this feature of the character, which must be useful for you in the future. You pay little attention to your own holiday, because you think that there is no appropriate time. At the moment, the period comes, which is ideal for vacation / holidays. Try to get a charge of positive emotions

Da Zhuan (the power of the Great)

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Easy is one hexagram, which is aimed at the psychological component of the individual. You are a very energetic person, but now you will not help this quality. On the contrary, it can destroy your life. The turnover should be slowed down and become softer if you want to cope with the difficulties that are competing for you. Of particular importance in your fate will play the upcoming three months. If during this period you will show your self-confidence, the result will be extremely deplorable. Take the world to the other side of your personality.

Jin (Sunrise)

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You are waiting for a bright and rich period of life, which will give a lot of new, but pleasant impressions. You need to enjoy happiness that will soon burst into your life. Happiness is the greatest blessing of the Lord who can get a person. Appreciate these unforgettable moments. Show courage and determination, be generous to others. Despite small cash losses, you will get much more subsequently. Try to help everyone who needs it.

Min-and (lesion of light)

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There are serious difficulties, from overcoming which your further life depends. If you show a weakness of character and give up, the black strip will come soon. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should show yourself as a patient and resistant person. Do not dwell on your financial problems that can always be solved. Remember that any difficulties end. You need to wait half a year. After this period, full-fledged happiness will come, that is, a white strip.

Jia-Zhen (home)

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Of particular importance will have people and your surroundings. Now much depends on how well you understand people and know how to establish relationships with them. Listen to each advice that hear in your address. It is the opinion of loved ones to help you find a solution in the most confusing situation. Immerse yourself in home care, they will help to find peace of mind and feel protection. Refuse any trips and travels that may be negative for you to end.

Kui (disorder)

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Your main enemy will soon become annoying and hatred of others, events, subjects. It is necessary to find the forces to restore your nervous system that will be in a pod. Do not try to break away in people who surround you, it can aggravate the situation. Events are now beyond your actions and desires, you can not change anything. Therefore, the most correct decision is calm and the desire to wait and hope for the best. Waiting will be difficult to be made, but it needs you as air.

Jian (obstacle)

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The unsuccessful stage will come in your life. He will entail a lot of problems in work and personal life. Try to find the motivation that will keep you in a strong position, which can not be broken. Remember: If you can not change the surrounding world, you need to use this time to change your internal state. The ideal pastime will be the adoption of conclusions and understanding plans for the future. They will use you when a series of problems and difficulties on your life path will end. This time will become a source for you to compile plans for the near future.

Jie (permission)

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The main guide to the near future will be luck for you. Good luck is only worthy people who have worked for a long time, but could not get a decent result. Now the period comes when your works will be rewarded, and the desires are executed. Start changing your life, make incredible steps. At such a period, any undertaking will be successful, profitable and will bring exceptional joy and harmony to you and your loved ones.

Sun (loss)

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You joined the white stripe, which is accompanied by for some time. Now there comes time to prove yourself from a generous side. Help people who really need it. Do not deny those who ask for help. Generosity will be the source of inspiration to achieve new heights. Get rid of old things that are not able to please you. Do not be afraid to lose: any loss foreshadows a more serious find. You are waiting for a new acquaintance with a pleasant person. Try to see in it a potential friend who will once help you in a life matter or become a strong shoulder.

And (increase)

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You are waiting for great things that have long been waiting for you. Do not be afraid to take care of doubtful sentences, you are treated with a huge success, it is enough to make efforts. Do not be afraid to go to desperate experiments, because they will definitely go successfully and will give you an endless joy and a tide of energy. In the personal life you are waiting for a new wave of love. If you are in a relationship, then a loved one will be pleasantly surprised. If you are alone, then you will soon meet your big love that will last for many years. Remember that love is a gift over, a feeling that allows a person to become much stronger and more powerful than it really is.

Guai (exit)

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A very successful life stage, which will be accompanied by the performance of a dream, achieving new heights, strong love relationships. You need to show yourself a bold man, ready to risk and go to rapid decisions. You should not fall into a panic, you need to straighten your wings and try to go to the call of your heart, which will lead you to a happy stage. The risk justifies itself and will allow your potential to reveal in a new way. Listen to your intuition that will favorably affect the decisions you have taken.


