Stones for women scales: what stone came better


One my relative on the sign of the zodiac - scales. She came to visit and showed new jewelry from beautiful multicolored stones. It turned out that she picked up only special natural talisman stones that are suitable only to women-scales. I became very interesting, because each stone has its own energy and special power.

Stones for women scales: what stone came better 4329_1

The girl said that recently her life was improved, and in all spheres. And she herself looked quite self-sufficient and happy man. I want to share information with all interested things, which stones need to be selected by women-scales.

Stones for women scales

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The representatives of this sign of the zodiac on the horoscope are pleasant and cute ladies, intellectual and lungs. The element of air makes them very intuitive, extraordinary, but at the same time impulsive and changeable in the mood.

The ruling planet among representatives of this sign is Venus, who made women-scales with beautiful and attractive, excellent hostesses and caring mothers. With frequent changes in the mood and accepting unexpected solutions, these women still remain loved by their men.

Let's see which stones are recommended by specialists in astrology and hemologists (who know absolutely everything about the stones). Each stone talisman should reveal all the positive aspects of character and maintain in difficult periods of life.


Stones for women scales: what stone came better 4329_2

  • Diamond, as well as a shaken diamond, is a symbol of spirit hardness, innocence and purity. He protects his mistress from evil char and negative energy impact.
  • The stone is associated with solar energy, helps to establish the work of the cardiovascular system, and also cleans spiritually.
  • Does not like sharp and unemployed people. It is better when the stone is inherited, if only purchased it, then for some time the diamond should get used to the hostess. Only then begins to gradually participate in her life.
  • Those who are preparing to become a mother, the stone will help it easier to move pregnancy and safely resolved from the burden. This stone is reliable and hard, he will always protect his mistress from all adversity.


Stones for women scales: what stone came better 4329_3

  • One of the most expensive stones belongs to the variety of beryl, the name is translated as "green ice".
  • The stone will help her hostess-scales get rid of headaches, problems with the stomach and will lay down the work of the joints. Emerald even cleans water, has a common rejuvenating and restoring effect on the body.
  • Gem protects against infidelity and negative deeds, bad inclinations and deception. It is advisable to wear decorations with a stone for several months in a row.
  • Emerald will help preserve excellent relations in the family, maintain a quiet and peaceful atmosphere in the house.
  • Those who are engaged in magic, stone helps to establish an invisible and strong connection with the other world.


Stones for women scales: what stone came better 4329_4

  • Scales are vain and emotional. This royal chic stone will serve as defense against any negative and protects from the aggression of other people, give confidence.
  • Changeable and impulsive ladies-scales are often in the state of emotional voltage and anxiety. Sapphire will save from excessive emotionality, and also gives physical and spiritual health. It contributes to the harmonization of the person, helps to establish relations with relatives and colleagues.


Stones for women scales: what stone came better 4329_5

  • The stone is considered one of the most powerful fabrics for weights.
  • Gives decisiveness and activity, helps to choose the only right solution in a difficult situation, to work out a clear and decisive position.
  • If wearing an opal constantly, then much easier will be representatives of this sign to get out of any complex situation in life.


Stones for women scales: what stone came better 4329_6

  • Scales are prone to constant change of mood and indecision with a certain choice in life. Tourmaline allows you to free yourself and overcome the duality of nature and oscillations.
  • Woman-scales wearing a long time tourmaline becomes more calm and balanced, wise. It easily takes suspended and important decisions.
  • Also, the stone gives the character of the scales more sincerity and naturalness in behavior, eliminates excessive emotionality.

Lapis lazuli

Stones for women scales: what stone came better 4329_7

  • Stone helps to find internal confidence in their own power, helps to find the necessary words when communicating with people, harmonizes relations in the family and in society.
  • Lazuritis gifts the hostess by the power of will, relieves indecisive, suggests the right decisions, supports in difficult life situations.


