Italian women's names and their meanings


I got acquainted on vacation with Italian and confused, having heard the question of the meaning of my name (Catherine). It turned out that my new acquaintance, Alba, is obsessed with the meaning of names and told about the origin of many Italian. After a couple of days we went out, and in memory remained, I decided to share new knowledge.

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About female names in Italy

Although many of the women's Italian names sound for a Russian person unusual, they should give them due - they have their own beauty and charm, resulting in a long time.

It is in antiquity that the inhabitants of modern Italy received the names that have come down to this day. Most often it was a nickname given by the locality, the led from which was a person.

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Later, in the 16th century a tradition appeared to call children in honor of relatives. The firstborn gave the names of Grandparents and grandparents. If the boy was born, he was called in honor of his father's grandfather, if a girl is in honor of his grandmother's mother. The following children got the names of their grandparents, and the third - parents. When the next relatives ended, it was possible to move to the dead, calling children in their honor.

A fun tradition existed in large families: then girls gave names depending on what she was born: the first, fifth, eighth. Conveniently: Remember, in what order the children appeared. In addition, even the ordinal numerical on Italian sounds melodious and beautiful: Prima, Quinta, etc.

Catholicism, who received widespread in Italy, put the imprint and on the names for girls and boys - they were made in honor of the saints. Alive this tradition is still.

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When the territory of modern Italy was under the rule of other peoples, there were also the names of the conquerors, but today there are almost no. Instead, the idea of ​​foreign pronunciation of typical names is becoming popular: Luiz has replaced Louise.

Values ​​of italian female names

The variety and melodiousness of female names in Italy can be envied: the fashion is almost not concerned. Not that we have: Full kids kids with the same name, call one - a dozen spoke.

Make a list of all names is not possible, so we will tell about the most unusual.

  • Remember the Juliet from the eponymous novel Shakespeare? Heroine, deceased for his love at a young age. It is symbolic that this name means "young girl". Juliet is also a diminutive-gazing from Julia, which means "relevant to the Yuliyev dynasty."
  • Elena translated from Italian symbolizes one of the celestial bodies - the moon.
  • Marsell means "warriot". The origin of the name is definitely connected with the god of war Mars.
  • In Italy, a strong tendency to reduce the usual long forms of names. So, Alessandra becomes just Sandra, but both mean one thing - the protector of mankind.
  • ITEY - such a name used to wore a whole country, and now it moved to the female name.
  • Nikolina and Nicoletta, though different names in the form of name, go back to the goddess of victory by Nike, meaning the "victory of people."
  • For residents of sunny Italy, there is a whole selection of names associated with roses. Just "Roses" Rosa, Rosina and Roselag, "Beautiful Roses" Rosabella and Rosebel, "Elegant Rose" Rosanna and Rosanna, "White Rose" Roselva and Rosalba form a whole flower garden.
  • The books often occur in respectable people - Augusta / Aya, the Agostina is exactly what means. Formed a female form name from male August.
  • The beautiful name of Adrian received a resident of Adria, such a city was. Now only the Adriatic Sea remains as a geographical benchmark.

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  • My friend Alba has long been talking about her name, they say, there are no accurate data as it appeared. From the geographic side there is a variant of the Alba Long region and Albania, which used to be part of the Roman Empire. Translated from Latin means "white", but the most beautiful meaning is the translation from Italian, "Dawn".
  • The name grace is rooted in ancient Roman mythology. It was believed that there are three sisters, the goddess of beauty - three graces. Now every girl named in their honor is the opportunity to feel the goddess.
  • The "pure, unreplicated" immacal is consonant with the Italian name of the Catholic holiday associated with the immaculate conception of the child Virgin Mary.
  • How many noble patricia wanders through Italy's streets, and in the Middle Ages, this name was successful, because it means the face of blue blood, an aristocrat.
  • Borrowed from other languages ​​the names are also not bad here: the Spanish word of Pearl, with the literal translation of the "pearl", added another name in a variety of Italian options.
  • Elalia, or Evlalia, means "courteous with eloquence." Previously, the word "Evlalia" meant that a person can speak well. Popular name was made by Evlalia Barcelona - this holy, covered by its patronage of sailors, women in the situation and the city of Barcelona.

Let's summarize

Melodic Italian gave prerequisites to ensure that even the most ordinary words become names that are pleasant for rumor. Each of them is something so that characterizes the owner.

  • At one time in Italy, the traditions have developed to give names to children in order of birth, in honor of the ancestors and saints, but now they are almost not followed.
  • For most Italian names there is a story of its origin, sometimes simple - region of living, and sometimes you need to dig in Latin, related languages ​​to understand the value.

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