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Recently, you incorrectly behaved in relation to the people around you. You have not selected expressions than people offended. Do not create conflicts on an even place that will be impossible to extinguish. Try to rethink your behavior. Do not care for new things, because the result will not be as you expect. The perfect time comes to enjoy nature and harmony. Meditation will help to cope with spiritual experiences. Domestic affairs will also help you relax and relax from difficulties and quarrels. Help your relatives to prepare a delicious dinner or spend general cleaning. All this will go to your psychological state solely for the benefit.

Tsui (reunion)

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Good time to successfully finish old things and start new ones. Fate will allow you to reveal all your abilities that will help implement the most bold plans. Pay attention to people around you. Try to make new acquaintances that will bring you a huge number of positive emotions. People will help you to advance in the right direction. Communication will make you happy and carefree. Use all the features that you are provided.

Sheng (lifting)

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You for a long period of time a lot of work that give you a hard time, but I wish you success and have not achieved. Now comes the time when you get what long dreamed. All the works will be adequately rewarded. You will feel ease in every case. All obstacles can be overcome easily in a time like this. You will be able to reach their full potential. Remember that the odds are very rarely fall out, which means that you need to appreciate every moment of this success, which finally came.

Kun (wasting)

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You soon will feel bad. It is not caused by a disease, and the inner emptiness that nothing is impossible to fill. We need to find the strength to overcome the psychological barrier. Try not to expend energy, which left a little on the small stuff. You need to immerse yourself in the mind to feel the harmony. Only such a state will help you cope with all the mental anguish. Spiritual emptiness came after a series of setbacks, but it is not losing the war. Any failure to help a person to become bolder and more decisive, that is, is a wonderful experience for the future.

Jing (well)

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You get the stability, the dream of people around the world. It should be taken with respect to such a gift of fate. Try to perceive stability as a reward the efforts that you have made previously. Actively grasp the small business, which will bring great success. But global affairs, try to avoid, because it should result in them will not be able to receive. Confidence is useful to you to achieve the task, but do not confuse this with the quality of arrogance. Only good people can be truly happy.

Ge (change)

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You have overcome a difficult phase in his life, which was left behind. Before you open a new road leading to great prospects. It's time to start a new business, which completely take over your subconscious. Do not remember the past, which can not be changed. Before you open the future, which is subject only to you. We need to use every chance, even the smallest, to make life better. Memories of the past will not allow you to walk confidently towards a new future. We must learn to let go of past hurts and grievances. If you can not handle it yourself, then refer to a psychologist for help.

Dean (altar)

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You will feel a surge of energy that will lead you to new achievements. Try to direct all forces in the right direction. Treat your success with dignity, try to show modesty, which will help you in the future. Need not become greedy and narcissistic man, to show people around respect and generosity. Pay special attention to the number 3, which marks a change in the near future. Perhaps this is the phone number calendar day ...

Zhen (excitation)

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This hexagram falls to people who have been waiting long and sharp changes in the life. Around you will reign speed and dynamics that can not be stopped. You'll be happy to be in such a whirl of events, so the word "boredom" for a long time away from your environment. Try to keep up with all the events that will unfold. Every day will be a situation dramatically affect your future destiny. Do not lose sight of either one little thing that can speak volumes.

Gen (concentration)

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Difficult moments - an indispensable component of the life of any person. It is impossible to live a life that will consist exclusively of favorable events. Therefore, for every difficulty should be treated with comprehension and philosophical speculations. You have come a stop in all areas, but that is no reason to lose heart. Take care of their personal development. Engage, learn, read books that can enrich your mind. Now comes the time passive, which is ideal for study.

Chien (flow)

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You need to prioritize the character qualities that will need to show in the near future. Remember that haste now will play against you. Now you need to devote time only, do not try to run faster - it will lead to problems. But the insistence on the contrary, will help you cope with any difficulties. Get a bit of courage, when you need to make a decision. It overbearing and self-confidence will help you achieve this goal.

