Rites on the Trinity of Marriage


Trinity holiday symbolizes farewell from spring and summer meeting. Rites on the trinity on marriage reached us from the depths of the ancient - from the great-grandmothers and grandmothers. In autumn to play a wedding, the girls appealed for help to otherworldly and read special witchcraft words.

Marriage Rite in Trinity

How to attract the groom on the trinity

The girl should weave the wreath of wild flowers on the eve of the Trinity, read special words for him and throw in the river. So that the unclean force does not interfere with the rite, after conspiring words, it is necessary to stand up with a congestion. The words are:

"In the meadow, the girls walk, flowers and herbs are collecting, wreaths weep and sick. Delicious my muddy, wreath catch yes I give! I my words in strength to stay, a narrowed wreath to give. Amen."

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Important Lucky As a wreath, throw it into the river, quickly go and do not turn around. On the track home it is impossible to talk to the rite the power does not lose.

Love Conspiracy

If the young man did not want to pay attention to the girl, there were strong guidance spells. In Troitsyn, the unclean power actively helped in solving love problems, as under Christmas.

The girl had to go to the church on the ground and grab consecrated herb with him. Houses from this grass washed wreath and read a plot for him:

"I do not pray for me to sleep and not cross. Lord, forgive me! I put under the head of the holy wreath. As these herbs in a wreath, they twisted, intertwined and the slave (name) around me, the slaves (name), walked, see. Like herbs in a wreath to dry will become and the slave (name) for me, the slave (name) will dry. Food does not make a drink, do not heat drink, does not go round with girls. I would not have gone, a slave (name), with his mind-mind or in a feast, nor upon conversation, nor in the field, nor in the house native. Be my words strong, stronger-booby, stronger than the knife sharp. The key is the sky, the castle - the Earth. Amen."

In the morning, we take a wreath to your beloved under the threshold. On the way back on the intersection, leave the coins in the sputter. So that there is no punishment for the words of the conspiracy, the cross is removed for the night.

How to cook a guidance potion on the trinity

If you need to shock your favorite guy, wait for the holiday of the Trinity. On this day, any grass has witchpody. Herbs should be riveted at the dawn. On the road, also collect 13 river stones.

Returning home, put stones and herbs in a saucepan with water and burn fire. How water will boil, bring hands and read special conspiracy words 13 times:

"On the ninth Sky 3 Dawn.

Those dawns of the Trinity praise.

To me, a slave (your name), let out:

If I am, a slave (your name), the potion is welded,

Then any Associate.

13 herbs, 13 river stones,

Call me for the rescue of 13 devils.

Oh, you are trapes-brothers, go here.

Magic water boils, boils.

13 devils, 13 brothers,

Come and serve me, slave (your name).

Weld your hello to hell.

How this water is hot and like these stones strong

So be words My hot and modeling, to the body of Bella Raba (guy's name)

Begin, go and never take off from it.


How to read conspiracy words, turn off the fire. Potion hide, let it stand until July 13th. In the cherished day you will need to pour the potion in the traces of your beloved on earth. Just try to notice you. After completing the rite, it is impossible to talk with anyone. In the evening of the same day, grab 13 coins with me on the ruble and take the crossroads closest from the house - in the flaws.

Coins need to throw through the left shoulder and quietly say: "paid". After that, you need to quickly go home, do not turn around and do not heart talk with anyone. If you do not complete this condition, devils can be attached and penetrate the house.

Curling birch

Marriage Rite in Trinity

If the girl was afraid to read conspiracy on marriage, she went to the birch on the eve of the Trinity. On the young birch needed twigs, tilting the top of the village. If, after the holiday, the twigs remained peeling, then be marriage. If the branches developed or dressed, the marriage was postponed.

Another burning on the trinity was to lay wreaths on the river. The girls walked on the river, gathered meadow flowers and whitening wreath. Signs on wreaths are as follows:

  • If the wreath nailed to the shore, marriage will not be;
  • If floating far, the groom will be afar;
  • If the wreath was drowned, it was considered a very bad admission.

A wreath for a burning could not be thrown into the water. The girls put on wreaths and lowered her head over the water - the wreath was to fall himself.

Bad rising was considered if any guy sees a wreath on the girl. Therefore, the river was secret, early in the morning.

To see the narrowed in a dream, put a trinity wreath of birch twigs under the pillow.

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