How to understand what you love a man and he is your fate


At the beginning of any romantic relationship, everything develops on perfect scenario, pleasant meetings, trembling hugs and endless kisses. But what will happen then? Will this relationship be as good or spoiled after more closely familiar with each other? I think that you know whether your second half fate or is a fleeting novel, it's not so difficult.

How to understand what you love a man and he is your fate 4373_1

Why do we find "not our" people?

Attend a variety of dates almost with any representative of the opposite sex is always nice. Romantic atmosphere, pleasant walks, movies to the cinema only create the illusion that you are good with this person. We are not always wondering the question "Is this a person for fate?" And in general, is it worth thinking about tomorrow, if you are good in today?

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Long relationship with man, the views on the life of which are too different from yours, will never be happy. Over time, each of the partners begins to realize that their union is an error. Both sides begin to focus on the disadvantages of her beloved and simply cannot put up with them. The break of such relations is often painful for a guy and a girl.

Such a scenario of failed relationships is known to everyone, and normal people will not want to participate in it on their own will. Why do the guys and girls still allow such a mistake and begin relationships, pre-doomed to failure? For such a fatal mistake there are a lot of reasons, and the most common ones are:

  1. Dependence on public opinion. Mostly it concerns girls, it seems to them that if it will be alone for a long time, then people will begin to perceive it as a flawed and no one needed. A big dependence on the opinions of other pushing girls at the beginning of relations with the first thing that fell, without sobraying with what he is per person.
  2. Family pressure. Parents often can not be held from tips or reproaches to their children. Children often can't choose a partner based on their own preferences, and stop your choice on the one's senior generation.
  3. Love in one feature of the partner (beauty, mind, wealth, etc.) - in the early stages of relations, only one weighty positive feature can overlap the numerous negative sides of the person.
  4. Confidence that the family needs to create as soon as possible. Almost all girls who have long remained in the missing brides, are ready to accept the proposal of hands and hearts literally from any partner.
  5. Pregnancy. Unplanned pregnancy often simply forces people to register their relationship. In this situation, women are unlikely to think about whether they are fate with a person.
  6. Low self-esteem. Many guys and girls in the depths of the soul consider themselves not worthy of good relationships. Inappropriate partners, they do not leave, thinking that they will not find anyone better than anyone.

What is the second half, is it alone?

How to understand what you love a man and he is your fate 4373_2

Romantic nature argue that the second half of a person can only be one, there simply do not exist. Almost in all fairy tales for the prince, one love was prepared - a beautiful princess. In real life, to say that a person is real one second half, it is very difficult. Let's start with the fact that in the course of life both in a man and a woman may have one love, and with each of them a person will be happy in his own way.

A person cannot go around Polmir in search of one single, most often he meets her in his hometown, in the overall circle of communication. Recognize, whether this person is almost impossible in the first minutes of dating. Relationships will develop slowly, and gradually you will understand whether this is a person.

Signs that this person is "yours"

Upon joining any romantic relationships, it is worth paying attention to:
  • Own feelings that you experience to a partner;
  • his behavior next to you;
  • development of a relationship.

If at first glance it seems to you that love is mutual, how to understand that this is your person? The following signs will definitely indicate you this:

  • You can easily and comfortably with your partner, you experience sincere sympathy;
  • Similar views on life and other moments;
  • Your opinion has a partner weight;
  • The motive of any act of a partner is clear to you;
  • Together you are good not only to talk, but even silex;
  • Disadvantages of the partner do not cause irritation, your features are also not angry;
  • In the senses of the partner you are completely sure and do not wonder why he does so, and not otherwise;
  • The amount of attention presented to each other is the same;
  • Relationships are something reminded by married, general goals and cases appear;
  • People talk about your external similarity;
  • You have similar styles in clothes;
  • Without good work or with serious illness, the partner will not lose their attractiveness for you.

Signs of doomed relations:

  • Partner Flirts with you with other people openly;
  • Follows of the elect so annoying that you want to re-educate it;
  • In the partner you attract only one feature that a person can lose;
  • Promises, data from each other are not regularly performed.

Tips of psychologists

How to understand what you love a man and he is your fate 4373_3

Even if the guy or the girl is very good by himself, it still does not mean that this is your person. As you recognize your own, the school does not tell, and there is no such science, but psychologists can help in this matter. Professionals recommend applying the following ways:

  1. Imagine that situation that you already live together. Please note how you are telling each other Good morning, who is the first to go to the bath, who prepares breakfast. Try to provide a joint decision of domestic issues. When you are visualizing the future, pay attention to your feelings that you are experiencing.
  2. Tell your boyfriend about the everyday problems that your acquaintances touched. Unobtrusive questions will help to understand how the partner could solve such a problem in your life.
  3. Carefully ask what our previous partner relations were and for what reason they ended. Do not ask such questions more than 1 time.


  • Be sure to listen to your own feelings;
  • Any doubt may mean that this is absolutely not your person.

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