What dream of your own death is to interpret the dreams


How to find out what your own death is dreaming, and is it worth being afraid of such a dream? All the answers to these questions you will find in the article below. I set out the interpretation of popular dream books, which I use and herself when I want to know what I expects me in the future.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

Own death dreams of people are not so rare. And, as a rule, they are frightened. But it is not worth worrying, because these are just the game of the subconscious, in which you can find tips on how to act further.

see your death in a dream

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Here is the interpretation of the astrologer and the Occultist of Loffa:

  1. To see yourself dead - you suppress the feeling of hate to yourself, and it really prevents you from living. You must learn to love yourself and take all your character qualities completely. Otherwise, you will become your most important enemy.
  2. The dream of his own death may be a reflection of your inner concern. You may have been immersed too long in the alarm state. You should learn to live in the present moment, do not regret the past and not worry about the future.
  3. If you saw the death of a loved one in a dream, it may mean that your relationship will end soon. You ourselves simplify it, therefore they saw such a dream. But an important point - parting will happen only if you experience sincere romantic feelings towards him.
  4. To see how a person is dying a completely unfamiliar, - a sign of change. Your development has reached a point after which irreversible changes are coming in life. You are on the verge of transition to a new life stage. It will be difficult, but also the result is worth it.

Islamic dream book

I love dreams related to religious teachings, because there are deep wisdom in them. There is always something to think about.

What dreams of his death

Here is interpretation:

  1. Death is a symbol of destruction, the beginning of something new, transition to another life stage. All this will happen to you if you are able to say goodbye to the past and boldly shake forward.
  2. And if you can destroy and remove everything from your life, it prevents further growth and development, then in the future you will have a happy life in full and surrounded by loved ones.
  3. If you in a dream realized that they died, but did not wake up at once, it means that in real life you are a very insightful and enterprising person. You are accustomed to not complaining about problems, but to look for ways to solve them, so often achieve success.
  4. See your death several times - an unfavorable sign. You live in full chaos and cannot streamline your life, so you constantly accompany all sorts of problems. You need to learn to control everything that is happening, only then your life to get better and you will get everything about what you dream.
  5. To see himself before the death of smiling and in a good mood - you will get to the paradise, because you live in accordance with Divine law, regardless of what religion do you confess.
  6. To die on the porch of the church is an unfavorable sign that promises problems not only a dream, but also to the entire population of his country. The state expects devastation, the people will begin to raw due to constant poverty and lack of money.
  7. To die, and then resurrect - you have to repense in some sins that you have committed in the past. Past will make you remember yourself and teach you an important lesson. Make appropriate conclusions and try not to make such errors anymore, then your life will play bright colors.

Psychological dream book

To hear someone's voice in a dream, and then see your own death - wait for bad news that grieve and upset you. Perhaps even make suffering.

What dreams of your own death

Other interpretations:

  1. See the deceased mother - pay attention to your health. It's time to defeat bad habits, until you destroyed yourself completely. Such a dream is a warning that you must learn to control yourself without reminders from outside.
  2. If you have become a victim of murder, then in reality a period of complete decline of forces and endless despondency will come in reality. But you must collect all your excerpts and do not afford to immerse yourself in these irreversible emotions. Try to fight with you, otherwise you can get a big trouble.
  3. Survive clinical death - an event will occur, which for a long time will deprive you of peace. And return balance, calm and comfort will have to have for several years. But during this time you dramatically change your life for the better.

Predictions of Vangi.

Bulgarian clairvoyant believed that seeing his own death in a dream is a good sign that promises you a long and happy life together with a loved one. In past lives, you performed all the karmic debts, and that is why it will be rewarded.

But if you were sick in a dream, and then died, then you will have to face a huge injustice, to confront which you are unable. Therefore, it remains only to accept and wait until circumstances will be on your side.

Mass death of people dream of a terrible epidemic that will happen in your country. Many people will suffer, and doctors will not immediately manage to find a medicine from an unfamiliar disease.

If you saw your death, then woke up, then you need to pay attention to an important event that will occur during the day. It can change the entire usual course of your life. And only on your behavior depends on what will be change - positive or negative.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Own death dreams, basically, to something good. It is said that if a person "dies" in a dream, then there is absolutely happy life, full of love, material goods and easy execution of desires.
  • But in some dreams you can find negative interpretations. Therefore, learn the entire article to determine what happens to you in the future.
  • Many interpretations contain recommendations, following which, you can change your destiny for the better, so be sure to listen.

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