17 years of living: what a wedding, what gives


Each wedding anniversary is an important for a pair. 17 years since the marriage - the date is not an anniversary, but still it is customary to celebrate. For us with my husband, the wedding day is always special. I want to tell about how to celebrate the 17th anniversary - tin, or pink, wedding.

Semantic values ​​of the names of the 17-year anniversary

17 years since the marriage is called tin or pink. Both items are not accidental and have their meaningful meaning.

Tin wedding is called due to the properties of this metal. Tin - flexible and plastic material. So the spouses, having lived together for almost two decades, are torn to each other.

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Also tin - fusible material from which you can make various products. Over the 17 years, the spouses were able to cut apart from each other exactly what they need, gradually changing their character and features of their second half.

17 years of living: what a wedding, what gives 4303_1

This metal is used when soldered with each other various parts. If we talk about the family, then over the past since the marriage, the pair time has fully connected. The fact that they rushed to each other gave the opportunity to maintain strong and strong relationships.

BY THE WAY! The tin is also called the 10th anniversary from the day of the wedding.

The name "Pink" makes the 17th anniversary sublime and sophisticated. The passion between the spouses has already gone, but was changed with even warmth and tenderness of the relationship. And yet the name reminds about Rosa, about the spikes of which can be wound. So, despite the past years, with a careless thing to each other, the family can collapse.

There is another value that is characterized by a number 17. In numerology, this number means new discoveries. Couple living together for many years, can discover new aspects of family life.

Traditions of 17-year anniversary of the marriage

Each anniversary of the wedding day has its own traditions and customs. The 17th wedding anniversary is a family celebration that is customary to celebrate in a narrow circle. On this day, the pair is not recommended to draw attention to its feelings and relationships. There are other traditions that need to be observed:
  • Spouses give each other tin rings. They do not have a special material value, but, according to believing, they must bind to each other, the already strong relationships of the couple;
  • On the eve of the celebration, the whole house is decorated with pink petals to make the setting special romanticism and refrogation;
  • On this day, it is customary to drink red wine, which is designed to feed the hearts of spouses with love and passion;
  • Also in the 17th anniversary of the wedding, the spouses bring each other's oaths who confirm all the seriousness of their intentions and the fortress of feelings.

BY THE WAY! There is a belief that the day of the next wedding anniversary symbolizes the next year. That is, how the celebration will be held, so the spouses will live another 12 months until the next anniversary.

How to celebrate

For 17 years of romance, romance from the relationship goes, the feelings of spouses to each other are no longer so burning as in youth. However, tenderness and respect remain. A properly organized celebration can recall a couple that there are still sincere attachment and love between them.

Methods of celebration

One way to hold a celebration is to arrange a wedding. Let it be unofficial, but the spouses can exchange tin rings, pronounce oath and admit to each other in their feelings.

17 years of living: what a wedding, what gives 4303_2

This is a very touching point that will help the perpetrators of the celebrations themselves believe that they are happy with each other. Also the imaginary wedding will prove to guests the sincerity of attachment between spouses.

You can also arrange a romantic dinner for two. Noisy parties can be arranged for a birthday, and a wedding anniversary is a holiday for two. And even better - to go to the wedding trip. This is all the more relevant, if such a couple was not at all.

Surprise for parents can arrange their children. You can independently cover the festive table, prepared your favorite spouse dishes. By the way, the tin rings can be presented to dad and mom's daughter and sons. The attention of the descendants will be for a pair of the best gift on this day.

How to place a room

Of course, the room in which the celebration will be held must be framed in the corresponding colors. Pink and silver - here are the colors of the 17th anniversary of the marriage.

Guests can serve tin cutlery or use dishes from this metal. Pink glasses will become an excellent holiday decoration. Textiles, monotonous or with a pattern of roses, will help arrange the walls, chairs and the table itself.

17 years of living: what a wedding, what gives 4303_3

Still, the main decoration of the room are flowers. Bouquets in pink tones or roses will decorate horizontal surfaces. You can use artificial flowers, but natural will serve not only the decoration, but also give the room the corresponding fragrance.

Ideas gifts

17 years of living: what a wedding, what gives 4303_4

Of course, guests and spouses themselves must take care of this day about gifts. The choice of the present should be approached with fantasy, because the 17th anniversary is a rather important day in the life of a couple.

Gifts for the wife

17 years of living: what a wedding, what gives 4303_5

Men easier to choose a gift for a spouse, because pink - feminine color:

  • The spouse must certainly be presented to his beloved bouquet of 17 roses;
  • Also a wonderful gift will serve a jewelry with pink stones. It is symbolic if they are made of white metal - silver or platinum;
  • If there are no funds on expensive products, you can do jewelry from tin. Such a gift will bring good luck to its owner;
  • Any clothes of pink or scarlet colors will make a woman. In addition, a new dress can be put on a romantic dinner in a restaurant;
  • Gift certificates are an excellent way to please the second half.

However, you can present tickets for a romantic vacation, give a joint flight in a balloon and much more, what the spouse dreams.

Gifts for husband

17 years of living: what a wedding, what gives 4303_6

In this situation, a woman is more difficult to decide on the choice of a gift. The main thing is that he answers the preferences of the spouse and was relevant at that moment. As a present, you can present:

  • Any tin product is a mug, a handle, a chain;
  • If the husband is fond of fishing or hunting, you can give it the corresponding accessories - fishing gear or knife with a tin handle;
  • However, you can give and the object of red clothing. Excellent options - tie, shirt, scarf, etc.

BY THE WAY! A gift can be of any color, but it is necessary to arrange it in accordance with the traditions of the 17th anniversary, i.e. In red, pink or silver tones.

Gifts from friends

17 years of living: what a wedding, what gives 4303_7

The 17th anniversary is a holiday that is customary to celebrate together or in a very narrow circle. But friends may want to congratulate the spouses and give them anything. As a present, it will be suitable:

  • expensive home textile - bed linen, plaid, curtains, etc.;
  • A set of cutlery or tin dryers;
  • Voucher for two in a romantic journey.

And yet the best gift is the one who is made with his own hands. Picture, panel, postcard, statuettes - all this will cause gratitude to spouses for attention.

However, if there is no time or desire to look for a gift, you can give money. Only they need to be premature correctly, for example, by making a monetary topiary or folding bills in the Origami technique.


Summing up, you can say:

  • 17 wedding anniversary - although not a round, but very important date in the life of the pair;
  • You can make anything, most importantly, correctly present the gift to the tin-pink wedding;
  • This holiday, first of all, for spouses, so he must please her husband and wife, be comfortable for them.

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