How is the rite of walling


My nephew decided to marry, and a huge number of questions appeared, because I want to do everything according to the rules. I thought for a long time how to hold a walling rite. Still in our culture there are ancient traditions and rites, whose goal is to rally loving hearts and combine two families: the bride and groom.

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Found a lot of different and interesting information that helped organize all the event without unnecessary experiences. I want to tell how it is better to win that you need to take into account and how to competently organize this important event.

What do you need walling

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The rite goes to their roots far into the past and is one of the most important and serious. Without the consent of the parents of the bride and their blessings, it was not accepted to decide on the wedding and begin preparations for a solemn event.

Watching in old days

It has been necessary, including all classes and segments of the population. Consisted of several stages. This is an organized event where everyone performed its role.

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  1. Dear people in the village or city could speak as a matchmaker. The number of people could be different. It was important to achieve the consent of the bride to make marriage and continued.
  2. Often, for the role of the matchmaker, Swaha was invited and even servants of churches. Their goal was to present the bride and groom in the most advantageous light, to praise them in every way, show advantages and achievements (if the young were a little older). There was not talking about the disadvantages at all.
  3. The rite itself was conducted in the evening hours, after the sun rolled out. The groom, together with the match, drove to the house of the bride and went into it. Further, so that everyone understands, why appeared the bridegroom, he committed certain actions (in each area there are its traditions, for example, the opening of the door in the furnace).
  4. Parents or relatives have already understood what will happen further, and invited guests who arrived in the house. Then followed a serious thorough conversation of the father of the bride with the fiance. The role of his father could perform a senior man in the house, for example, an elder brother.
  5. At this time, the bride put a samovar and treats on the table, among which they put a loaf in many villages. At this time, the groom and matchmakers considered the bride and its role as a future hostess.
  6. Next, the matchmaker began talking about the bride and told about all his achievements, household, positive personal qualities, external appeal. It was important to talk about the amount of property and money. Also tried to find out what dowry would be from the bride.
  7. When parents agreed, only in this case the official matchmaker was appointed, where the parents of the groom were already being present. At the second stage, concrete deadlines and the organization of all marriages were observed.

Modern walling

Nowadays, few people come to the house of the bride in national costumes and on the top of the horses with Bubarens, and Samovar is far from everyone. Today, the matchmaker is the acquaintance of the parents of the bride and groom. But even in the modern world there are many traditions and customs.

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  • Before the rite of matchmaking the groom must necessarily learn about the tastes of the bride's parents and acquire gifts that will be pleasant. It is not recommended to choose cheap things. Still it is believed that this day the bridegroom should appear in all the brilliance in front of the relatives of the bride and show themselves in all its glory to get consent to marriage.
  • Shats take wine or other alcoholic beverages (solid), fruits and sweets. Be sure to give the bride, her mother and women bouquet of flowers.
  • The groom can give the bride jewelry on this day. Thus, he confirms the seriousness of his intentions and demonstrates it in front of his parents.
  • It is advisable for the role of the matchmaker to invite a person who is positively able to speak and merge guests. He must create a kind of mood and the atmosphere, which depends on whether parents will give their daughter for the groom or not.
  • The matchmakers should, as in the old days, tell about all the advantages of a young man, to own the language competently. You should not lean on alcoholic beverages and to behave is unleashed, because a serious question is hidden behind the cheerfulness: whether parents will want to give their consent to the marriage of his daughter.

Despite the mobility and fun, excitement, the rite of walling has many centuries have already had a fairly clear scenario, which should be adhered to that all the event go to successfully and smoothly.

Steps of walling

Here we will divide the entire process into two parts, as the bride and groom, as well as the parents of the bride and the matchmaker must fulfill their roles. And they are all very important.

The actions from the bride

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  1. The matchmakers should prepare and say a speech in which the groom is praised, its positive qualities. Do not forget to talk in detail about the strength of the love of a young man to the girl, about his honest and serious intentions and plans. It is important to remember all the achievements, you can briefly affect the financial question (perhaps the groom has a profitable business). Speech can be pronounced in prose, but some are prepared in verses.
  2. Just like in the old days, the bride should demonstrate itself as a hostess. The matchmakers may ask her to do (often in comic form) some tasks: treat tea, put the treat on the table and so on.
  3. In the presence of all guests and hosts, the bridegroom should publicly be asked by the hands of the bride's parents. At this point you need to be serious, absolutely sober. At this stage, the jokes, pathos and fun are inappropriate, because the fate of his daughter is solved, and parents are usually very worried at that moment.
  4. If parents agree, then you can proceed to the discussion of the wedding, when and how to conduct, and it will be appropriate to discuss financial issues.
  5. Shats must prepare several decent toasses, fun and festive. The specific situation should be taken into account, the social level of people. Remember that you can not relocate and even more so show disrespect for the elder generation.
  6. The wool can be like a native father and the godfather, any relative of the male, as well as a person who is a family friend. During the walling, the bridegroom must be silent and only to respond to questions of parents. According to the old Russian traditions, the discouragement and excessive fun are inappropriate.

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It will be appropriate during the whole event to take photos and video shooting. Subsequently, it will be possible to see the entire family matchmaker. Surely, after years, it will cause nostalgia and pleasant memories.

How to behave bride

Many are afraid of this day and are too worried. But this should not be done, since there are certain rules that should be followed.

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  • It is important that you have to loose on the table. If you doubt whether to bake a decent option, it is better to order in a bakery or buy ready.
  • Such a tradition should be adhered to: since ancient times, the bride as a sign of consent gave the shtami and the bridegroom. He subsequently did not use anymore anymore, but he hid and served as a guard for the future family. If you want to do everything according to the rules, then take care of this attribute in advance. Order in the finished version, although in some families, the towel is embroidered independently. This wonderful memory and value that can be transmitted from generation to generation.
  • It is also important to cover on the table, think over the menu. It is desirable that the best dishes are on the table. This will show the welfare of the bride and her family. You can learn in advance about the tastes of the woven and the groom. It will be not only the indicator of the ability to prepare and receive guests, but also a generosity indicator.
  • Once the matchmakers come to the house, then consent is not given from the threshold. First guests are invited to the table. Only after the bridegroom officially asks his hands, the parents of the bride give their consent to marriage.
  • The bride on this day you need to look modestly and calmly, be sure to care for your parents and guests, show what it is a good mistress. Despite the jokes and fun, the matchmaker carefully consider future daughter-in-law and make conclusions whether she can be an excellent wife and future mother.

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  1. Nowadays, not everyone spend walling. But this is actually a very important point. In the course of this event, the first serious acquaintance between the parents of the bride and groom, as well as rites and traditions allow us to visually see what young people and their families are.
  2. If all stages observe correctly, they will establish good and strong relationships between two families, which will allow you to easily easily plan the wedding and the future life of young.
  3. Between the matchmaker and the wedding passes from 3 months to a year. However, the deadlines can be reduced if the bride is pregnant or the groom goes into the army. From the date of the walling of the bride and groom acquire more serious status.

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  • Watching - an old Russian custom. He provides for the acquaintance of parents and an event, where the bridegroom officially asks the bride's hands from her parents. The official representative of the groom is Swat.
  • Since ancient times, walling helps to strengthen friendship and love between the family of the bride and groom. This celebration needs to be organized in advance and adhere to the basic rules.

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