What is self-determination of personality


With the concept of self-determination of the individual used to be faced. Recently learned that this term includes such concepts as the ability to defend their point of view in situations other than the generally accepted rules of conduct.

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The essence of the concept is to align the priorities, demonstrating their own values. The presence of self-determination of the individual is indicated by the possibility of going to society or stereotypes, if they contradict their own ideas about good and evil. The article describes this term in more detail, its impact on life, the adoption of self and destination.

Personal and social self-determination

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In psychology, the concepts distinguish the following types of self-determination:

  • Personal - involves finding a place in life, choosing a strategy and determination of success criteria, purpose;
  • Social - includes the definition of a place in society, accessories to society, a circle of people, the choice has an important impact on social awareness, religious, political, moral views, philosophy of life.

A professional self-determination is allocated to a separate category, it includes the choice of profession, activities.

Types of personal self-determination

This classification was developed approximately 20 years ago, there are several varieties of personal self-determination:

  • Harmonious - a person has been satisfied with himself and what is happening, with optimism looks to the future, confident in the possibility of implementing his plans;
  • stagnant - characterized by the satisfaction of today's position, but there is a fear of future, changes, against the background of which the insecurity is developing;
  • A carefree - a person is satisfied with the present, but irresponsible treats the future, hopes for extraneous assistance;
  • Negative self-determination is characterized by dissatisfaction with the present, the lack of plans for the future, such a person is forced to swim by the flow of life;
  • Protective - man does not like his life, all difficulties he considers temporary, in the future the possibilities for self-realization are viewed.

When can we talk about self-determination, self-determination of adolescents

The need for self-determination arises between the ages of 15 and 17 years. During this period, high school students are preparing for passing exams in universities, to the choice of profession. The choice at such age is often unconscious or conscious not to the end. In this case, it is rather about the psychological preparation of a person to self-determination.

It is worth noting that adolescence is accompanied by strong changes in the body. At this time, the appearance is changed, the relationship with the environment, the intelligence increases. The period is considered very complicated and responsible. At the stage of transition from children's age in an adult, a desire for improvement appears. Teens know themselves, express themselves, self-affirmation as far as possible.

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The main feature of such a transition lies in the desire to resemble adults, children copy their behavior, style of clothing, try to speak differently and dress. The surrounding adults also change attitudes towards children, they trust them more, distribute responsibilities with changes in the changes. Teens try to behave adult, as a result, go to the next stage of personal development.

During this period, the formation of self-consciousness begins, personal needs are evaluated differently. Teens are often not satisfied with themselves and their own appearance, we are experiencing a discrepancy to the ideal created by them.

It is necessary to take into account that the modern education system is often useless for self-determination, some children cannot recognize their abilities and inclinations. The situation is exacerbated by incorrect behavior of the pedagogical composition. Children should be able to develop, wash, try themselves in creativity, set goals.

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Teenagers ready for personal self-determination are distinguished by a conscious attitude towards life, they have ideas about their own rights and responsibilities. They often formed moral installations, beliefs, adolescents are aware of the responsibility for their actions. The presence of these properties will provide an active, conscious life.

The importance of self-determination

Each person must perceive itself as a person with certain properties and inclinations. This will help him understand the direction of movement, correctly choose a profession, to make motivation to action. People without self-determination often do not achieve anything, movement by flow leads to the accommodation of ordinary sulfur life.

Self-assessment forms volitional qualities, self-confidence. Adequate self-esteem is considered an excellent pledge for self-development. Some successes can increase confidence in their own forces, which is excellent motivation to achieve other goals. Having values ​​of a person easily puts priorities, can set goals and seek them. Motivation plays an important role in this case, it is possible only with accurate awareness of their own goals and needs.

The importance of daily work on oneself

The pledge of success in any business is the constant work on yourself. A person should be able to analyze in any situation, which he does not get to achieve the goal. It is very important to pay attention to self-education, to read a lot, attend seminars, trainings. All listed activities contribute to improving intelligence, expand opportunities for self-realization.

Self-actualization allows you to maximize your own capabilities and talents. It helps to achieve success in any activity, it must comply with spiritual needs, bring profit and be useful for society.

A person who got on the road can be a master of his life, which will help gain independence from other people, restrictions and stereotypes. This option allows you to independently make solutions and make a choice based on our own beliefs. Such people understand themselves and life, they live brightly.


  1. Personal self-determination is a very important thing in a person's life, it is harder to motivate yourself without it and achieve goals.
  2. The period of self-determination falls for adolescent age when children begin to recognize themselves, choose a profession.
  3. With proper self-determination, a person knows how to set their goals and seek them, self-education plays an important role.

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