What dreams work is a dream book


To determine what is happening to work, try to remember everything you saw in a dream in detail. This will help you choose the most faithful interpretation. I brought in this article the predictions of dreams, which I use myself, most often they come true.

Family dream book

These interpretations were selected for centuries. They contain deep wisdom of the people, its culture, superstition, will take. Forecast family dreams will suit conservative people who honor the traditions.

What dreams work on which you work

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Here is interpretation:

  1. Losing work - to fear before the upcoming life changes. The dream will have to take an important decision that a lot can change in his life. And he is very afraid that makes the wrong choice.
  2. It is hard to work - an unfavorable sign that does not promise anything other than trouble. Negative events that will come with you in the near future will primarily affect the financial situation.
  3. To engage in favorite work - a favorable sign. He suggests that in real life you always go to meet the desires of your soul and do just what you like. Continue in the same spirit.
  4. The other person works - to the trouble at work. Someone from the colleagues "faithful" on you with the bosses, and will have to justify for a long time, proving your innocence. If you fail to defend yourself, then it is possible to lower in office.
  5. Active physical work - to success in affairs. If you have clear goals, you can easily get the desired. If not - it's time to schedule what you want to get.
  6. Pointing to other people that they need to do at work - you have to make an important decision that will affect your entire further life. Try to make a right choice that you do not have to regret.

Dream Miller

These forecasts will donate those who love psychology and believes in the possibility of human unconscious.

What dreams work

Here is interpretation:

  1. It is hard to work in a dream - to success in affairs that are of great importance for you. You will send all the energy to achieve your goals, and this will help get a good result.
  2. Watch how others work are working, - after a series of trouble you will finally permeate the spirit and can look into the future with hope. A favorable period will come in your life.
  3. View jobs in search of work - the case you do now will benefit you. Do not stop on the achieved and continue to move forward.
  4. Dismissal from work dreams of some difficulties in life. But you will easily overcome them, keeping a positive attitude. It is important to remember the fact that your thoughts are material and concentrate on good.
  5. Instruct the work to another person - to trouble in the career. Perhaps you are waiting for a decrease in positions or cash fines for misses and negligent attitudes. But you can fix everything if you begin to conscientiously fulfill your duties.
  6. Woman work dreams of hard work in real life. She will have to sacrifice its own interests in order to get a material remuneration.

Large dream book

It contains universal interpretations that are suitable for each person.

Dream interpretation

These are these forecasts:

  1. Work dreams of well-being and success in the financial sector of your life. You are able to achieve the level of wealth to which you strive. Put in front of you bold goals, even if they seem impracticable.
  2. You were an employer in a dream - to health problems. In life you take over greater responsibility, because of what you feel the shortage of forces. This can sooner or later lead to a serious illness.
  3. Dismiss with work - to good luck in affairs. You got into the stream of luck, so life will provide you with a lot of opportunities for self-realization and career growth. Strengthen this stream can be engaged in spiritual development to have a balance in all spheres of your life.
  4. Watch the work of a large number of people - to wealth. It can fall on you completely unexpectedly. Buy a lottery ticket - you have a lot of chances to win now.
  5. Physical work - to the fact that you will be removed from affairs for a while. You need to fight with these, because after the absence you can lose work at all. Another candidate will come to your place.
  6. If the work is dreaming, which you do in real life, then this is an unfavorable sign. He promises drains from the bosses. The leader will decide to find fault with some little things to punish you and finf.
  7. It is necessary to work as a household assistant - you will have to give up a personal life for good luck. It is necessary to make a serious choice and decide what is more important for you - money or love.
  8. Get a job - you have to defend your opinion before around you. You will literally go against all that can provoke a wave of condemnation and envy.
  9. Take the ran away at work - to the unpleasant situation in which you will find yourself because of the wrong decision taken by you in the past. It is important to make the right conclusions in order not to make such mistakes in the future.
  10. Heavy physical work is a reminder of the subconscious about what you need to concentrate on more important things and stop spraying energy into emptiness. Determine what your goals are most significant, and proceed to achieve them.
  11. Watch how men work are working - to dissatisfaction with sexual life. You are not satisfied with the partner, and you dream to change it.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Sleep about work often talks about future events in your real career. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to it. You can find out what to wait in the future.
  • Often, such a dream promises problems with money or, on the contrary, an increase in income. To understand what the future prepares you, analyze the dream, remembering all its details.
  • Remember that you can always change the unfavorable forecast if you become decisively and take responsibility for everything that happens to you in life.

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