What dreams of a friend - Dream Interpretation


To find out what a friend is dreaming, remember all the dream details and find a suitable interpretation in this article. I collected the predictions of dreams, which I use myself. They often come true, helping to be ready for future events.

Family dream book

These predictions were going to centuries, they contain a huge wisdom of the people.

What dreams of friend

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  1. If you leave the dream from a friend, then in real life you will have a long separation.
  2. If he was extravagant or unusually dressed, then the best expectations will come true. Time to make desires - they will be fulfilled, because you have fallen into a powerful energy flow.
  3. If you look at a friend from top to bottom, it will soon achieve a high material position. You have a huge potential that will finally notice. You can implement any of your talent and earn good money on it.
  4. Sad and sad friend dreams of unpleasant news, which grieved you very much. It is quite possible, these news will cause frustration in a close person. You will learn some unlucky facts from his life.
  5. If in a dream you made friends with some unfamiliar person, then in reality will become a victim of deception. At the time it is worth stopping trusting people and with caustic refer to any suggestions that come from them.
  6. Walking at the funeral of a close man in a dream - in reality it will be long and happily live. Most likely, in the near future you will learn that he got married. Such a dream promises love and happiness.
  7. If you have dreamed of a friend with whom you have not seen yourself for a long time, then he misses and often remembers you. Call him or go to visit, it will be a joyful and pleasant surprise.
  8. Sometimes close comrade dreams when you really need his help and support. Stop looking for her in dreams and ask for real life. He will not refuse, and you can quickly get out of the black strip.
  9. If a friend asks for your help in a dream, then he needs support. While he does not admit to his problems, but soon will tell that he is tormented and makes worried.

Dream Miller

These predictions are suitable for people who do not really believe in mysticism and magic, but trust psychology.

Dreamed friend

Here are predictions:

  1. If in a dream you see how your comrade climbs to a high pedestal, then in real life you will very soon become a successful person. The stars agreed in such a way that you will have many opportunities for happiness and well-being.
  2. If the buddy is in returning from you and a little from below, then in reality it's time to draw conclusions from past errors. You need to rethink your actions to choose the right direction for further growth and development.
  3. If you ran away from your comrade, I still want to stop this friendship for a long time. Communication with him will, but you are afraid to put the point, offend and disappoint. It is time to make a decisive step, I do not regret anything.
  4. A friend in bright red clothes - an internal alarm symbol and a dream concern. In his life, too many problems have accumulated, which poison all existence. You need to try to look at what is happening more positive and change everything for the better.
  5. Dragged and upset friends are an unfavorable sign. Soon you will get sick and for a long time you will be chained to bed. Take care of your health to avoid the ailment and remain able-bodied.
  6. Healthy and happy friends will dream of good, but very unexpected news. Perhaps it will turn your life from the legs on the head, will bring out comfort from the zone. But as a result you will make a big step forward in your development.

Dream of Freud.

This psychotherapist interpreted dreams from the point of view of sexuality.

Dream Interpretation

Here is his predictions:

  1. If in a dream you have fun in the circle of friends, then in secret dream to try something new in sex. But your desired experiments are condemned in society, so you do not even decide to try.
  2. If the closest friend dreams, then you will have a very jealous man. It is difficult for you to stop controlling the partner, you are constantly trying to limit his freedom. But if you continue to choke it with suspicions, we will break out, so it is worth working on yourself.
  3. Sometimes a friend is a symbol of a competitor and rival. You are not sure in your second half, you think that someone is trying to lead it, or not confident that, in principle, the same thing.

Female dream book

If a girl dreamed of her friend, it may mean:
  1. Happy and in a good mood - wait for wonderful news, which will lead you to full delight.
  2. Sad and upset - to diseases, bad well-being and loss of energy. You worked too much, now you are exhausted and need to rest. Try to find the time to restore the strength and prevent sad consequences.
  3. In bright clothes and a little clown form - you too take care of what impressions do on others. Perhaps dependent on someone else's opinion and lose themselves, forget about their true desires, needs.
  4. You quarrel - in reality you are waiting for exciting adventures that will give a lot of unforgettable emotions. It's time to go on a journey or more actively get acquainted with new people.

Check the video on the topic:


  • If you have dreamed of a friend, you can learn a lot about what is waiting for your relationship in real life.
  • Try to remember the details: how my friend behaved, what was wearing, in what was the mood. This will help shed light to the future and choose the most suitable prediction.
  • Sometimes friends will shoot simply because you often think about them. In this case, you should not dig in dreambooks, but just spend together more time.

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