Scottish Male and Women's Names


I have always been interested in British film actors, but I could never understand why the names of some of them are so strange: Rory McCann, Sam Houuen ... It seemed that their names were reduced, but they are truly such in official documents! I decided to figure out what the tradition of name name in Scotland and what is the mystery of Scottish names.

How are Scottish names formed?

The Scottish language was divided with Irish recently (from the point of view of historical and philological science). That is why the similarity between the Scottish and Irish names is obvious: only the pronunciation of some letters and endings indicating sex affiliation.

The most obvious groups of names in Scotland are the names of Christian origin and Gaelic names borrowed from the ancient Celts. As for semantic origin, they usually indicate professional activities, a geography of birth, personality qualities of a person, his nicknames. Also, names can be formed from the names of the generic clans of the Scottish.

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Another feature of the formation of Scottish names is that abbreviations (for example, Will from William) are used as full-fledged names (sometimes this practice is observed in Ireland and Wales). Number of names neither in men nor in women is limited. Therefore, there are chances to meet as much six-digit registered designs.

List of names on Scottish

Most of the names presented in both names appeared in Scotland in 1066, when Wilhelm entered the land of the ancient tribes. Communication between such names and original English is obvious. But not to notice their unique interpretations or distinctive consoles and suffixes are impossible.

Male names and their meanings

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  • Name Alel is quite a direct meaning - "Island". Names with geographical subtext are common in Scotland.
  • Aodhagen or Aodhhen on ancient Scottish adverbs means "fire".
  • Beisitin is the "servant of the bishop" or "a healthy bishop", which indicates the Christian origin of the name.
  • Bhatair is an example of a traditional name for Scots, its meaning is the "ruler of the troops".
  • The names of the fork, Vili denote the "helmet", which also shows the great military past of the inhabitants of Scotland.
  • Weston talks about the historical dependence of the region, the translation of the name - "West Managemental".
  • Greg or Gregor identifies the values ​​of "alert" or "in-law".
  • Gordon is translated as a "Great Hill" or "Front" and often the surname of the Scottish.
  • Dubhaglas is a somewhat outdated traditional Scottish name denoting the "dark flow of water".
  • Gilcrist synonymously phrase "servant Jesus Christ".
  • Imher is an anti-the Scottish name with the value of the "Making Archer".
  • Irwin or Irving (both spellings are equal) indicates the "green river".
  • Kirk is translated as "Cathedral" or "Church".
  • Coinznich synonymously phrase "accurately made." So the Scots called boys with strong health.
  • Llanal means "wolf". This name has Gaelian roots.
  • Lindsay, Lindsay or Linsey - names transferred as "wetlands".
  • Makintosh also denotes "precisely done", this name includes the "Mac" prefix, characteristic of the Scots.
  • Muridhak and the name of the seas are of the general meaning - "Sea Warrior".
  • Initially abbreviated name, Norri means "man from the north".
  • Nicole or Nicol synonymously phrase "victory of people".
  • The name fell or the floor (in different parts of Scotland there are different pronunciations) indicates a "small".
  • Paisli is translated as "high-class." So usually referred to babies with good addition and health.
  • Rabbi or slave are abbreviations on behalf of Robertfamus, translating as "shining from glory."
  • Ranalf means "old wolf" or "Matter Wolf".
  • SIGDX or SIGHDHU is an alternative to the phrase "such a hawk".
  • Somerled is the English name that is translated as a "summer traveler".
  • Tomega or Thomas is translated as "twin." So often called one child from twins.
  • Torbern is a name inherited from Scandinavians, denoting "Bear Torah".
  • Willie, Willig or Willim mean the "military helmet".
  • Wapping synonymously phrase "Stone from Island".
  • The name Fergus is translated as a "strong personality".
  • The original Scottish name Fraser is unusual importance - "strawberries."
  • Eiderd means "prosperity guardian".
  • Euon is an ancient name that translated as "successfully born in the light."

Women's names and their meanings

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  • Alin or Isline is translated as "Bird", in other sources you can find the value "competing".
  • Alice - the name distributed at different points of the planet and denoting the "victory of elves".
  • Barebell is an adoption by Barbara. It, in turn, translates as "alien".
  • Bainis means "traveler through life" and is considered the Scottish version of Beatrice.
  • Glenna's name indicates "Valley".
  • Gormlet is traditional for the Scottish name and translated as "glorified noble virgin".
  • The names of Jin, Ginny, Ginnie or Jeans denote "God".
  • Donalina is the women's form named Donald and then the "World Government".
  • Ion, Innis or Inessa (the last variation of the name is distributed and in Russia) denotes the "island".
  • Imhair is the classic name of the Scots, the synonymous word "ready."
  • Christine or Christine is identical to the phrase "sequence of Jesus Christ".
  • Cam, Kam or Cameron have a single meaning - "Curved nose". The name is also sometimes turning into the surname.
  • Llanal can be a female name. Interpretation of "Wolf" is preserved regardless of gender.
  • Liusadh's name has Gaelian roots and translates as "light" or "weightless."
  • Scottish names of Migrid or Mary Denote "Pearl".
  • Marsayli is a name from Greece and denotes "militant", "dedicated to the God of Mars."
  • Neilin and the net have the same meaning - "champion".
  • Nenneg is a classic for the residents of Scotland female name and synonymous to the word "grace".
  • Paisley translated as "Church".
  • Peidges have a similar meaning with the names of Merd and Maigrid. It means "pearl" or "pearls".
  • The name of the Mother name for the Russian-speaking person is synonymous with the words "island" and "swamp".
  • Ron or Rohon means the "wise government". So often called girls of noble origin.
  • Silence and Silis names denote "blind".
  • Sonra is translated as "protector of mankind" and is the form of the name of Alexander.
  • The name of Phenella is identically phrase "White Shoulder".
  • Typical for the Scottish tradition name name Frangaging means "free".
  • Einsley is translated as a "forest hut hut".
  • Eitbrik is a classic Scottish name with the meaning of "new", "Pepling" or "standing out".


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  • Scottish names resemble Irish, as both languages ​​separated from Gaelsky.
  • Some names common in Scotland have Christian origins.
  • Typically, names indicate the names of professions, places, nicknames, as well as on social status, character.

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