Slavic Magic: Rites and Conduction of the Ancient Slavs


Our ancestors lived according to the laws of nature, rituals were held to lose the gods. I was always interested in esoteric and history. Recently, I was very interested in the rites of the ancient Slavs. I want to tell about the peculiarities of Slavic magic, because it is our past.

Features of magic

People have long been trying to understand the phenomena occurring in the surrounding world. They tried to find explanations to various natural phenomena. Not everyone managed. Some just tried to survive with all their might, and therefore there was no time to know. Others simply were not able to analytics because of the characteristics of the warehouse of the mind.

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But those who still tried to somehow compare natural phenomena with well-known physical laws. But what has not found a rational explanation relate to manifestations of magic.

Generations accumulated experience and knowledge in the field of witchcraft. At first it was transferred from the masters to the disciples. Later, when writing appeared, the scrolls began to appear, and years later - books. They were only available to those who were endowed with a special force.

Any manifestation of magic is the art of reality management that allows you to influence the laws of the surrounding world. Magic originated in ancient times and will always exist, perhaps only the name of these knowledge will change.

Over the centuries in different countries, people of opposite beliefs owned magic art. Some believed that magic was knowledge for chosen. They carefully guarded their experience, passing it only to proven students. But there were other in force. They sought to help people, introducing magic to society.

Initially, magic arts in Russia owned priests and shamans. Later, science joined them, translating spells on a special language dedicated. However, the laws of the surrounding reality remain unchanged. For those who wish to own secret knowledge, the barriers do not exist.

Rules of Slavic rites

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Slavic magic is a creative witchcraft or a masterpiece aimed at helping orders in everyday life. With the help of conspiracies and rites, the signs could:

  • cure from illness;
  • protect against the unkind
  • increase the harvest;
  • Establish pests, etc.

Most rituals were good, bright, not carrying any destructive impact. Glory about Slavic wilts spread far beyond Russia. They were driving from all over the continent. But, as in other laws, in Slavic witchcraft there were their rules that needed to be strictly carried out:

  • All conspiracies were read barely audible whisper, so that the unclean force could not interfere and harm;
  • Before holding the ritual, the post was followed, during which the righteous lifestyle without alcohol, smoking, women;
  • Rituals could only conduct an absolutely healthy person. The sick Venuner could transmit its negative energy during the ritual and negatively influence it;
  • The teeth of the sorcerer should also be strong and healthy. It was on the teeth that the health was determined;
  • For magic rites, only certain days of the week were suitable - the second, third and fifth;
  • It was forbidden to take money for conducting a ritual. The one who was assisted could give food or material things as gratitude. But a gift should be made from a pure heart.

BY THE WAY! To this day, Language and Disclaimers do not take money for the assistance rendered. True, they found a way out of the situation - the customer simply leaves the means in a prominent place without passing them into the hands of the sorcerer.

Combat Slavic Magic

With the coming of Christianity in the Slavic lands, many magic local rituals began to be perceived as evil, great sin. In fact, pagan magic was aimed at purifying people, recognizing them of their contingence and forgiveness.

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With the help of magical rites, the ancient magicians did not simply improved the health of people and raised the crop. They often helped in hostilities. With the help of rites they could:

  • give warriors the ability of rapid movement;
  • gave the opportunity to learn the plans of the enemy;
  • strengthened the battle power of the whole troops;
  • managed natural phenomena that could prevent and even harm the enemy;
  • Put the weapon with the power and energy of Mother Earth.

Some leaders, according to believing, could go to the astral, relieve their spirit into the body of animals or birds. Thus, they saw the eyes of animals and heard their ears.

Mystery magic of ancient

Ancient magic has several directions, but most often it is divided into dark and light. Also, witchcraft may be military, ceremonial or domestic. At the same time, light rites are aimed at creating and getting rid of negative energy, cure and assistance to others.

Dark sentence, on the contrary, brings only harm. With the help of rites of black magic, it was possible to damage, curse the person, destroy the buildings, to send parasites and perform a different atrocity. At the same time, any action committed with the help of dark forces required victims from a sorcerer.

Initially, dark witchcraft was intended to protect the Earth from enemies. But at all times there were people who eventually used their opportunities for personal purposes to revenge or enrich.

Slavic magic does not work with dark forces, and therefore does not harm the world. The fact is that the Slavs did not have good or evil gods. Each pagan deity simply performed its functions aimed at helping the world. But those who were dedicated to, who even the Slavic rites managed to directly directly at all civilians. They, as a rule, worked with underground deities (black, marrey and others).

Conducting rites

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The basis of Slavic magic is rites or rituals. They were seasonal (calendar) or festive. In carrying out rites, not only the wizen himself participated, but also all residents of the tribe, communities, villages.

Common rites

In each settlement, there was a private sacred place, which was carefully hidden from enemies. If such a place was deserved in any way (murder, adultery, etc.), the community could gradually measure.

On the right day, the entire community was going to secretly in a secret place to bring their requests to the gods. It was believed that the energy of many people would reach the higher forces. Venun in these rituals acted only by the conductor. Mandatory elements of rites were dancing, dances, chants.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, there are three worlds:

  • Right - the world of higher strength;
  • Yava - reality;
  • Nava - World of Spirits.

Using the energy of the first and last worlds, strongly with rites could have improved. Everyone who believes in the pagan gods is not afraid of death or life, as it knows perfectly what is waiting for him in another world.

However, general rites were complex, the action of which should have improved the lives of all members of the community. With their help, it was possible to rain, improve the crop or rid a tribe from Mora.


But there were other magical actions - conspiracies that helped individuals. By the way, they knew all men and women. These whispers were aimed at talking pain, attract the bride / bride, bright luck in any event and much more.

Some spells reached our time. They are aimed at protecting the family from damage, attracting love or protection against diseases.

Conspiracy to protect family from damage

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Conspiracy on love

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Conspiracy of water from illness

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Thus, it is possible to sum up all the above written:

  • Ancient Slavs used magic in everyday life;
  • Slavic magic was not dark, but there were people who sent rites to harm near;
  • The supernatural forces to which they were treated with lead could help both individuals and whole settlements.

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