What dreams (see in a dream) bread


To find out what the bread is dreaming, read interpretation in this article, and you will find out that you have prepared you fate in the near future. I collected the predictions of popular dream books that I use and herself.

Dream Vangu

The priest believed that bread is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Therefore, such a dream can fill profits in affairs, adding salary or purchase of luxury goods.

What dreams of bread in the dream

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Here is another predictions:

  1. There is bread - to get benefits without much effort. You should simply make some kind of desire associated with finance, and it will surely come true without your active participation.
  2. Not just there, but greedily pounce on loaf of bread - a sign that a person literally was spoiled by relations. He is tired of loneliness and is experiencing a huge need for love.
  3. Scatter bread crumbs on the floor - the dreams are worried that he spends too much strength in his work. Because of this, he does not have time for a personal life. But his experiences are far from the truth, on the contrary, he is trying not enough. That is why it is not moving through a career ladder.
  4. Fresh, hot, fragrant bread, which I want to taste, dream of meeting a person. This person will become very meaningful to you in the future, will play a huge role in your destiny. A new acquaintance will be incredibly energetic man, full ideas, knowledge. He will infect you with his positive and make you believe in myself.
  5. But cutting Baton is an unfavorable sign. He says that you will have to face some difficulties in affairs. Fate will create all sorts of interference and obstacles that prevent your tranquility.

Family dream book

The authors of this dream book also associated bread with money and wealth.

What dream bread

Here are their interpretations:

  1. To see the crop wheat fields in a dream - to success and prosperity. You have a huge potential that will help you sooner or later to realize, become a rich man and start living the life of your dreams.
  2. Keep breadfish in your hands - to good news that you will bring a lot of joy and pleasure. But if the bread was rye, then lead will be bad. Also this is a reminder of loved ones who have long left our world, but need your memory.
  3. If you dream, as you buy bread in the store, I will have to spend decent to achieve. You are coming some huge costs that you have not planned. Perhaps you have to prevail to get all the accumulations and stay without airbag.
  4. If in a dream, an unfamiliar or close person gives you straight into the hands of a loaf, it means that in real life you have real friends who are always ready to stretch the hand to help in a difficult moment. You can trust them and count on them.
  5. Easy to die with rye bread - to financial problems. You will have serious losses and losses due to an error in affairs committed in the past. You could forget about her, but the consequences in the near future will be made to remember.
  6. Bread from rice or oatmeal - to grief and disappointments in loved ones. They do not meet your expectations, so they will be upset by their actions and words.
  7. If you baked a beautiful white bread right in the oven, then this is a favorable sign. Such a dream says that you have taken full responsibility for your life on yourself. Thanks to this, you yourself are creating your reality, and no circumstances will in this end in this. Keep it up.
  8. If you in the dream observed cooking from the side, then I will wait for a large number of guests. You may have to arrange some kind of large celebration, become the organizer and take on all the relevant concerns.
  9. Sugari in a dream - a sign that a black band will come very soon in your life. We will have to tighten the belt at most and learn to save. The trouble is temporary, and they will pass much faster if you begin to actively act and solve all the problems that have arisen.
  10. A stale or spoiled bread is a sign that the dreams are on the verge of poverty. And wines everything is limited thinking. It is too strongly impressed by the installations like "all rich - thieves" and so on. It is his negative thoughts and form its current reality.
  11. Made bread in sour cream or honey - a favorable sign that says that the dreams will soon become a rich, happy and successful person. His life will be filled with streams of prosperity, abundance and positive energy.
  12. Bread with mold dreams as a warning. Beware, your surroundings are full of enemies and unfriendly people who are waiting for a convenient moment to harm you. You should carefully treat each person with whom you communicate.
  13. Cut bread - you are waiting for a series of conflicts and quarrels with your loved one. And initiating scandals will be it precisely for some completely absurd reasons.

Dream Miller

This author can be found in the dreams as favorable and negative interpretations of dreams with bread.

Dream Bread

Here is his forecasts:

  1. If a woman eats bread with appetite in the dream, then a series of failures will come in the reality of the dream, which is extremely grieving it. In life, this and the matter will be some small troubles, with which you have to constantly cope.
  2. Share the crumb with another person - the dream has very positive thinking. In his mind, there are practically no restrictions. Therefore, his wealth is only a matter of time. Even if it has financial problems now, it's not for long.
  3. Keep crackers in your hands - a real trouble awaits you in the near future. And you cannot cope with her, because you prefer to wait until someone comes and solve your problems, but never act independently.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Bread in the interpretation of most dreams - a symbol of money, prosperity and abundance. Therefore, if it was fragrant, tasty, pleasant in appearance, then in the life of a dream money should flow the river.
  • But the worn, spoiled, the fierce bread dreams of problems with the money, which expect a person in the very near future.
  • But not everything is so unequivocal. To better deal with your dream, read all the forecasts in this article and select the right one for you.

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