Why dream beetles - dream book


To find out what the beetles are shot, try to remember your dream in all details. And then examine the interpretation of popular dream books that I prepared for you in this article. Get ready for everything that fate prepared for you!

Family dream book

Beetles in the interpretation of this dream book symbolize either the dream of people surrounding in real life, or some circumstances that can play a significant role in his life.

What dream beetles

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Here is interpretation:

  1. Small and nasty bugs, which in large quantities crawled everywhere, shoot as a sign for a dream. He says that a person can please in a bad company if he continues to trust people too much. He needs to get rid of illusions and learn to see new buddies as they are.
  2. But if a similar dream was in a person who is in reality engaged in physical labor or draft work, this is, on the contrary, a favorable sign. He suggests that you are going on great opportunities for financial growth and well-being. Catch the wave of good luck!
  3. The unmarried girl of the bugs also dream as a warning: in her surroundings too many talkers and men who embellish their advantages, trying to impress her. She needs to pay more attention to actions and less - on empty promises.
  4. If the insects are a huge mass spread through the surrounding space, moving into bed, on the clothes and the body of the dream, this is an unfavorable sign. In reality, you will have to face a series of small troubles, which in a moment are put on your head.
  5. If you caught in a dream of large and "fleshy" beetles, expect financial income. You can return the old debt, add salary or just give money. And the more insects were in a dream, the larger your kush will be.

Dream Miller

The forecasts of this author are considered the most truthful, so they should pay attention to them.

Dream Beetles for what to dream

Here is the interpretation of Miller:

  1. If no other beetles crawl through your body, problems with money can begin. If you do not spit on time, you can bring yourself to this financial crisis, and then before poverty.
  2. If you killed beetles in a dream, this is a favorable sign. The author of the dreams does not indicate what the dream will smile at the dream. But in something you are surely lucky, and seriously.
  3. Exotic major flying beetles dreaming of great joy. Even if you now live in depression and do not get satisfaction with life, something happens that make you perceive the spirit.
  4. Green insects with powerful shell and horns dream of some kind of misunderstanding, which will affect the financial sphere of your life. Perhaps it will be associated with legal proceedings. Remember your weak points in your work and correct them to prevent such troubles.
  5. Hordes of poisonous beetles devouring everything in their path - an extremely unfavorable sign. Such a dream promises the death of a loved one, sudden and sharp. Either the troubles associated with your creditors can occur. The situation with the debts, which will need to be urgently returned.

Ancient dream book

The predictions of dreams were collected by our ancestors, which were noticed, which happened to people who saw one or another dream. And you can take advantage of the folk wisdom accumulated over the century, reading these interpretations.

Dream Bucket

Here they are:

  1. Giant insect, superior to a person in size, dream of severe dreams for a dream. Life will decide to once again give you a very hard lesson. And on how you pass it, your future will depend on.
  2. Flying beautiful beetle dreams of a betrayal of a close friend. You will find yourself in a difficult situation and will wait for support, but do not get it. And at the same time, and lose a person who trusted more than himself.
  3. If you have not seen a beetle in the dream, but clearly heard his buzz, you should treat people carefully. Not all of your surroundings can be trusted. Try to observe and not share your innermost secrets with anyone.
  4. Huge, bad and slowly moving beetle dreams of people who are used to living alone. It's like a warning - if you don't start thinking about the future, being trouble. Remember the fables about the dragonfly and ant and make the right conclusions.
  5. An innocent small bug, which is plenty of a dream hand, is an unfavorable sign for reality. This is a prevention of the subconscious: in reality you underestimate someone from your ill-wishers. He is stronger than you think, and can seriously harm you. Be vigilant and careful.
  6. If the insect crawled towards you, get ready to upset a little in real life because of some small trouble. True, you don't have to peel for a long time, because you quickly handle the problem and calmly continue to live on.
  7. And if you killed a bug in a dream, then in real life you are waiting for colossal profits and incredible success in money. Do not miss such a luck band - it will last long, and the next one will have to wait for several years.
  8. The authors of this dream book also believed that the insect was a symbol of hard work and rationality. Therefore, sleep may mean only the fact that a person has rebuilt and he needs time to relax and restore forces for new achievements.

Check the video on the topic:


  • You can analyze your sleep on interpretation from different dreams. But try to choose predictions not mechanically - listen to intuition. It will help you choose the surest forecast.
  • Beetles are often a symbol of money, circumstances or people. But not random, but those that are found in the dream of a dream constantly. The correct sleep analysis will help to understand what exactly needs to pay attention.
  • Drive the dream diary and write down your dreams every day, so that with time to learn how to quickly express them. In night visions, secret signs are always hidden to pay attention to.

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