Slavic Women's names - Older Russian


In recent years, fashionable began to call children with rare names. When I was born a girl, I wanted to call it in accordance with the traditions of ancestors, so I drew attention to the Old Slavonic names. They are frantic, and everyone has its own meaning. I want to tell how to choose the name for the girl, which traditions existed.

Older Slavonic names

Rare names are, of course, beautiful, but it is worth thinking about their meaning. It is important that the child did not mock school and in adulthood. In addition, the names must correspond to the terrain in which the girl was born.

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Studying Old Slavonic women's names are quite difficult. Each of them has several values ​​that depend on family, regional traditions and the lifeguard of the society of a particular region of the country.

Women's old-term names are rare, most of them have a beautiful sound. But still choose the name for the girl is quite difficult, because in the future it will become a keeper of a homely hearth and a mother.

Real Slavic names are not rare in Russia now because they are not harmful, but due to the fact that, over time, the peoples were mixed, bringing their traditions and customs on Russia. Children began to ban Germanic, Greek or even Latin names. Now many sincerely consider them Russian, but it is not.

Custom selection name for a child

Old Slavonic customs are very beautiful, although they may seem like modern people are a bit strange. In fact, our ancestors lived in the world with nature itself.

In Russia, there were their traditions of children. It should be noted that the infants did not give names. They were called temporary nicknames, and even at all for seniority - the first, second or senior, secondary, younger, etc.

The ritual of adventures was conducted when the girls were 9-16 years old. Until that time, they usually watched the child to notice his personal qualities and characteristics of the character. Now it is customary to think that the name affects the lives of people. In the old days, it was believed that the name should reflect the character and talk about the identity of the carrier.

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BY THE WAY! The name could be one. This tradition lives to some extent so far, as many give each other nicknames.

Each girl born in the family had its own purpose. It was of great importance when choosing a name. At the same time, many factors were taken into account:

  • Personal characteristics of a child;
  • Her role as the keeper of a homely focus, future wife and mother;
  • Associations with gods.

The time of the name of the name of the name was also non-random. For this, they also watched the qualities that were brighter than all in the girl:

  • If she filed signs of future signs or lead, then the child was eliminated at the age of 9;
  • those who showed themselves as a future warrior or government - in 12 years;
  • If there were no such signs, then the name was given at 16.

When the time came to impose a child, then the name was given in the following principles:

  • Based on the character of the child;
  • In honor of someone from the ancestors whose features she inherited brighter. For example, if the girl showed interest in the provision, then they were made in honor of the initiative-lead, but if she was excellent streaming, then a woman with similar talents were found in the family;
  • In the glory of the birthday goddess-defender. In this case, it was hoping that the Divine would suffer to a child and defend from trouble and unclean power.

Name features

As mentioned above, the Slavonic names sound beautifully and mostly consonant with their meaning. Conditionally from divided into several types:
  1. Two-root. Such names have two roots. For example, Miroslav, Lyubomil, Svetosar. As you can see, in these words, two foundations that reflect the essence of the name.
  2. Based on the seasons. An example is the name of the waiting, desired, etc.
  3. Reflective child's character. To such names can be attributed - fun, Veselin, Milan.
  4. Since the names of the deities - Fireyar (Fire Yaril).
  5. Special names called only children of rulers and leaders.

The ritual himself carried out the Volkhv (or priest). During the ritual, the girl was washed, as if washing off with her former nickname, and then they had already made a permanent name. Interestingly, girls were washed in the lake, i.e. Standing water, and boys in the river, i.e. Water was needed fluid.

BY THE WAY! Sometimes the names changed. This happened in the event that a nickname was enshrined for a woman. Then the ritual was re-conducted, so that the girl was clean before the gods.

How to choose the right old women's name

You rarely call the child and beautifully want any mother. But the name must be congestive. This applies to female names.

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The fact is that in the old days people believed in the magical power of the name. It was believed that it gives man the strength of nature itself and the protection of the gods. And a woman, like a future wife and mother, needed a patronage most.

BY THE WAY! The name can be invented independently, based on the Old Slavic customs. Precedents already happened. But it should be remembered that the new-acting name is even very beautiful, the Old Russian is not. And if you intend to baptize the child, the priest may refuse the rite or impose during the baptism of the child with another name.


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Based on the foregoing, it is possible to draw conclusions:

  • All Old Slavonic women's names reflected the essence of the carrier itself, her personal qualities and talents;
  • Girls were magazed in adolescence to be able to choose the child the correct name;
  • The value of older names is understandable, as they are based in the Russian language.

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