What dreams of flour - dream book


How to find out what dreams of flour? You can overflow a lot of dreams and get confused. Or read this article in which I collected for you the best predictions. Read to figure out what happens to you after a certain dream.

Psychological dream book

These interpretations will fall to taste those who love to dig in their subconsciousness to better know themselves. They are based on the knowledge of human psychology.

what dreams of flour in dream

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Here are predictions:

  1. Flour - a symbol of human desires. If it dreams clean, white, top grade, then your dreams will soon be fulfilled. And you will not need almost no effort.
  2. Flaking from flour bread - in real life you too often prevent your own success, keep yourself in the process of achieving goals. Because of this, the desire come true not as fast as you would like.
  3. Gray flour of the second variety - to a happy life. You do not have to worry about anything. And your happiness will not be associated with money. Life can be modest in material plane, but nevertheless bring you tremendous satisfaction.
  4. The sale of flour is the case in which you are now participating can lead to unpredictable consequences. There is a huge risk of losing invested funds, so be careful in your actions.
  5. Bake cakes or cupcakes - you will gain the long-awaited peace in your personal life. No longer have to look for a soul mate or solve problems in the family. Everything will work out, as if the magic wand is performed.
  6. Black flour - the material position will deteriorate sharply. You can lose your job, stay without airbag or lose money by another way. But remember that all the trouble is temporary and you can cope with them.
  7. Steak hands in flour - you will become an object of rapid discussions in society. Your name will be the subject of gossip and rumors, which can a little flying to your reputation.

Dream Khasse

The author of this dream book is a medium. It was its forecasts on the basis of observations of folk traditions, notes, as well as relying on ancient esoteric knowledge.

What dreams of flour

Here is his forecasts:

  1. See flour in a dream - to material well-being. Very soon you will go to such a level of income that will allow you not to think about money, but to devote free time more spiritual things.
  2. Scatter flour - in you literally boils energy. Forces so much that you are capable of collapse. Your potential in this period is on the rise, so be sure to use it to achieve your goals.
  3. Throw flour - to a long, happy and secured life. This forecast is not at the near future, but to a remote perspective. But you can lay out the foundation of the future well-being now.
  4. Scatter flour - you will spend a bunch of money. The desire to have some kind of thing eager to you mind, and you do some kind of spontaneous, dear, but very useless purchase.
  5. Big Mount Flour - Beware of money loss. In no case, do not in debt and do not invest in doubtful projects. You need to take care of your accounts and wallet.
  6. Manufacture of flour - if you have been looking for work for a long time, then soon get a favorable offer. You will be offered a position with a good salary, but there will be a lot to work.

Dream Kananita

This dream book contains modern predictions, based on the ancient Greek "Book of Dreams". The authors rewrote the ancient prophecies and adapted them to our reality.

Dream of Flour

Here are predictions:

  1. Flour - symbol of well-being. The more her in a dream, the more prosperity will be in the dream of a dream. But there is a nuance: any money he will earn only hard labor, it is not easy for him.
  2. Scatter flour or dispel it in the wind - you enter into a favorable life time. You will be full of strength and energy, you can implement any project. Any business for which you will take will be successful.
  3. Throw flour - unexpected wealth falls on the dream. It is worth trying to buy a lottery ticket - the probability of your luck is very large.
  4. Rice flour for baking is a symbol of rest and comfort at home. Such a dream says that at home you will always find support and understanding, whatever events happen in the outside world.
  5. Linen flour is an unfavorable sign. Your financial situation will deteriorate greatly because of the errors committed in the past. You need to make the right conclusions in order not to bring the situation to the global crisis.
  6. Sell ​​flour on the market - you are an adventurous man and love risks. But now in your life the period when this should not be done. Try to analyze your decisions. Guide the motto: "Some seven times - a rejection once."

Alphabetical dream book

Universal interpretations:
  1. Bag with flour - symbol of stability. After a series of adversity and failures you will gain the long-awaited peace. More will have to survive and save.
  2. Mill - unfavorable sign. The period of permanent concern will come in your life. You will be worried about the future, which will prevent concentrate on affairs in the present.
  3. Corn flour - your personal life will work out. Such a dream promises a tremendous success in love affairs. You will have to take signs of attention and courtship, compliments in such a quantity that did not happen earlier.
  4. Fall in flour - you are an excellent owner, mother and wife. Your loved ones well and warm with you. You are an example of a real woman who adorns the house, creates a comfort in it and transforms the space around him for the better.
  5. Flour with bugs - to quarrels and conflicts with a loved one who can lead to parting after some time.

Check the video on the topic:


  • In most dreams of flour symbolizes the material position of a person, the level of its vital energy and the likelihood of the fulfillment of desires.
  • To determine which interpretation is close to you, just listen to intuition - she will tell the faithful answers.
  • For a clearer understanding of your dreams, lead a dream diary: put the handle and notepad next to the bed, and in the morning, waking up, immediately write down your dreams in the smallest details.

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