How to make a man with a guy: Effective recommendations


The famous People's saying claims: "Cutely worry - only to themesh." And in many ways it is right: indeed, it is unrealistic to find a couple, in which there will never be quarrels, mutual reproaches and clarifying relationships. The main thing is to be able to "raise the White Flag" in time so that the location does not drag on for a long time. How to make a guy? Let's find out more!

How to reconcile with a guy

Reaction of people on a quarrel

It is no secret that all people perceive conflicts in different ways, a tense atmosphere. For some, it is quite normal to regularly find out relationships, talk about problems. While others are willing to sell the soul to the devil, just not to make a serious conversation.

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Third, I also want to deal with the whole minute, quickly making sure that everything is normal (even if it really is not so). Well, the fourths just go into yourself, falling into a state of complete silence. The behavior of people with quarrels affects their character, temperament, family experience and many other factors.

Scientists carefully investigated this topic and came to the conclusions that in the default men and women, various perception of conflict situations. Thus, journalists of publication "Personal Relations" (USA) conducted a survey in 62 regions, the results of which were impressed: men try to avoid clarifying relations than women.

The issue of conciliatory sex was also raised - it turned out that the strong floor receives great pleasure from him. But the female half of the population does not always like this: often ladies cannot completely move away from stormy emotions, which prevents them from feeling comfortable.

How to make a man with a man

Regarding the very issue of a truce, psychology allocated several basic recommendations on this.

Rule 1: give time

After a quarrel (especially strong), you should not hurry with a conversation. There is no point in trying to figure out something until the partner is angry with you and is experiencing negative emotions. Even if you are very quickly moving away from conflicts, it does not mean at all that it also happens with your second half.

Consequently, it is important to give a man the time to calm down, and emotional dust slowly went to no. And then you can contact him.

Is your conflict been too "hot"? Then it is wiser to put up at home, but to choose a public place for this. First, it will be useful to change the situation, and secondly, in humans you will have to restrain your words and emotions. So, the high probability that you will not continue to find out the relationship, but come to a compromise.

Give a man to move away from a quarrel

Rule 2: Take your wrong

Very often, the feeling of pride prevents people to admit that they were wrong. In general, there is no particular sense to disassemble who was the instigator of what happened - for myself you will still always be right (even if it is not at all), and both are always to blame.

It is better to move the focus of its attention to the sense of a partner. After all, he just as you, offensive, he also feels quite uncomfortable. Therefore, learn to openly recognize your own wrong.

Rule 3: feel all for yourself

There is another tricky trick - you need to speak out loud that you know how your protege feels. This will help move attention to his person. Suppose you went to the club without warning a spouse that caused its negative reaction.

Then tell me aloud the phrase: "I am very sorry that yesterday went to walk without you. I understand that it upset you, forgive me, please. "

Often, people do not apologize due to the fact that they do not want to admit that they did something wrong. But if you openly talk about it, sincerely repent, the likelihood that a loved one will change anger to mercy, very high.

Important! Refuse from the particle "but". If you say something like "Forgive me, but you were not right," most likely, the quarrel will only continue.

Rule 4: Listen to the second side

If the guy seizes the desire to speak out, you need to listen carefully. You should not interrupt it with your arguments - let him complete.

It is possible that he will say something that makes you think about your behavior. Carefully listening to his vision of the situation, you can easily understand that he really had much more difficult than you assumed.

In any quarrel, it is very important to be able to assess the situation as if "from the side", and for this it is perfectly suitable for listening to complaints. When a partner is completed to speak, you can discuss what happened, coming to certain conclusions, the main thing is that they are constructive.

Listen to his point of view

Rule 5: Love and Care

After you finally came to reconciliation, it would be nice to consolidate the world with positive emotions. Hug your loved one, Kiss him, make love - let the conflict that happened is far away to the background, and the passion and real feelings will come to him.

And now I want to offer you to learn how to put up with a certain zodiac sign.

A truce in the zodiac

It would be stupid to deny that the zodiac constellation imposes a serious imprint on the behavior of a person in any situations. And quarrels are no exception to the rules. It is important to be able to put up with a man, accepting this indicator into the calculation.


Temperament and stubborn sign, if you quarreled, do not prove that they were right. Aries can even realize what was wrong, but because of pride does not recognize this ... Act benevolently and submissively to gain peace.


Not inferior to Aries in his stubbornness. And offended, it will be very long to breathe on you. Taurus will not put up immediately, you should give him time so that he cooled and calm down. It is more correct - just not to remember a quarrel, as if it was in principle.


Gemini perform a very touchy and wounded sign, they are hardly experiencing disorders in relationships. For a truce with such a MCh, give him your care and attention, yes preferably as soon as possible until he fell into the state of apathy and depression.


He loves to exaggerate what has happened, "making out of the fly of an elephant." Plus, with great difficulty, recognizes its own wrong, seeking to accuse the second participant in relations. But there is a tricky way to make a cancer - admit to him in love! It melts, and then it is already delicately discuss what happened.

a lion

In quarrels, fiery lions become aggressive, often forcing close to suffering. Its second half should understand that the lion behaves so often not with evil, but simply because it has too powerful energy from nature. For the truce, tell me the lion that he did it hurt, and he, as a loving defender of his lady, will correct the situation.


The representative of this constellation will not find out the relationship in the same place. So, for a quarrel was a serious reason. Leave the virgin alone so that she thought everything. But do not resort to tears and manipulations - so you only break off your faithful.


Scales appear, probably the most complacent sign in the entire horoscope. To arrange "parsing flights" with them - the task is very difficult. And if you managed to browse the scales, all souls are forgiven. But do it without falsehood - they will immediately feel it.


Scorpio is distinguished by a blindness, to come with him to reconciliation is not very simple, because it is most likely to shut down the whole stream of negative in order to recall again. To preserve relationships with such a MCH, a girl needs to take blame for himself when conflict (even if it was not right).


Sagittars quickly boil, but also quickly and depart from disassembly. Their half is important to be able to calmly listen to the claims that they openly express their eyes. And under any circumstances should not try to change the Archers - they are not completely brought up, only angry from it.


Although Capricorn creates a cold impression, in the soul he will greatly experience a quarrel with a close man. But so that he changed the anger to mercy, it will take proof of love for him with the help of his words, actions and feelings. And if it was not right, he would most likely come to this and asked for forgiveness.


Having quarrel with him, get ready to put up with an aquarity you will. And the point is not that he is too proud or angry, just does not know how to apologize. But do not try to improve relationships immediately, give an aquerity time to calm down - it is going through negative emotions for a long time.


They are also worth leaving alone alone. Let him think about everything, weighing everything that happened. And in order not to quarrel with a man-fish, you need to often praise him and give enough care and romance.

Take advantage of the recommendations to make a man, but also focus on your own feelings - you know more than your favorite will respond to those or other actions.

And I also suggest you to view a very exciting video about finding a man of your dreams:

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