Wedding anniversary by year with names and signs


On the day of marriage, newlyweds dream of living together for a long time and happily. Subsequently, newlyweds gladly celebrate every year of the wedding. Regarding these anniversary there is a large number of adoption and traditions. After marriage, I became interested in this issue and I want to share my knowledge.

General Traditions of each anniversary of the wedding

Many celebrate the anniversary of their own wedding, but not everyone knows that each of them is called in its own way, has certain customs and signs. As a rule, the whole holiday, if any, is only in the arrival of guests, gifts and feast.

Wedding anniversary by year with names and signs 4262_1

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Meanwhile, each anniversary is called. At the same time, it is taught "not from the ceiling", but has a psychological attack. In addition, there are such dates when in the family, even who lived together for many years, the crisis comes.

1st decade of marriage

Wedding anniversary by year with names and signs 4262_2

The names of the wedding anniversary in the 1st decade are soft or fragile names:

  1. The 1st anniversary is called Sitseva. Traditionally, this day drink champagne left on the day of marriage. The name itself suggests that in the first year, if there were quarrels, it is necessary to suffer, since the spouses are still tightened to each other's character. Relationship in marriage is quite fragile, like fabric, which gave the title of the date. True, there is another interpretation of the appearance of such a name. At this time, the newlyweds lead intense intimate life. Therefore, in the first anniversary, there is a new bedding, because last year's frequent use is certainly sicked.
  2. The next year, newlyweds celebrate a paper wedding. The paper is even more brittle than fabric, but this is due to the fact that by the second year, the child is most often born in the family. Not everyone can cope with similar trials, passing which, attachment in the family will only grow.
  3. This wedding is leather. The skin is much stronger than sitheria and paper, like a marriage relationship. If the pair passed the complexity of the first years, then the relationship in the family will be applied. But the skin is also soft, which symbolizes the flexibility of his wife and husband in disputes, the ability to make concessions.
  4. Date has two names. Linen is called it, as the spouses have already passed the property, in particular, dear in the old days of linen things. And the wax was named for the same reasons as the previous one, due to the softness and advantage of the material.
  5. The first anniversary year of marriage is called wooden. During this period, the couple is still bodra and healthy, so the date is celebrated very noisy with a lot of guests. Wood - Pretty strong material, like love between "newlyweds", but it is worthwhile to beware. The first anniversary birthday family is given, as a rule, wood products. By the way, on this day traditionally plant your family tree. It is necessary to care for it so that it grows big and giving a family happiness.
  6. This is the first date with the metal name - cast iron. Relationships in a pair are already very strong, but at the same time fragile. The cast iron is cracking in strong influences. Therefore, spouses still reassure early and it is worth thinking about further strengthening the family.
  7. The 7th anniversary is copper. Love couples at this time is akin to copper - beautiful, valuable and strong. By the way, copper says that the family acquired everything you need, the children grew up, and their affairs are very successful.
  8. Tin named 8th anniversary. Now the word "tin" is investing a negative meaning, but it is not. In this case, there is no value of the material, but its shine. New tin glitters no worse than silver. During this period, the relationship of the pair is shone by all parties.
  9. This anniversary is called Fayans. The origin name has two versions. One characterizes the attachment between her husband and his wife, comparing its fortress and sweetness with tea in elegant circles. The second interpretation is negative. This period can be designated as a crisis in relationships. The spouses are already somewhat tired of each other, there is nothing interesting in life, and therefore their love can crash from any negligence like a faience.
  10. This first truly round date from the day of the wedding is called tin. Tin - the material is quite flexible, but durable. The same pairs are also becoming. The second name of this wedding is pink. This color is a sign of tender love. It is also referred to as the 17th anniversary.

2nd decade

Wedding anniversary by year with names and signs 4262_3

This period is characterized by smooth, strong relationships, of which there was already a fire of passion, replaced by tenderness and smooth calm love.