Stones for women scales: what stone came better 4329_8

  • Turquoise is a stone of pacification, the tranquility, which is so lacking weights.
  • Especially one should wear turquoise to women who are in an unstable life situation. Stone will help to overcome the troubles and will help solve problems.
  • Also necessary turquoise for pregnant women. It protects the energy of future mothers and maternity, even unborn children. Therefore, especially working, pregnant women must necessarily wear at least a small jewelry from turquoise.

Also in some sources it is recommended to wear labrador women to maintain health, agate - to maintain equilibrium in character and actions, grenades, helping to find a way out of any complex situation, the lunar stone - a defender from a speaker and the negative effect of the moon, helps listen to intuition and Develop a creative start.

Stones by date of birth for women weights

If you choose a stone decoration as a gift, then focus on the exact date of birth. The entire monthly zodiac cycle can be divided into 3 equal parts. Consider in more detail what talismans need to be worn by the girls each of the groups.

09/24 - 02.10 - the ruling planet Venus

  1. These girls are distinguished by special charm, modesty, meekness and indecision.
  2. Constantly looking for and doubting nature, women-scales, born under the Venus, sometimes can not find a way out and take the right decision. Concentrate, to buy hardness and inflexibility will help stones with cold shades: malachite, lags, amethyst, lunar stone and mountain crystal.
  3. Sometimes these people lack support and heat. In this case, sadness will prevent the "soft" jasper.

03.10 - 10.10 - Born under Saturn

  • Women of this period are often open and sincere. Often work with people, spend a lot of energy and strength.
  • These are selfless mistresses, caring wives and mothers. Their main problem is to work on wear and care for close to the end. Such gems will help to restore strength and recharge the energy: sapphires, emeralds, topases, opals, tourmalines and amethysts. Stones are very strong and bright, give confidence, activity and cheerfulness, remarkably support health and nervous system.
  • Sometimes I want to try on a more neutral energy stone. In this case, it is recommended to wear jewelry with a zircon. He has a lot of properties, the main: makes a woman attractive in the eyes of other men, protects on travel, protects against magical impact, and also eliminates accumulated fatigue.

11.10 - 23.10 - Rules Jupiter

  1. These are real aesthet women, loving art and beauty.
  2. They find inspiration in the most common things for the rest of the people: beautiful foliage in autumn, sunset or beautiful flower.
  3. For these sophisticated natures, the most elegant stones are suitable: tourmaline, sapphire, diamond, emerald, chrysoprase.

What stones wearing for happiness in your personal life

Stones for women scales: what stone came better 4329_9

Women scales are very painful react to failures in their personal life. Happiness in marriage plays for them very important. Because in the first decade, the Venus rules, which is responsible for family well-being, female attractiveness.

  • For love and real serious family relationships come to life, it follows some time to carry a pendant or a pendant with a ruby ​​having a heart shape.
  • Sensitive, sometimes naive and gullible scales should necessarily have among the jewelry of pearl beads, which will be removed from the deception and betrayal of a man. They will help preserve loyalty and sincerity in relationships.
  • If the girl has not yet met his soul mate, then the product with turmaline will allow to gain long-awaited family happiness. Young female weights are also recommended to wear opal, then the chance to meet a good and decent man increases.

Tips when choosing stone

  1. Not only selected gems with various special characteristics, but also shape, shade, type, and size is important.
  2. Experts advise, stone must be felt. If you do not like the product or shade, it is better not to wear a decoration. The impact will be only in the event case strong and positive when the hostess fully takes the stone and wears it with pleasure.
  3. After the acquisition, especially the first time, you constantly need to wear a stone with yourself so that he will have the energy of the hostess. In the hands of other people do not give it.


  • Scales - a dual sign. These women are very attractive when they show their good qualities, but also unpleasant when negative demonstrations are also unpleasant.
  • These women are suitable the most expensive and presentable stones bringing the balance, peace and harmony. Stones are not suitable, snake, onyx, carnelian.

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