Zodiac sign compatibility table


They say, not in money happiness, and it really is. The greatest happiness is love and relationships. Each person seeks to find a soul mate in life, a man who will understand you from a half-clow. Finding an interesting interlocutor, everyone wonder: "How much are we compatible in life?" Horoscope will help answer this question. I have full compatibility with my husband. I chose it using the compatibility table. Now I want to tell how to use it.

Horoscope compatibility

Zodiac sign compatibility table 4228_1

There are 12 signs of the zodiac. But even this small amount gives an incredible number of combinations that may arise between people in life. As a rule, all the main aspects of interactions are interested in:

  • love;
  • intimate proximity;
  • family relationships.

Find out what awaits you today - a horoscope for today for all zodiac signs

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Also, the compatibility horoscope will help to find out how good the friendship or relationship in the team is. With it, you can find out with whom it is not necessary to join the relationship so as not to disappoint in the future, but with a representative of which sign of the zodiac, on the contrary, it is worth a closer.

In individual countries of the East, there is a custom before marriage to make a compatibility horoscope. At the same time, no matter how a couple loved each other, if the astrologer gives an unfavorable forecast, most of the steam refuse their intentions. Moreover, if the compatibility of the pair is too low, the authorities may officially ban such a marriage. Thus, strong and prosperous families are created in the country, and the percentage of divorces is minimized.

Zodiac sign compatibility table 4228_2

Three types of relationships are traced in the compatibility horoscope:

  • fully compatible;
  • neutral;
  • incompatible.

Based on the horoscope tips, you can find a perfect future partner for yourself, avoid unnecessary disappointments and quarrels. Of course, there are no rules without exception. It happens that completely incompatible signs of the zodiac live together a long and happy life. Unfortunately, exceptions only confirm the rules are so rare.

In addition to the compatibility horoscope, a person also depends on the set of external factors that affect not only in nature, personal qualities, but also on the vision of life and the environment. In addition, the last experience of both partners should also be taken into account, which undoubtedly imposes its mark.

Zodiac sign compatibility table

Below is a table compatibility table of the zodiac signs. Find yourself and your partner. At the intersection you will see a sign. Below the table is given to decrypt these characters.

Zodiac sign compatibility table 4228_3


Blue sign means the relationship of the appearance "from hatred to love." These are classic opposites. In the circle of the zodiac they are on opposite positions. They also patronize different, although compatible elements. Relationship between these signs is very complex. However, the opposites are attracted, and in common between these signs much more than is customary to think.

Partners in such a union are a reflection of each other and addition. However, their opposite can play against them. If there is no suspicion, jealousy in relations, then such an alliance will be very successful. Otherwise, the discord will lead to a rupture.


Blue sign symbolizes the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. These people belong to one element that they combine them. Despite the fact that there are differences between all people, they give rise to no contradiction between partners, but only awaken mutual interest.

Both partners feel great at the intuitive level. This compatibility is good in any manifestation:

  • love;
  • intimate communication;
  • friendship;
  • Job.

The disadvantages of this union include only the fact that both of his member are too tolerant to each other. And sometimes they do not give their partner to "breathe", limiting the space for self-development.


Red is a symbol of energy, actions. So the union marked with a red square is saturated with passion. These zodiac signs are doubled to each other. Great mutual understanding between them. Business cooperation and friendship will give excellent results.

Love relationships between signs in the aspect of the square, passionate, exciting, full emotions. And now the latter leads to constant conflicts, which in the end bother both or one of the partners.

The family union may be short-lived if the pair does not learn to make compromises. At the same time, it is necessary to give up from a pure heart so that both it was comfortable. In this case, partners will be able to constructively interact, and not just to endure each other, and their union will be durable.


The violet color sign characterizes interesting, but problematic relationships. There are practically nothing in common with such people. They can communicate on the same topic, but never find mutual understanding.

However, each of the partners can perceive the other as their own opposite, believing that he possesses the missing qualities and, accordingly, complements it. Actually this is not true. In reality, these quality will not be expressed either will be shown completely from the other side.

Often this incompatibility of views creates strong sexual attraction. Each partners sees another extremely attractive. However, in the soul doubt the doubt that they found such an attractive in each other.

To build a solid alliance, you need to take into account each other's features, learn to search for compromises and understand what exactly they attract each other.


The green symbol characterizes the union that is based on mutual sympathy. Representatives of the signs of the zodiac, which are in the aspect of sextil, are under the auspices of different, but compatible elements.

Such a union will give both the opportunity for self-development. Smooth, quiet relationships based on mutual sympathy and respect can be established between partners. Each pair will give to another what he is missing.

Relationships can develop in any of their manifestation from love to business partnership. However, marriage will not be exciting passion and fire. If both partners seek to find stability and tranquility, the Union will be durable and productive.


Orange sign means uncertainty. Signs are located with each other near the zodiac circle. As a result, they are somewhat similar that in the Union leads to some competition and even jealousy.

Representatives of neighboring signs need time to learn to interact. They need to leave a lot behind, forget the past and move forward.

The first sign of the zodiac will seem that in his partner lacks some qualities. This will lead to arrogance, attempts to learn the second. The latter perceives the partner as something uncertain, believing that he clings to the relationship.

A rather strange union, with some luck and effort on both sides it can be very interesting. But when both partners overcome all obstacles, study each other, this duet will become exciting and sensual.


Based on the foregoing, it is possible to draw conclusions:

  • all people are different;
  • It is impossible to rely only on the compatibility horoscope;
  • There are no 100% incompatible people;
  • So that the union becomes fruitful, both sides should make efforts.

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