Cardinal, fixed, Mutable zodiac signs


As you know, 12 signs of the zodiac - and I do not believe in any "snakes" - are divided into three main groups. And it is very, it is very important to know! You can not even imagine how much explains the topics belongs to your sign to the mutable square or to the fundamental one. I always have this in mind on my consultations.

For example, in Russia often contemptically refer to cancer, considering them weaklings. But I remember that this sign belongs to a fundamental square - that is, to those who transform and changes the world, creates new systems. And the cancer is a very strong sign, managed the absolute "female" to turn into power and creative energy. Just Russia is a Waterword country, a aquarius of the owner of cancer, so despises him. The very same Aquarius will always despise in Japan and in Europe. But the cancer in these countries is enjoying great respect. And in all other, except for Russia.

So let's figure it out in the "Squares". We have three of them:

  • Cardinal.
  • Standing-stable.
  • Mutabel-changer.

Three qualities, three principles, three destinations ...

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Cardinal, fixed, Mutable zodiac signs 4305_1

What are all these "squares"?

They are about how the signs of the zodiac are acting and what their main purpose on Earth is. As you know, any action has three stages - the beginning (zinch, initiative), continued (the development of what is started by someone else) and finally change (transformation and even destruction, criticism).

Thus, depending on what square you belong to, you will manifest yourself in earthly life as a nap, founder, initiator. Or you will be the person who, having picked up the undertaking, will bring the matter to the end, will continue him. And finally, you can be born criticized, no executive and destroyer, an opportunist. But this does not mean that you belong to the conditional "square of evil." On the contrary: in order to give a new one, you need to destroy the old, who taught themselves forms and ideas. But let's go about each square more ...

Cardinal square

It includes the main, main signs: Aries, Cancer, Scales, Capricorn. These are people who are forever need "more than others." We are not talking about greed now, but that they are not ready to be content with the existing position of things - how everyone has been arranged for them. No! They see that the world needs an improvement, they are from the inside overwhelms the thirst for action, like Aries or Capricorn, the thirst for creativity, like cancer, and the thirst for the guidance of order and harmony, the creation of sustainable public structures, as those who were born under the sign of the scales.

As a rule, these are people with a difficult character, but no need to condemn them for it. On the contrary, it is the internal disorder that makes them restless and active seeking to the highest goals. You first think about them "Shilo in the Pope, not a man." But then everyone willingly go along the path running them and enjoy their discoveries, the fruits of their work and conquests. And if it were not for these restless people, humanity would froze in their development and died, having exhausted resources.

Cardinal, fixed, Mutable zodiac signs 4305_2

The cardinal square is a fighter with stagnation and stagnation, with laziness and calmness. They will not let you sit quietly. These are very ambitious people, always growing initiative, new ideas. They are the first to see all pain, crisis points in the development of society and understand where the danger comes from. The first feeling her approximation and beyond the alarm.

You can imagine it so ... There is a beautiful tropical island, on which there is plenty of food, you do not need to be killed at work, the sea is affectionate, and even sharks in the bay are not swimming. And in the center of the island is a big, incredibly beautiful mountain - she is so decorating the terrain! But I started in the tribe, who, instead of being positive, like everything, runs and talks about the fact that somehow snakes began to descend from the mountain. That yesterday he felt a strange impetus - it was at night. We must urgently do something! Let's build a huge raft and move to the next island, where there is no mountain.

How does he infuriate everyone! Well, how can you be such negative, prevent people to enjoy life? Moreover, he, noticing that everyone spit on his warnings, began to swear and fluttering all nerves. Went away, poisoning life!

And he is one builds a raft, like a fool, while the rest positively and harmoniously enjoy life, saying to each other: "The Lord will not allow the trouble to happen!" Sits on this raft protesting family and floats to another island. And a month later, a grand eruption of the volcano happens in this paradise and all the wonderful and positive people die. Only a nasty negative type survived. And the family survived him. So appreciate people of a cardinal square, despite their difficult character.

Fixed square

These are the so-called conservative signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and, you are now surprised, Aquarius. Here you did not expect to see among the conservatives, right? But is Russia not a conservative country? Is it not a water-country country? The same!

These are people who pushed the initiative of the cardinal square and continued her. They are persistent, used to bring the case to the end, retain and increase what they got. These are the most harmonious people of the zodiac, happy earthly life, - they are not panicers and do not look around in search of danger, but firmly go beyond dear. They have a solid will and beliefs - they absorbed them with Mother's milk, know that there are certain rules in the world and do not need to break them.

Cardinal, fixed, Mutable zodiac signs 4305_3

Of course, the Aquarius is somewhat different from the other signs of this square, but it does not initiate something - he has no aspirations. He is deprived of his own hot desire, moving passion, creative emotion. But if he came across some kind of ready, but unprofaneous thought, he could get sacked her and give it to the world as a brilliant discovery.

Yes, really is a brilliant discovery. But the Aquarius would not do it if someone else, obsessed with passion, painfully, did not find the grain of this idea to the touch and did not give it to the aquarity. Or did not create an artistic, scientific structure in which Aquarius can act. Well, you see how Russia all his history borrow other people's forms and fills them with their spiritual power. All life is learning from Europe.

Mutabelian square

Hello, gentlemen critics and opportunists: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and fish. You all deny and unsubscribe, criticize and check for strength. You are great reformers and are needed where everything is too stagnant, and the ancient founders interfere with people go ahead, create a new one. This is who shifts: "And the king is naked!", Sweet the mask from the dead, outstanding themselves for living and poisoning everything around.

Virgo destroys the darkness of the exact and impartial criticism - her arguments are flawless, you will all realize that it is impossible to live so more.

Cardinal, fixed, Mutable zodiac signs 4305_4

The twin will always expose and learn the blowing authorities - after his deadly ideological attack, the "dead" will be bored and become nestless. The people will rise and overthrow them.

Sagittarius, brilliantly refuting the old ideas, creates new, arums them.

And the fish destroy the old order ... Love! Yes, they urge everyone to love each other and fold the weapon. And when everyone listened to them, young, cruel and greedy predators are in the arena, who capture the world, while the rest are broken and kissing. Well, the world is always needed fresh predators - they move progress.


  • All signs belong to one of three squares: a fundamental, fixed or mutable.
  • From what square you belong to, your life destination depends.
  • In each square there is a sign that seems there a stranger. But look careful - he is not a stranger, he is from the "local." This is visible on the example of Aquarius.

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