  1. This anniversary is steel. Love has already harmed with numerous troubles, and therefore has become durable as this metal. At the same time, this material can be smooth and sparkling and feelings in marriage smooth, without discord and scandals.
  2. A nickel celebration is celebrated in 12.5 years. Couples are becoming the same shiny, reliable and persistent, like this metal.
  3. The lace anniversary is married for 13 years. The name indicates that the life of the pair becomes beautiful and easy as lace.
  4. The 14th year of marriage was assigned the status of precious. Agat is a beautiful and mysterious stone having a large number of shades. Family life has become already as strong and overflow, but the spouses in some issues remain a mystery to each other.
  5. The 15th anniversary is glass. The crisis comes in the relationship. They become fragile as glass.
  6. This anniversary is again precious - Topazova. Topaz is a crystal clear and transparent stone, like the relationship in the family.
  7. And again tin / pink anniversary.
  8. This wedding turquoise. This stone is very bright, what are the feelings of spouses. Children are already adults enough, and therefore a lot of unknown and bright opens in front of the pair.
  9. The 19th year of life is not marked.
  10. This is a porcelain wedding. The title history has two versions. According to the first, over 20 years of living together, all porcelain has already crashed and it is time to give new spouses. The second one states that the life of the pair has become as valuable as the subtle Chinese porcelain.

Jubilee dates

Wedding anniversary by year with names and signs 4262_4

Further wedding anniversary is usually celebrated once every five years. True, other dates are called, but they are customary to celebrate together or in a narrow circle.

21-25 years

The first five years after the 20-year-old wedding anniversary of the pair still celebrate each date:
  • 21st - opal;
  • 22nd - bronze;
  • 23rd - beryl;
  • 24th - satin.

The 25th year of marital life is a silver wedding. This is one of the most significant dates. It should be celebrated with a particular chic, and as presents to give silver products:

  • jewelry sets;
  • sets;
  • dining sets;
  • Vases and so on.

Return to the 25th anniversary is not given to many. Spouses who were able to carry their love through all adversity deserve special attention and warm congratulations.

26-30 years

During this period, only two anniversary is celebrated: the 26th - jade and 29th - velvet.

But the 30th anniversary is again celebrated with a scope. He is called the pearl wedding. Sea waves grinding pearls so that they become smooth and shimmering. So all the troubles make a wedding life strong and exquisite, like a real pearl.

31-35 years

During this period, weddings are marked:
  • 31st year - Double;
  • 33rd year - stone;
  • 34th year - amber.

35th year - another anniversary date - coral. From tiny polyps, real "cities" of corals are growing. So a couple of a small feeling managed to grow up in each other respect, attachment and love.

40th year

The fortieth anniversary is devoted to the unique precious scarlet mineral - Rubin. It is necessary to say that the design of the holiday, and gifts must correspond to the name. Rubin means unity of shower and destinies.

45th year

The again wedding anniversary is devoted to the jewel. Sapphire - stone bright blue. He brings well-being and good luck to the owners. So the spouses keep peace and happiness each other.

50th year

The newly important date is golden. 50 years old, it is possible to live together far from all pairs. It is clear that it is not about parting about the state of health. In the golden wedding, it is customary to give new wedding rings that wear with the old ones. By the way, the latter can be transferred to idle descendants.

Rare wedding anniversary

Wedding anniversary by year with names and signs 4262_5

Even before the golden wedding, there are not all couples, and after this time, to celebrate a new anniversary date, it is possible to make very rare pairs:

  • 55th year - Emerald Anniversary. This stone is a symbol of wisdom and unity purchased by couples 55 years after marriage.
  • The 60th year is a diamond wedding, named after the most durable stone.
  • 65th year - iron. This name characterizes the strength of married relationships.
  • The 70th year is the graceful anniversary.
  • 75th year - corona. At this date, the royal celebration and holiday of the soul are organized - paying all the attention of the pair.
  • The 80th year is an oak wedding.
  • The 90th year is the granite anniversary.
  • Century - red. This is an incredible event. In the entire history, only one couple - Spouse Agayev was able to celebrate the eyelids together. The name of the wedding was given.

Wedding anniversary by year with names and signs 4262_6


  • Mark need every anniversary of the wedding;
  • Each date is symbolic name;
  • In happiness and harmony, you can live a whole century.

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