How to remember last life


In the modern world, the word "reincarnation" sounds increasingly. It translates as a past life. What is it and how maybe? Have we ever lived on this land at other times? I was interested in this question from adolescent age, because the battleship battlefought in the town hall led to such a thrill that the back was covered with sticky sweat. I did not understand why I'm afraid of the battle of the tower clock, and tried not to walk through the square. In the article, I want to tell you whether it is possible to remember the last life and how to do it right.

past life

Why need memories

What pushed humanity to the idea of ​​past lives? This was facilitated by strange memories and events. For example, it seems to you that you have already been in this place once, but do not remember exactly when. Or some smell suddenly seems like such familiar, but you do not know where you have these memories. And there are a lot of such memories.

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Note! You need to know that past lives are not related to the current personality of a person - they are connected with the soul.

Memories may occur in dreams or with a strong emotional shock. But sometimes the memories of past lives attend a person with a loss of consciousness or in a coma.

What gives the memories of past lives? Obtaining such a experience contributes to the expansion of consciousness, increases awareness and can even change the worldview. But the most pleasant thing is the realization that man's soul is immortal. If there were past lives, then there will be future. Therefore, a person ceases to be afraid of death, and the quality of life is significantly improved. If the life is eternal, then you do not need to fall into depression or indulge in sorrow.

Sometimes the remembrance of the past life radically changes human behavior and attitude to the real life. For example, if in the past life, a person made unacceptable deeds, then in the real life he will not do this.

Memories from past life help to understand actions in the present life, as well as the causes of some events. It becomes clear why difficulties arise with one or another person. Also, memories help to understand why a person has uncontrollable addictions and it is inherent in special character traits.

Many begin to understand why they chose a certain direction of life path. It often happens that a person is going on this way several lives in a row. Therefore, the question of choosing the purpose disappears by itself.

How to remember last life

Preparation for memories

There are several ways to remember past lives. Among them can be allocated:

  • regressive hypnosis;
  • retreat;
  • astrology;
  • tarot cards.

For a regressive hypnosis session, a highly qualified specialist is needed. An unfamiliar person to trust his subconsciously is very dangerous. Consultation at the astrologer is safe, like the Tarologist. However, you can not always trust the skill of the specialist, and the mistakes in the interpretation of the formation are not excluded. Therefore, it is best to trust with your own memoirs and own subconscious (retreat).

Before the start of immersion in memories it is necessary to prepare well. First of all, it should be learn to concentrate on the processes occurring inside. It must be done very concentrated and quite a long time. It seems simple, but in practice, not everyone can see if even a few minutes. Therefore, workouts are necessary. Some people sit with a straight back or in the lotus position very hard with unaccustomed.

Why is it recommended to sit with a straight back motionless? Because even a small body movement provokes a splash of brain activity, which adversely affects the picture of the memories - they disappear. Therefore, you need to learn how to sit still for a long time, if you wish to get information from a fine plan.

In addition to the ability to sit still, you need to hold the visual picture in the mind. This also requires a certain skill and concentration. The concentration of attention is processed separately for a certain time.

Note! To calm thoughts and focus on the object of attention, you need to learn to slowly breathe.

Many helps the experience of Hatha Yoga, which teaches concentration on the internal object of attention and immobility of the body. For training, it is also helpful to always sit with a straight back, and not just in meditation or other spiritual practice.

Exercise to calm mind and mental process:

  • Sit with a straight back on the chair or in the pose of a half trip (with crossed legs).
  • Focus your attention on the respiratory process - inhale and exhale.
  • Feel like a cool air enters the nose, and it turns out warm.
  • Gradually deepen their breath.
  • Watch the breaths and exhalations to be deep and smooth.

Important! To get information about the last life, you need to be able to stop the broadcast of the current life and life of other people - friends, relatives and acquaintances.

This practice is well trained in the concentration of attention and focus. Modern person is accustomed to constantly in the information flow - communication in social networks, phone calls, other communications.

Sometimes it happens very difficult to go beyond the limits of endless communication with all society at once, just stop the flow of information and feel the inner silence. But this is necessary for the internal knowledge of past lives.

Memories of past life

Last Life Tips

The key to the randering of the past life is in your hands - it is attentive to detail. Analyze all your preferences and features of character:
  • What era you are most interested in;
  • What books do you like to read (genre, a certain era);
  • What do you like best do;
  • that you admire / annoying in other people;
  • Which countries you would like to visit;
  • phobias and fears that are pursued by childhood;
  • Chronic diseases and unexpected injuries.

What should be done next? Just reflect on any feature of the real life, and unexpectedly can come spontaneous memories of past life. You will see the plot that is played in the present life through a book or dream, and maybe through the smell / sound / sensation.

Important! If you are inexorably pulling you to visit some country, be sure to travel there. Perhaps this is due to your past life, and you will get spontaneous memories.

For example, you can reflect on the epoch that attracts you, and unexpectedly remember the events of the past days with you in the lead role. Or you read the book / Watch the film and suddenly receive information about your past life. The main thing is to form a specific attitude that will open all the channels of perception.

Work with dreams

Through dreams, we can get a large amount of information connected with both the future and the past. Therefore, the dreams should be treated very responsible if you want to learn about yourself and your past. The mechanism of working with dreams is very simple: if you reflect on some kind of day during the day, the subconscious continues to process this request and in a dream. That is, you can see the pictures of your past life in a dream.

How to distinguish the usual dream of sleep-memories? If you see the pictures of your past life in a dream, then you feel the reality of what is happening. If fantastic things may be present in the usual dream (speaking coffee pot or dog), then in the sleep-memories the plots will be very realistic, and you will take part in them.


Psychologists argue that dejuma is a mistake in brain activity. Regressologists are confident that this is nothing more than the memory of past lives. Deja vu in translation from the French - "already". That is, your subconscious mind recalls a similar situation that has already happened in the past life. Why does it happen? There is no answer to this question.


Strong fears and related emotions can be a tip of past lives. This is especially true if there is no reason in this life any reason to fear, especially before the state of the panic fear. Claustrophobia or other phobia is a direct evidence that in the past life, unpleasant events took place with you. Perhaps some of the events served as death.


Before starting to practice the practice of viewing past lives, answer yourself to the question: are you ready to see the whole truth about yourself? After all, information can be very negative either traumatic.

If you are ready to see any unattractive or unpleasant fragments, then write down everything seen in the notebook. Perhaps you will have to dive into the depths of the subconscious several times to make a more or less complete picture of some fragment from the past life.

Do not try to rush the events and certainly see the whole picture immediately. Excessive diligence and hurry will lead to the opposite effect. You must learn to enter a meditative attitude that does not imply any rush and force majeure.

If you can't see the past life, maybe it's time to try a different viewing methodology?

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