Kuei-mei (the bride)

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There is a period of life, which is called a watershed. You can improve the quality of life, to find love, build a wonderful career, and can lose all that for which have long worked. Big stage should make you stronger. Long ponder all to make the right decision "for" and "against." Try to refer to any situation coolly. Particular importance was attached to the surrounding people, do not open them, they will use the information against you.

Feng (abundance)

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Not so long ago you lived a very difficult stage of life, which was given hard. Now the time will come when it is fashionable to relax from problems and feel air, wind, happiness and love. All difficulties remained behind. You need to start enjoying every moment you live. There is a time when you need to show generosity and help everyone in need. Intuition will be in the finest point when it helps you make the right choice. Listen to your inner voice, which at this moment will tell you the right answers.

Lui (travel)

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During a long period of time, you were in the dead point when there were no changes. Now it has arrived when you can start acting truly. Start your business with little to gradually approach the implementation of your most cherished dream. Do not pay attention to the financial component. Any loss will soon be rewarded with big money. Treat money with ease to rejoice in trifles.

Sun (penetration)

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The confusing situation will shortly be chasing you. You can not find the right decision, constantly postpone meditation in a distant box. Start watching the root problems, only this will help you take the right decision. Try to highlight a lot of time to not make a mistake with the choice that will be key in your life. After 5 months, a white strip will come, which will be accompanied by success in any endeavor. It remains to wait for heavy times.

Dui (joy)

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This hexagram affects the mental state of the gadget. You are very tired lately, you can not find free time to relax and rest, but in the coming days your fatigue will be replaced by joy, which will not know the borders. You will find the long-awaited peace of mind that will help you feel life. A good mood will turn every day on a holiday, surrounding people will give pleasant gifts and surprises. You will be able to feel the ease, which could not even dream a few weeks ago.

Huan (fragmentation)

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You are on the way to your biggest and desired dream. Good luck will accompany you on the road and allow you to get success. Good luck is an incredible coincidence that is not an accident. This is God's gift, which is given only to good and open people. Try to keep the feeling of sincerity and trust. The vertices should be an impetus for you, and not the final stop. Show your strengths. It will not hurt to become decisive and bold to seek justice not only to himself, but also to people who deserve it.

Jie (limit)

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The perfect time has come to show all your abilities, quality and skills. Feel free to make mistakes. After all, it is they who help a person to open a new one and learn. Try to be real, remove the masks that will not be able to help you in the near future. You have long planned a trip, but now is not the best time to travel. Discard holiday away away, try to find a calm and comfortable place nearby. This will help not encounter a number of unforeseen problems.

Zhong Fu (internal truth)

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Hexagram advises you to seek help from people who surround you. Do not try to cope with all the tasks. Collective work will now help you keep strength, get a positive charge of emotions and high-quality work. Your relationship with your loved one will be pushing. They are waiting for a serious test for strength. To preserve love, try to be sincere to others.

Xiao-go (recycling of small)

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Not so long ago you missed a chance, so you can not cope with spiritual experiences. You think you made a fatal mistake. Remember that it is impossible to return to the past and do differently. Everything perfect will remain unchanged. However, you have the opportunity to directly influence your future. Experiences will not help you cope with difficulties, but only lead to a depressive condition. Try easier to treat errors made earlier. It will be a good experience for you for further life.

Ji Ji (already end)

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The period occurred when you need to sum up. This will help to realize all the mistakes perfect, make the right conclusions to build new plans. Find free time when you can stay alone with your thoughts. Privacy will help focus and frankly answer himself on important issues. Build plans for the future, but do not attempt in the near future to start new things. They will not be able to be finished, so it is important to postpone their implementation for a more appropriate time.

Wei-Ji (not the end)

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There is a white strip that will be characterized by luck. Try to sail downstream to enable fate to improve your life. Do not torfer the events: now a hurry for nothing. It is necessary to show wisdom and calm, which at the end of this period are gradually implemented in achieving incredible heights. Only patient people know how to wait for their early hours. Follow this simple advice to implement all your dreams.

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