Features of Slavic and pagan rituals and examples


Nowadays, the Slavic pagan rites and the culture of our ancestors are interested in an increasing number of people. Many gradually come to understand that it is much deeper and interesting than what is considered. After all, people in those days directly appealed to the forces of nature and received help from them. The universe itself provided them with their support, she gave love and inspiration.

Ries of Ladina dew

Slavic rituals

The most important part of the Slavic Vedic culture was rites and rituals. Almost all of them were confined to certain solar cycles and were based on deep knowledge of nature. Therefore, each rite could be carried out only in the time specifically allocated to him, for example, an equinox, a period of harvest or summer solstice.

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As a rule, Slavic rites were based on addressing the highest forces, ancestors or spirits of nature and elements. The ancient Slavs believed that there are three levels of being: right, yawn and neave.

  • Yava is our material reality in which the souls come to develop and fulfill their destination in this life.
  • Nava - the world of unmanifested reality, where the souls and various spirits are inhabited, waiting for a new embodiment.
  • Right - the divine world, the abode of the gods and higher entities, which rose above the earthly level.

All Slavic rituals are based on the contact of a person with the worlds of Navi and the rule, which is interrupted during their stay in the physical body. Therefore, each rite is a deep sacred sacrament dedicated to communicating with the highest forces and spiritual entities.

Not all rituals could be performed by ordinary people. The most complex and responsible rites were carried out only specially trained people who own sacred knowledge - Magi.

But still many of them were available and ordinary people. Among them are conspiracies to attract good luck, love and material benefits, rites for a happy life and well-being.

Some of them have been preserved to this day unchanged.

Pagan rituals for abundance

The purpose of many pagan rituals was to attract material goods to human life, a good harvest and prosperity in the family. Since those distant times, little has changed - we are still interested in these urgent questions. Let's look at several such rites on abundance.

Water treatment ritual

Water is a vital environment for all living on Earth. It symbolizes the revival and is able to wash off the whole negative. Therefore, since ancient times, people spend various rituals associated with this element. Often, when carrying out such rituals, the spirit of the reservoir - water is called.


For this rite you need to go to the flowing water - the river, the lake or the soveport. It is performed only on women's days: on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. For a successful ritual, you must tune in to the fact that you are a single whole with this aqueous stream. You can lower your hand or leg in it, if it, of course, is not too rapid and dangerous. Now read the plot:

Appeal to water

The spirit of the reservoir must necessarily leave some kind of gift. It may be any item or food - everything that tells your heart. Put it on a small fuel and send by the waves.

Ritual with land

Since ancient times, the Earth has always symbolized material well-being and wealth. After all, it was she who gave food and everything necessary for the life of people. It is not surprising that many rituals for abundance are carried out with the help of land. One of these rituals is in such a way:

  • It is necessary to wrap in the cloth a pinch of the Earth and bring it to the dwelling.
  • After sunset, stay in full solitude in the room. Expand the bundle with the ground and burn the candle. Now you need to read such a plot:

Appeal to the Earth

  • Fold a candle and do not touch the ground until the morning.
  • The next day, it is necessary to plug a conspiracy into a vase with any indoor plant. If everything is done correctly, the flower will become better to grow and bloom. Now he will be your money tree, symbol of prosperity and well-being.
  • In case the flower stopped growing or drying, he assumed an induced energy or magical effect. It was it that did not allow you to have wealth in the house.
  • If this happened, I faded the plant to the wasteland and spend the ritual again.

Conspiracy on women's beauty and health

In this rite for beauty and health, they turn to the female start, the mother of our universe - Lada. It is she who is a patroness of all women, helps them to preserve their beauty and youth for a long time.

Goddess Lada

Conduct a rite in such a sequence:

  • Prepare a spoon of silver, a vessel with water and natural fabric of white.
  • On the night of Thursday, on Friday, leave a vessel with water and a spoon in a place where the moonlight falls, until morning.

The next day, smear water and whisper:

Appeal to Lade

Get out the face with a white web and tie it into a node. It is necessary to bury it in a flowing reservoir.

This ritual must be updated every three months if you want to preserve your beauty and youth for many years. Especially it is useful for women with various skin problems - fatness, acne, unhealthy face.

Rite with painted onion husks eggs

The painted was known to our ancestors long before the adoption of Christianity. They were very often used in various rites, because the egg personified life, the entire hidden potential and power of the universe.

This ritual was held to disclose his internal talents and abilities, helped find his life destination and call for support for the strength of the genus.

For the rite it is necessary to weld six eggs and paint them with a onion husk. In addition to coloring properties, the bow is a powerful faith from any negative. Act in this order:

  • The ritual follows March 23 or from the day of the spring equinox, but can also be carried out in the autumn holiday of the genus - September 23.
  • At dawn, take one boiled egg and mentally concentrate on your desire or the question of interest. After that, clean the egg and eat.
  • On the second day you need to eat two eggs, and in the third - three, not forgetting to think about your goal.

The eggshell must be maintained until desire, but no more than twelve months. If you want to get the powerful support of the ancestors, you need to take nine eggs. After the rite, there are three eggs to the grave of the closest relative.

Ritual to get rid of all sorts of misfortunes and failures

If you need to interrupt a series of adversaries, haunting you, spend such an interesting rite.

  • At dawn during the battle week, go to pure flowing water. Take your old worn things - T-shirt or shirt.
  • Spin the bonfire and burn the thing on it.
  • Enter the water and fully plunge three times.
  • Going to the beach, do not wipe the towel. Now you need to run on dew and wash it.
  • Feel clean and new things and leave, without looking around until at home.

Kupalskaya dew has magic properties. In antiquity, she was tried to collect and save until next year. Rosa collected these days was used to protect against the evil and damage. And the girls who were sinking with this lightening moisture helped become more attractive and for a long time to preserve youth and health.

The ancient Slavs had a special attitude towards dew. Its sacred value for many rituals arose from the fact that it is a generation of two elements - water and earthly. And the dew, which is collected in the Kupalskaya week, is charged with a powerful stream of the energy of the Sun, which has special properties during the summer solstice. This is exactly what the Kupali Rosews magic healing abilities.

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