Stone Grenades: Magic properties and to whom it approaches


The grenade stone is considered one of the most beautiful, it looks spectacular in different decorations. In front of his gloss for centuries, no woman could resist. It is relatively inexpensive, associated with numerous secrets and legends. More information about the stone, its properties, the influence on the body can be found from the article.

Stone Grenades: Magic properties and to whom it approaches 4269_1


Grenade enjoyed fame in ancient Egypt, Persia, Ancient Rome. Gem was used when decorating cups, decorative elements in the palaces. He symbolized the victory in the battle, so the grenade was made to incrust weapons, armor.

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The stone received its name because of the similarity with the eponymous fruit. The versions of the origin of the stone also differ. In accordance with one of them, the stones are frozen blood drops of the dead on the battlefield of warriors. In Mongolia, the grenade was represented as the frozen blood of the dragon, his wearing should have been given power before battles.

The stone symbolized military successes and in the Crusaders, they took items from a pomegranate to hiking not only to attract victory, the blood-resistant properties were also attributed to the crystal.

On the Peninsula, the Industan Mineral was used in the manufacture of weapons, it was believed that it enhances his deadly properties. Christians believed that the lamp of Noah's ark was created from a grenade.

The ancient Persians considered the royal grenade, it was customary to use when creating the hands of rulers. Aztec, Indians Maya used crystals as jewelry of ritual clothes.

Properties and characteristics

Properties are determined by its belonging to minerals related to silicates. They have a similar crystal lattice, a distinctive feature of which are square edges. Different composition of the crystal affects its appearance, shade.


Pomegranate varieties:

  • Pill - is distinguished by a bloody-reddish tint until brown;
  • Rhodolite is a rare variety, the main color varies from pinkish to violet;
  • Andrait - meets most often, in nature there are burgundy, yellowish, orange, green colors;
  • Spesatin - the most common is the brown, pinkish, yellowish-brown shades, almost always stones have tinted, foreign inclusions;
  • Almanandine is characterized by a cherry tint;
  • Grossullae - is distinguished by a pale greenish, yellow-greenish tint, in translation from Latin means "gooseberry";
  • Uvarovite - a rare valuable green stone was named after Uvarova, Soviet scientist.

In a separate category, chameleons can be attributed, which change their color depending on the corner of the refractiveness of the sun's rays. These stones, in contrast to other types, can be blue.

Stone Grenades: Magic properties and to whom it approaches 4269_2

Medical properties

Pomegranate was highly appreciated in the ancient East, Eastern Lekari used him in the treatment of different ailments. Mineral is the best antidote, protects a person from the plague, can fight heat, feverish states.

Stone Properties:

  • hemostatic properties, accelerated organism restoration, wound healing;
  • improving the functioning of vessels, increase hemoglobin;
  • protection against malicious environmental impact, increase immunity;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal organs, endocrine system;

Crystals are used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs, they help with headaches. Pomegranate also contributes to improving the condition in strong migraines, for this it will fit the necklace, ring. Decorations will also help to get rid of depressive, stressful states.

Magic properties

Great rulers often used the mineral as a talisman due to a large number of useful properties. Stone helped find harmony, in such a state, many decisions are made easier. Pomegranate should not be lazy people who do not like to work. His wearing can only lead to an increase in apathy.

Communicable active person will always get energy contact with a grenade. Before buying a stone, you should familiarize yourself with its magical properties, since the wearing of the crystal can have a strong influence on the body.

The mineral is ideal in love, he perfectly supports communication, the passion between them helps to meet his girlfriend. The crystal can also be used as protection against the evil eye, he will protect his owner from people with unkind people, will give forces to achieve the goal.

Gem gives the owner leadership qualities, informs thoughts before them, convinces to act for their own purposes. Particular attention should be paid representatives of creative professions. It will help to be realized in any endeavors only under the condition of genuine devotion to art.

The stone symbolizes memory and loyalty, it was often given when separating. It was also used in magic, the fortune tellers used it to receive contact with the other world, the world of the dead. Talisman takes on the whole tested by a man negative.

Magic properties of the mineral give it the owner resistance to fleeting emotions. A person acquires wisdom, gains a more common idea of ​​the events.

Women in the old days wore a grenade throughout the period of pregnancy, so that the births flow without complications. Warriors and travelers believed in the protective properties of the talisman, its properties to strengthen their health and give dedication.

The crystal brings good luck to the owner, it may be harmful to liars, dodgy, mercenary people. The listed properties of the stone retain the relevance to this day. His wearing will help reveal the potential of a person, strengthen the volitional properties, choose the right solution in a difficult situation.

The mineral enhances its owner's effect on others, will give it the necessary energy. The constant wearing of a pomegranate helps to direct the thoughts of its owner in the right direction, in a difficult situation also allows you to preserve the presence of the spirit.

Stone Grenades: Magic properties and to whom it approaches 4269_3

When choosing a stone, you should listen to your own feelings. In the absence of predisposition to the mineral, other varieties should be checked. Pomegranate is recommended to wash with running water during long-term wearing or upon receipt as a gift.

Scope of application

Thanks to a large number of varieties, the grenade was widely used in a variety of spheres, not only in jewelry. In electronics, it is used as a ferromagnet. It also performs a crystal function for a laser. Breeding varieties are used in the manufacture of grinding wheels, powders, pasty substances, sanding skins. Mineral can also be used as one of the components of cement, ceramic mixture.


Set the exact price of the garnet is quite difficult, the pricing policy depends on the type, size, color, quality, and processing method. The crystal does not have a very high price, almost everyone can afford it. The cost also depends on the cut, not the cut crystal is an order of magnitude lower. Rhodolite is considered the most expensive view of the grenade, its shade is most often pink.

How to check the naturalness of the origin of the stone

The fake is easily detected with the use of binolupe. Checking the crystal is also available at home. To do this, it is necessary to put a stand on the scales, put a grenade from above. When applying to the magnet stone, the weight arrow should start moving.

Stone Grenades: Magic properties and to whom it approaches 4269_4


Extend the lifetime of the grenade will help the following measures:
  • protection against constant sunlight;
  • preventing the contact of the mineral with water, chemicals;
  • regular cleaning with salt, soap solution, followed by wiper dry;
  • Refusal of constant wearing.

Interesting Facts

In nature, there are so-called "ant" types of grenades. Bright red minerals are found on the surface of the nests of termites after powerful prolonged rains. The ants dig these pebbles from the soil and lay an anthill at the top. Memnotes are located on the border of 4 US states.

Other facts:

  • tiny grenades are installed in mechanical clocks than more such pebbles, the longer the life of the products;
  • The seventiary Goethe ordered his young bride as a gift to the headset, consisting of 460 unique pomegranates.


  1. Grenade - a unique stone stone, there are several of its various structures, composition and appearance of varieties.
  2. Crystal from ancient times used in the manufacture of jewelry. It is recommended for wearing bold people with leadership qualities, the apathetic to wear it should not, since it will only strengthen their negative properties.
  3. Mineral has hemostatic properties, increases immunity, activates metabolic processes in the body.
  4. The cost of the pomegranate depends on its size, variety of cut, almost everyone can afford such a purchase.

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