Slavic horoscope: distinctive features, signs with description


Our Slavic culture, customs and traditions were diluted by many overseas things. Over time, they have grown so closely into our lives that now we are no longer separating them, perceiving as something quite familiar to themselves.

For example, we all know the signs of the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope, but not everyone knows that the Slavic horoscope originally existed is an invalid zodiac calendar of our Slavic culture. More about him I want to talk in this material.

Slavic horoscope by date of birth

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The Slavs had two versions of the Slavic beast horoscope:

  • The first is based on the year of appearance;
  • The second is the basis of the birth and a month of birth.

The first version - a separate article on the site is devoted to the Slavic horoscope for birth. And now we will focus on the second version.

Slavic signs of the zodiac

Our ancestors are Slavs just like the Chinese, created and used their horoscope of living beings. The time of his appearance is the same distant antiquity.

By analogy with the eastern calendar, in the old Slavonic horoscope also had 12 animals. They influenced the characteristics of the nature and behavior of a person, could partly predetermine his fate.

And all these animals we know well (in contrast to Chinese tigers and dragons), they live on one territory with us. In the Old Slavic horoscope by the date of birth, the division occurs on the same principle as in the eastern lunar calendar, - each year of the lunar cycle patronizes his living creature.

Now let's start studying the horoscope itself.

Bear (December 10 - January 9)

The Bear is a strong, harsh sign that does not know fear, but does not show arrogance. Although he got the role of the owner of the forest, he could not become the king of the beast kingdom. Why? All the fault of his immense taciousness.

Similar features of character: Love and vulnerable, endowed with everyone who was born in the specified period. They do not like a rush, they are distinguished by the tranquility, balanced by the psyche, and more - kindness and patientity.

True, we do not advise them to test them: not everyone knows, but the bulky bear is capable of developing the speed faster than a race horse. And he even will infeit the moose and will incur his front paws, hears the smell of mouse mink out of the solid layer of the earth and remove the mouse faster than the most agile cat will say "meow".

However, the bear earned the title of the owner of the forest by no means because of his strength and dexterity. Although he has incredible power - at the same time very simple, careless, condescendingly refers to those who weaker it, and is not offended by the little things. Yes, and he himself needs not so much for complete happiness: a delicious honey, cozy thickets of raspberries and warm bergogus for the winter.

Wolverine (January 10 - February 9)

Wolverine causes hostility from other animals, they do not want hunters with her. She acts as a tary defender of its territory, jealously controls everyone the stranger serving to her, not allowing it to settle on her land.

Persons that appeared in the marked numbers, more than others establish public interest above their. They are crazy about their family: family parties are engaged in maintaining their traditions and customs.

Rosomak not like public life, open spaces. It shows a critical attitude towards himself, always perceives itself adequately, is not inclined to egoism or egocentrism. And still very carefully monitors his mink, appearance.

Wolverine do not like, but respect

This animal, although he did not deserve universal love, but forces himself to respect himself, bowed to his mind and courage even his ill-wishers. Yes, and you can not find in the forest of those who have experienced hatred for her: after all, it always acts on the Code of honor, does not behave.

Raven (February 10 - March 9)

Raven is a wise bird, a lot of things knowing and understanding. Those who relate to this sign of the Old Slavonic horoscope by date of birth can be correct to solve any vital problem. While other people spend on a solution much more forces and time. Crow has more intuition more developed than logic: he understands everything that is happening, but cannot clarify those around it logically.

In very rare situations, the crows manage to become a ruler. It is determined by the fact that the representative of this sign receives a very far vision of what is happening, is able to foresee the emergence of various problems that are able to cope. But the decision is already the degree of responsibility not only for your person, but also for your surroundings. And the crows like more to decide for myself, plus he often faces universal misunderstanding.

When, very rarely, the bird manage to be upstairs, then just because it prefers to be silent about his visions so as not to be accepted for the crazy.

In the main mass of Raven there is a slowness, inner tranquility, does not like to fuss. He will foresee everything that happens that when she wanted to enjoy an apple, will not hurry for what to roll along the road, and immediately will be flown there, where it stops.

