What is the dream of an earthquake - interpretation in dreams


To find out what the earthquake is dreaming, you can revise many dreams, but never find a suitable interpretation. Or read this article in which I briefly outlined the main forecasts. Save time and find out what the future has prepared for you.

Interpretation of popular dreams

In the dream book Miller, an earthquake seen in a dream is an unfavorable sign. The dream will soon comprehend failures in different spheres of his life. This will happen due to the economic situation in the country. Entrepreneurs will lose their losses, and the rest of the people have a dream with a mess in affairs and personal life.

Earthquake in a snow

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In esoteric dream book it is indicated that the earthquake is dreaming of moving. The dream will have to collect things and move to a permanent place of residence in the city far from its current house.

In a free dream book, it is indicated that a person will feel a constant feeling of anxiety. And his premonition is not deceived - a real catastrophe will happen in his life soon. We will have to collect all the forces to correct the situation and return the state of calm.

In English dream book Such predictions:

  1. The dream is waiting for a lot of trouble. From problems with money, and serious, to losses in personal life.
  2. Probably parting from the second half or divorce with the spouse as a result of prolonged conflicts. About happiness in love for some time will have to forget.
  3. And all over the world will begin heavy natural disasters and the economic crisis. An offensive is not excluded.
  4. Such a dream can be a precursor of suffering due to failures in heartfers.

The authors of Dreams advise to gain strength and restore energy resources to have the opportunity to overcome the personal crisis as soon as possible, solve all the problems and get out of the black strip in life.

What dream earthquake

In the interpretation of the French dream interpretation, the earthquake is a sign of destruction and losses, and global. A person may seem that the world around it collapses and there is no way out. But he should remember that dawn always comes in a dark night. And he always has hope to correct everything and again become happy.

Channel Dream Interpretation warns: You will encounter serious blows of fate, and you need to collect all your courage to continue moving to the goals set. You will be fine, if you begin to actively act and solve your problems, no matter how difficult they seem at first glance.

In a small dream interpretation, an earthquake is a sign of a threat. In a dream, your subconsciousness thus warns the danger over you. It should be vigilant to protect yourself and close people from the big trouble.

Family dream book

The authors of this dream book also do not predict anything good.

Dream interpretation earthquake

Here are their interpretations:

  1. You will have to move from the country and start a new life in a completely unfamiliar situation, without friends and support. Moving will be forced, and you have to suffer for a long time and overcome all sorts of obstacles.
  2. Feel a trembling, the waves rolling along the ground, - the excitement will begin in your country because of dissatisfaction of citizens. The voltage caused by the actions of the government is growing.
  3. See big destruction after earthquake - to ruin, grief, misfortunes and large financial losses. You will have to literally resurrect, start moving away, build a new life from a complete zero, losing everything you had before.
  4. To see the city completely destroyed after a natural disaster - a sign of a global catastrophe in the world. Throughout the land, people will suffer and experience all sorts of trouble, from poverty and hunger to endless wars.

Intimate dream book

The predictions of this dream book help to better figure out their sex life.

Here is interpretation:

  1. If you have suffered from a serious earthquake in a dream, it means that relations with the partner have ceased to arrange you. You dream of something completely friend, you suffered dissatisfaction, the beloved completely ignores your needs and puts love for a big doubt.
  2. If you do nothing and not change, dissatisfaction will grow and once from a small snowball will turn into a huge avalanche that will bury your relationship completely.
  3. If you try to keep love, then a favorable outcome is possible. The most important thing for you is not to be silent about what does not suit you, but, talking to a partner, try everything to convey to him.

Female dream book

If the earthquake is dreaming of a woman, then predictions can be favorable. It all depends on this, what scenario the dream developed.

Here are predictions:

  1. To see the earthquake from the side - to the cardinal life changes that turn everything in your life with legs on the head. And then, positive or negative changes will depend only on you.
  2. Become an eyewitness of a catastrophe - a close person needs your help and support. Try to take part, even if for this you have to sacrifice personal interests and means.
  3. Save a person during a disaster - and in real life you will help someone, for which you are rewarded after a while. Most likely, you have to part with a part of the savings to do this.
  4. To see how the land leaves from under your feet, - to family problems that can begin because of your inclination to constantly provoke conflicts. It is necessary to try to calm down and solve all disagreements peacefully if you do not want a divorce.
  5. If you are buried under the rubble stones and wreckage of buildings, then in reality there is a threat to your health. It is necessary to visit the doctor to have time to cure the ailment at the very beginning, not allowing the development of complications.

Check the video on the topic:


  • If you dreamed of an earthquake, wait for trouble. Such a dream does not promise anything good.
  • Negative events can happen in different areas of life: you will have serious problems with money, relationships, career or something else.
  • In rare cases, such a dream can fill the problems not only in the life of a dream, but also in the fate of the whole people, and then and the whole of humanity.

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