Conspiracy to reconciliation with a loved one or any other person


Any relationship is friendly, love, family, business - are not insured against quarrels. Moreover, quarrels can sometimes be such, after which all hope for reconciliation is lost. When traditional ways to achieve mutual understanding and the world are powerless, the magical conspiracy to reconciliation with his beloved can come to the rescue.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

Variety of conspiracies for reconciliation

Conspiracy to reconciliation is a special witchcraft rite aimed at suppressing quarrels, hostility and hostility between conflicting parties, the direction of relations in the peaceful direction and return them to the former level. These types of rituals are mostly related to the field of light magic and are safe to use, as they mean the achievement of the good goal.

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Depending on the bonds in which the conflict participants are separated, there are several main types of conspiracies for reconciliation:

  • universal conspiracy;
  • conspiracy to reconciliation with beloved or beloved;
  • Ritual for reconciliation with her husband or wife;
  • conspiracy to reconcile relatives;
  • rite for reconciliation of friends;
  • Conspiracy to reconciliation of colleagues, business partners, neighbors, etc.

Conspiracies for reconciliation - the ritual is useful and sometimes just necessary. Timely and competent use will help to resolve any household differences, will not give the conflict to flare up to the destructive level and will not allow the situation to reach full collapse and the final breaking of relationships.

Features of using conspiracies for reconciliation in everyday life


White conspiracy to reconcil under the power to spend anyone who wants to settle relations with people in close surroundings. The main thing that is required from the artist is the focus on the result, perseverance and sincere desire to smooth all sharp corners and make up. In addition, there must be somewhat common to such a type of rituals:

  • Suitable time for the ritual - the height phase of the Moon;
  • Conspiracy is best read at dusk, unless otherwise painted in the instructions for the rite;
  • For better concentration and creating the right energy and emotional background, it is advisable to light the candle;
  • In the room where the conspiracy to reconnect is pronounced, there must be absolute silence, there should be no foreign people, as well as animals;
  • The performer follows during the rite to be calm, restrained and imperturbable;
  • During the rite, it should be thought of a person who needs to be reconciled, and not shy away from his desire;
  • Save the execution of the ritual secret.

Before applying a conspiracy to reconciliation, the Contractor needs to completely release his resentment to the person, with whom a quarrel happened, to forgive him and tune in towards him as good as possible. Any negative emotions create a negative energy promise, which interferes with the positive outcome of the magical impact.

Conspiracy for reconciliation: rites for specific cases

Universal conspiracy

Attributes: Photos, with whom you need to make up, a piece of dark green fabric, a candle.

Ritual: To lay the canvas on the table, put a photograph on it, take a candle in his hands, light it and drive it around the photo with the words:

"Let your face illuminate your face, (the name of the person), let her go to the soul, let your breath, let your deep mind open. All disagreements and quarrels will turn into the world. Let my will illuminate your life and will give friendship for a long and true. So be it! Amen".

A plot is pronounced 9 times. During the last reading, you should take 3 circles over the photograph and repay the candle.

Conspiracy to reconciling with loved ones

If a quarrel happened between you and your beloved, read in the Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), who retired, this conspiracy:

"As the sun is returned every morning on the sky, the sun is clear, and you, my favorite, the slave of God (the name of the beloved), to me, the servant of God (his name), you will come back, you will not look at others, you will not wrap. I close this castle key, I throw the key to the ocean - not to find anyone, do not open and not guess. Amen (3 times)! "

Conspiracy to reconciliation with her husband - on the scrambled eggs

Prepare fried eggs out of 2 eggs. Determine in advance which of the eggs will be intended for her husband. When burning, salt is an egg with the words:

"Salt - in the egg, and I, God's slave (your name), - in my heart of my spouse, God's slave (husband's name). Amen".

The scrambled eggs to eat hot (each - their egg). Besides her, there must be other dishes on the table.

Conspiracy to reconcile members of one family

Conspiracy to reconciliation on honey

The conspiracy will help if relatives do not get along with each other in the family, they constantly quarrel and conflict even because of the trifles. In a separate room, in solitude and silence, honey is spoken with the help of the words below:

"Sweet Medoc, you have a natural force. The anger mitigate in the soul of my family members, their resentment to each other is Umiri, their surges. Again, give us peace in the family and grace. Amen!"

After you have read the conspiracy, you need to invite all members of your family to jointly tea drinking, in tea to add a little spoken delicacy (including). The world and the field in the family will be resumed shortly after the ritual.

Conspiracy to reconciling friends

Conspiracy that will help return friendship with a friend or girlfriend after a quarrel that happened. Initially, a small preparation is required, during which the Contractor should:
  • think about those feelings that were before the conflict;
  • submit your friend (girlfriend) happy and joyful;
  • Reloing the whole relative to a friend (girlfriend) negative, forgive resentment.

Then this conspiracy is read:

"Most Holy Virgo, White Wing Beach and Remes us. We always were like a key and a castle, like stars and a moon, bread-salt ate together. Who disadvantaged between us, let the Lord of the judge be. Our quarrel on someone's evil envy. I do not hold, God's slave (God's slave) (your name), evil on my friend (my girlfriend) (friend's name or girlfriend) and wish him (her) there was no evil on me. Light the rays of the light of our road, packers and curls of the hole! "

Giving a plot, in the imagination to present his friend (girlfriend), mentally send him a positive, gratitude and his love.

Another conspiracy for reconciliation

Text can be applied to reconcile colleagues, business partners, neighbors, friends, etc. Accompanied by an uncomplicated ritual.

It is necessary to prepare 3 sheets of paper:

  • On the first to write your name;
  • On the second - the name of a person who wish to reconcile with;
  • On the third - write down a few words that come to mind when you think about the conflict ("quarrel", "hostility", "enmity", "offense", etc.)

The third piece of paper is placed between the first two and pronounced a conspiracy to reconciliation:

"The witch is angry between us passed, the cat was running black. Avenue an evil turned against us, the friendship turned to each other - each other bothers us to understand each other, it does not give us hug. I now tear the word, I will destroy the hostility, I forget that I forget. The world and friendship will return to us again, our eyes turn each other. "

After pronouncing a conspiracy, a sheet with a "conflict" rushes into small nurses - they need to be used in the wind. Paper with names are put on each other - they should be hidden in a secluded corner.

Also see the selection of conspiracies for reconciliation in the attached video:

Strong and fruitful relations between the parties that can be achieved with the help of a conspiracy to reconcile, hold on harmony and mutual understanding, and quarrels, missing and dissatisfaction with each other lead to unnecessary hassle in our already rich in all sorts of stresses of life, poison everyday existence.

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