Ermine (March 10 - April 9)

Ermine is a little animal with a huge inner force. It he has so much that she begins to just get out. Overflow its diverse ideas, solutions, novelty. He accounts for profits from a long distance, but heavily needs moral support from his environment.

Gornostai do not sit in one place, constantly staying in a state of movement. And even if you suddenly find it with real estate - this is a sign that the beast is engaged in thinking of new ideas, plans, although it may seem that it is simply relaxing.

Such people are distinguished by unshakable faith in themselves, in their right: they are not disturbed by the norms and rules of the surrounding world. They believe that they benefit the world, helping others, which is generally true. In addition, representatives of the starshind is inherent in the pronounced gift to convince. They manage to inspire hundreds of people the magnificence of their ideas.

Get used to them enthusiastically (their dexterity, agility, as well as honest and noble actions). And in reality, as a rule, the mountaineee people in their nature are deprived of a pendant, very responsive, if necessary - will help.

Toad (April 10 - May 9)

The frog stands, for sure, the most amazing creature in the entire Slavic animal horoscope by date of birth: it lives both in the aquatic element and on earth. And even more - she is able to dwell in the forest, on trees.

Thanks to such an amazing adaptability, those who saw the world during the boards of toad can choose for themselves and simple work, and take a high state post, to be a manager. They also give to the conquest of art, literature, science.

A frog acts as a born optimist - nothing frustrating her, she never falls into a state of despondency. But there is also a reverse side of the medal: the toads feel comfortable everywhere, so they occasionally strive for the better. In the depths of the soul, they can realize that it is able to achieve great success, but consciously decide that "they are so good." Therefore, remain in one place.

Toad - remains in one place

The surrounding people like such people for their beautiful soul hidden under the unwashed externally skirt. But the frog itself is not very willing to converge with new people, as it does not trust them. She got used to work a lot, constantly experiencing emotions, bright, sincere, does not charge offenses on others, possesses a "sharp tongue."

Grasshopper (May 10 - June 9)

The grasshoppers are more than all other representatives of the Slavic horoscope, do not like to demonstrate their weakness, defeat, problems. On the contrary, he will constantly sing, straighten his wings and worship under the rays.

The grasshopper causes the surrounding positive emotions, he is incredibly light on the rise. And even if he deals his own inner horror from each new jump, he will still jump, straighten his wings and fly to new and new places.

Of course, it is great for him that everything new is fraught with great dangers: terrible beasts, for example, predatory spiders, but the glade can also be caught, on which juicy grass, sweet berries grow. Representatives of the sign Kuznechik like risks and master everything unknown.

And about the fact that he is very scared, he will not tell anyone, except for the closest environment, most often - his mother. It is some of these men who are often referred to as "Mamienician Sons." But they do not demonstrate their experiences clearly, almost no one else suspects about them.

People perceive grasshoppers like careless, cheerful creatures that get everything in life easily, without applying special efforts, new connections are easily raised, possess a lot of friends, to gossip.

In addition, people of this sign are distinguished by nonsense, low hard work, are accustomed to grab the different classes that are not brought to the end. On the other hand, the impexable grasshopper has time for its more organized comrades, since many abandoned cases later completes successfully in the shortest possible time.

Hamster (June 10 - July 9)

The hamster is a small but very funny animal: almost 9 months of the year spends in a dream, and the rest of the time it shows supernatural activity.

People belonging to the sign of a hamster - from the nature of workaholics, which can work and dinner, and Nosno, without knowing sleep and mercy. True, it does not always happen, namely during activity.

And then they lose their strength, fall, having dried the tongue, and very long restored. Try everything to do everything quickly, hastily, if you see the goal - they want to come to her as soon as possible. For them, it is important to obtain a quick result in any kind of activities.

The surroundings cause sympathy due to their kindness, calm and good nature. When the "recession" occurs, the hamster goes to a well-deserved rest, to come to himself. He acts as a reliable friend, the company's soul, excellent family man, but not too good employee: loves everything to postpone until the last moment, and then run like a crazy.

Ravdals (or snail) (July 10 - August 9)

It is distinguished by special sensitivity and ability to empathy. Ravril feels other people with their experiences, an internal state of energy.

