What dreams a large fish - interpretation of dreams


To determine what is a dream of a large fish, read this article in which interpretations are collected from the best dreams. They will help to find out what awaits you in the future will show what to pay attention to and how to behave.

Family dream book

The prediction will depend on what you did with fish in a dream, as it looked, so try to remember all the details.

What dreams big fish woman

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  1. See fishing skeleton - unhability. Your plans and hopes are collapsed, you will have to experience a strong disappointment due to not fulfilled desires.
  2. Catching fish - a sign that most of the time you attach the efforts to be wasted. Your work will be unpleasant. It can also be a sign that you spend time and effort on a matter that does not deserve your attention.
  3. See how the fish catches another person - for men such a dream is a disease, and women are a long-awaited pregnancy.
  4. Watching the float and see how the fish swallowed the bait - with the execution of your desire you will have to wait. Circumstances are not on your side now, therefore it is necessary to encounter unforeseen difficulties and problems.
  5. Catch a huge fish - to the conclusion of a profitable marriage, which will solve most of your material problems. Either you can start a new thing that will bring good profits.
  6. Watch how the fish floats in the water, - now you experience fear before the future, but soon it will stop. You will have goals that you will reach and eventually get everything to seek what.
  7. Good catch - to great profits. And the more fish will be in your networks, the more solid will be the financial parish. But at the same time you are waiting for many troubles and problems that you have to solve as quickly as possible.
  8. Stay without catching - to the collapse of your plans. You do not get what's how long they sought. And you will have to look for other ways to achieve goals.
  9. A huge bright fish is an unfavorable sign that warns the danger that threatens you. The culprit will be a close man decided on betrayal. And for a long time you will not even suspect about his participation.
  10. Red fish - to strong emotional experiences. The secret will become apparent, you will learn the truth about your loved one, and she will seriously grieve. Before you will be a choice - commemorate with the current state of affairs or part with the chosen one.
  11. Bony fish - On the way to achieve the goal, you are awaiting serious obstacles, because the fate itself decided to have a test for strength. You need to show maximum patience and work hard to successfully overcome all obstacles.
  12. There are crude fish - large losses are waiting for you, the reason for which is in your own irresponsibility. You should keep the promise that you did not fulfill in the distant past, then the situation is normalized.
  13. Dead fish - unfavorable sign. Your dream will not turn, because circumstances will prevent this. You are not able to change anything, so it remains to let go of the situation and hope that everything will change in the future.

Psychological dream book

Thanks to dreams, we can better know ourselves, see signals that warn about events that are destined to happen in the future. This is the work of intuition, which you can not realize in real life.

What dreams big fish

Psychological interpretations:

  1. Fish that floats in clean and transparent water - you have become the chosen one of the fate. Therefore, she generously gives you. You can easily get everything about what you dreamed of. But you need not to forget to clearly formulate your desires.
  2. Dead Fish is an unfavorable sign that promises the loss of something important to you. You can part with a partner, lose the job or lose the soul equilibrium.
  3. If the girl saw in a dream living big fish, she will be happy in his personal life. In the near future she will get acquainted with his chosen one who fits her perfectly.
  4. Catch fish - to the tests that you have to face in the life path. But you can overcome them, if you can save the shutter speed and stay persistent.
  5. Watching the fishermen - your energy potential went into growth, so it is worth directing all the forces on solving important problems. You can easily handle any case for which you will take.

Esoteric dream book

Interpretation of this dream book will like people who love to see mystics in everything.

Dream Big Fish

Here they are:

  1. If aquarium fish dies in a dream, this is an unfavorable sign, which promises your child's disease in the near future. Try to take it more carefully, take the doctor.
  2. Goldfish - to the light fulfillment of cherished desire. Even if you desperately get what you want, everything will work out. Circumstances on your side.
  3. Consider a friend with salt fish - this person will be healthy and happy. He has a great future, all the roads are open in front of him. Take care of it, because after a while he will provide you with great support.
  4. Mattle fish - you have unfriendly people who will try to do everything possible to harm you. Keep vigilance and do not give in to the provocations of enemies, then will be in winning.
  5. The river, which is sisit of fish - to the onset of a favorable period in life. You will get more money than usual, get new faithful friends and like-minded people, arrange your personal life.
  6. Fish, expressing from your hands, is your carelessness can cause a serious mistake. Get rid of frivolousness and try to accomplish your duties, then trouble will be avoided.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Fish can be a symbol of coldness, indifference or even disease. Such a dream promises a dream some failures or difficulties with whom he will have to face life path.
  • Also, a similar dream can fill the collapse of hopes and expectations. Your desires will be fulfilled not as fast as you would like.
  • There are also favorable interpretations, so carefully read them all to find what is suitable for you.

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