What is the dream of the forest - Interpretation by dreambooks


To solve what the forest is dreaming, try to remember and write a dream scenario in details, and then find a suitable interpretation in this article. I collected the predictions of the best dreams, which I myself use for many years.

Esoteric dream book

See a large forest from afar - to deep sorrow, which you will experience for a long time. You will remember the events of the past days and indulge nostalgia.

What dreams of the forest

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Other interpretations:

  1. It is in dusk among the impassable forest ages - you took the case that it seems to you very simple. But in fact, a lot of difficulties lie. To solve everything, you will need a lot of time.
  2. Walking through the woods and collect mushrooms - you will be invited to the cultural event. It may be a trip to the theater or the concert, which you get a tremendous pleasure.
  3. Spring Forest with the first colors - you will greatly marry and live with your spouse in the world and harmony until the end of your days. The chosen one will be the person with whom you have been friends for a long time, but did not even think about romantic relationships.
  4. Summer forest, illuminated by the Sun, dreams of a strip of luck and luck. Your affairs will go to the way, and the circumstances will change in your favor. Therefore, it will be possible to solve even those problems that seemed very complicated.
  5. Autumn forest - to the conflict with the second half due to different views on the relationship. You have a different worldview, goals, desires and needs. It is worth thinking whether you chose a person as a satellite of life.
  6. Winter forest - to problems with money. There is a risk to spend all the accumulations, lose work and be on the verge of bankruptcy. It will become a serious test for you, but do not despair, but continue to act, no matter what.
  7. Scratch your feet of dry branches in the forest - because of the petty mistakes you lose something very important for you. You can lose relationships, work, beloved or a dedicated friend. We will have to be responsible for offense. It is important to make the right conclusions from the situation so that it does not happen in the future.
  8. Pine Bor - a decision on the issue associated with property will be in your favor. Even if first it seems that the circumstances are against you, the situation will still be the best way.
  9. Feeded with the root of trees in the forest after a hurricane - a sign that you really spend your time, keeping a celebrating lifestyle. It's time to start thinking about the future, if you do not want to bring trouble on yourself.
  10. Singing in the woods - a very happy period will come in your life. This is the time filled with pleasure, communication with loved ones and native people, bright impressions and unforgettable emotions.
  11. Listening to the singing of forest birds - to be disappointed in the person in love with. It will not be at all as you imagined it. Feelings will quickly pass and after that you will meet your true love.

Dream Miller

The author analyzed the dreams from the point of view of psychology.

Forest in a snow

Here is his interpretation:

  1. Trees in the forest with young foliage - you are on the crest of the wave. All your dreams will be performed, and the goals to be achieved like themselves. Actions will need a minimum amount. You only need to formulate a desire by sending a request to the universe, and then watch how it is easy to come true.
  2. Dead trees - to sadness and loss. Negative events will affect your personal life. Perhaps you will have to part with a partner and say goodbye to hopes for a happy family.
  3. Climb on a tree - to professional implementation. You will find the work of your dreams and will become very quickly advanced through the career ladder. In just a couple of years, you will achieve this level of income to which you have been striving for a long time.
  4. Drop the tree - you do not use the potential that you give you God. You have unrealized talents. You should leave the unloved work and find a deal to the soul, then you will find happiness and success.

Female dream book

Drawing forest has a huge number of interpretations.

Dream Forest

Here are some of the forecasts for women:

  1. Go through a grove consisting of young trees - get ready to experience genuine joy. Your desires will be easy to fulfill, you can quickly achieve goals, constantly receiving assistance and support for the universe.
  2. Dead trees symbolize sadness and losses. A difficult life period will come, full problems and disappointments. You need to patience to survive it.
  3. The thick and green forest - you have become the elect of the universe, and from now on, good luck will be accompanied to you in any endeavors. It is important to notice the possibilities that fate will send you, and use them for the benefit of yourself and people.
  4. Get lost in the forest - to quarrels with the second half and problems at work.
  5. Admire the majestic and large coniferous trees - you will receive such success, fame and wealth, which and dreaming did not dare. Due to the fact that you really led to myself in the past, and it will be rewarded.
  6. The impassable Forest Chicken - you are drawn in a dubious story, because of what reputation will suffer. It will take a lot of time to restore and make evil tongues to silence. Problems can be avoided if you find a detractor that is in your environment and disguises a friend.
  7. Erroxproof through impassable bushes in the forest - a lot of difficulties will fall on you, you can cope with whom you are unable without any assistance. Or accept yourself or look for support for loved ones.

Check the video on the topic:


  • The forest and trees symbolize the potential of a person, his luck and aspiration. Therefore, the more young and healthy trees were in a dream, the sooner you will find happiness and fulfill our desires.
  • But dry, dead and fell with the root of the trees - the sign is unfavorable. He suggests that you rarely use your potential, do not notice the opportunities around you and do not seek anything.
  • Look for advice in interpretations that will help to correct the situation and start living in full life.

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