True, this supervisoryity also has a reverse side: the sign of the sign first gives all the others, and then realizes that he has left with anything, and begins to save the insult to the whole world. He does not understand that it was only his desire to give everything, and other people think differently and behave differently.

Because of his innate altruism harms, first of all, himself. Often suffers from different complexes, trying to "hide in his sink", only careful looking out from there, but not making any active actions.

Ravrik - often hiding in her sink

Very often, people-snail prefer to live in the illusory world, in which they feel much more comfortable than in harsh reality. But to communicate with them - the present pleasure! After all, increased susceptibility allows them to quickly read the state of their protege, plus they avoid rudeness, are always ready to help in a difficult situation.

In addition, Ravbet is smart, however, almost never earns on its intelligence. No one else can be able to invent an imaginable reality, fantasize, although it becomes often the main problem of such personalities.

Ant (August 10 - September 9)

Perhaps, perhaps, the only creation of not afraid of processing. It is extremely rare that ants are in a state of inaction. People born at the specified time, all the time constitute plans for the future, show enviable perseverance, always perform everything that they have conceived.

Always the ant works, it works, even in the case when its efforts are perceived in the form of aimless wandering. It never allows himself to feel fatigue, seeks to do more and more than the former. Thanks to such listed qualities, it seeks a high assessment of others, respect, but, on the other hand, it is often charged with the responsibilities that he should not do.

Such a person gets used to pulling everything and almost not complain. Of course, impressive natural diligence can not be noticeable, so often the Muravyov notices the leadership and increases them in office, which allows them to do a good career.

Khrushche (or May Zhuk) (September 10 - October 9)

No living being faces so many life metamorphoses as Khrushch. At first it is born as a worm, the land is root, feeds on roots. Then he becomes a doll, and over time when his cocoon burst, young Khrushch appears on the light, which proudly plays his wings and flies towards the warm sun.

People-May beetles most of all are the fact that no one wants to listen to their life advice, does not believe them. Because of what the bulk of others surrounding and lives all their lives in the form of thick blind worms ...

Khrushch himself makes a good career, but only if it does not go to look for the truth, comprehend philosophy, not interested in religion and will not look for moral and ethical gates to loyal life.

In the family, such a person is realized not as much as in Socyum: it is difficult for him for household responsibilities, communication with children.

Beaver (October 10 - November 9)

Bobras - strong and pragmatic, and more wise and founded in life. The animal sought to achieve order and peace, so learned to create a dam, raising the water level in the streams and rivers. And while the rest of the creatures adapt under the weather conditions, the beaver - adapts the weather under itself, under the features of its nature and the routine of life.

Representatives of this sign of the Slavic-Aryan horoscope by date of birth everything is carried out slowly, with peace of mind and confidence. They often face envy of others, but not everyone can live as life as they. After all, Beaver knows and knows how much.

Beaver adapts life to himself

While all the animal kingdom in fear is saved from thunderstorms or forest fires, Bobur simply jumps into his underwater insidency, where there is a real catastrophe for others.

People have a sign there is one amazing ability - they are equipping their life so that everyone around feel safe, even if the apocalypse occurs. True, the animal and family troubles are seen with the same ease.

Pins (November 10 - December 9)

Pots are distinguished by loyalty and fearlessness. In the modern world, in which words often lose their meaning, only the dog is the only one who still keeps old canons of honor, manifests loyalty to the Word, never attacks lying. And let him be laughing at him and criticize for its old-fashionedness, he still will not retreat from his own principles.

For friends, it takes blind loyalty and never under the influence of change, no betrayal - will not cease to believe in people and protect them. Dog people act as interesting interlocutors, good advisers. They can trust whatever: finance, secrets, even their lives!

Protecting his loved ones and friends from trouble, the dog will not be afraid of a knife or power and is ready to even sacrifice himself, if only everything was fine with them. PSAM is much more important to act on conscience than adhere to laws - alone today and completely others tomorrow.

Such a person does not try to make a career, although it is often implemented as a businessman, politician, manager - after all, even the enemies are confidential about it.

So characterizes living beings on a horoscope using the date of appearance. Have you noticed similarity with you, your temper, behavior? Be sure to read the article about the Slavic Horoscope for years on the site.

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